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    Can Anything Else Live In A Malawian Cichlids Tank?

    I also have a CAE that has done well- a bit rough while he was smaller, but he has grown into his own. I use a giant danio to get the bottom dwelling mbunas to hang out in the top of the tank- seems to work. GL to ya!
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    I have breeding Demosani in my 55g, and they are definitely not the "dominators" in my tank. The male kenyii rules the roost in my setup. Fish have personalities just like peoples- sometimes they are evil and sometimes not. Everyone told me my Jewel cichlids would kill everything else- but...
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    Pics- 55g Planted Mbuna (mostly) Tank

    Well, in case anyone was wondering I thought I would give some more info on this tank. I have had a hell of a time getting plants growing in this tank. Everyone told me that cichlids would eat everything I put into it- and after a year of messing with it- I would say that is partially true...
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    Pics- 55g Planted Mbuna (mostly) Tank

    I love looking at other peoples' pics so I finally took some of my own now that I got a digi camera- here they are. I don't have a back on the tank right now- hope to fix that soon. Below is a full tank view- the flash kind of washes out the color. Here is one without the flash so you can...
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    Will Baby Be Ok?

    This is one of those questions without a good answer- sorry gaz. Sometimes they will make it at the size you describe and sometimes they won't. Moving them (if you have a lot of rockwork/hiding places) is a PITB when they are that small and causes a lot of stress to the whole tank generally. I...
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    Minimum Tank Size?

    I had about 8 cichlids in a 20 gallon (demosani- yellow labs, kenyii, zebra) but moved them to a 60 gallon when they reached 2 inches- it was getting tight even with a lot of rock. They were all about one inch or less when purchased and only took a couple of months before it was obvious I...
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    Open View Tank

    My tank is about a foot from a yellow (ugh i know) wall that is very well lit- have no problems with cichlids not having a blacked out section (no backing on the tank). There may be some problems with that much motion around more shy fish since you will be "behind" the tank more than I- but my...
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    Fish I.d Please

    I would also guess the pseudotrophecus lambordi (commonly called kenyii or kenyi). I've had two since they were an inch long and that was how the male looked as he matured (although he started blue and eventually became almost solid yellow while the female stayed a grayish blue). edit- my...
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    Natural Sponges

    That's exactly what i did Dragon. I squeezed these sponges out weekly just to prevent any rot, but found a bit of debris (sponge frags) every time i did this. I got rid of the sponges when i moved my cichilds from their patheitic 20 g to my current 60 g. I think if you use them as bacteria...
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    Malawi 10g

    It's certainly possible- but i was keeping 4 of these fish in a 20 gallon high, before i moved them to their new 60 gallon home and have had no problems with aggression. These are small fish of course 1.5 inch females (i beleive) and the single 2 inch male. Their aggression is negligable...
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    Whats poisonous

    Yes, it's unlikely- i just wanted to point out that poison is not neccessarily the biggest risk in a FOWLR tank, and that wearing gloves and /or proper washing of your skin / gloves will make any poison or bacterial risk almost nil :)
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    How many WCMM in 10g ?

    I also added two amano shimp- and several live plants- im loving it :)
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    Seachem Flourish

    Well, there were 4 changes in the environment that week, and i was just trying to narrow down the problem. The Seachem has a (IMO ridiculous) small amount of copper and so i was worried that that was what killed it. The SeaChem Flourish has 0.0001% copper. I doubt this was the real problem...
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    Just curious to know

    Hey, I know i would be glad to help you identify the fish you are interested in from just a description (as would others on this forum). A picture would be best, but you do what you can :) I am certainly not an expert, but with a description i can usually point to the most likely species...
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    Malawi 10g

    Call me an idiot- but the Demosani only grows to 3 inches (in my experience a male as the females seem smaller). I would think you could keep three or four of these fish in a 10g if it had adequate rockwork and you got ONLY ONE male... Just an idea. I find fish don't do well with...
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    Seachem Flourish

    My red crab died the very next day after adding one capful (5ml) as directed to my 60 gallon planted malawi tank. There were no warnings on the bottle about inverts and my mystery snails seem to be doing ok as do all the fish (mbunas).
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    are all the "rules" really important?

    LOL- i like trolls- any recommendation on what size tank to keep them in? Its brackish water right? Anyway- i am new enough to fishkeeping not to be able to recognize a troll right away. What was it that alerted you this time? The intense lack of caring for the fish well-being or the...
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    are all the "rules" really important?

    Hehe- of course i would love to set up an "all- natural biotope" but the fact is we can only do so much... and most of us dont like to see our fish become prey. I am lucky enough to have stream on my 5 acres and so i have that. My fish tanks are purely for the enjoyment of fish and plant...
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    what would you put in a 10,000g tank?

    I would never be able to put anything in a tank that size :( you would need 100k watts of lights for the coral :P
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    are all the "rules" really important?

    Lol- that eskimo would NOT be happy and certainly wouldn't breed :P He could also not wear his best colors... :P :D :D
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    How many WCMM in 10g ?

    If you want something a bit more interesting- i have 8 WCMM and 2 Kuhli loaches in my 10 gallon planted tank. They get along just fine and are both cool water fishes.
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    Whats poisonous

    While that is true in general, it is not always the case if you read those articles i linked to earlier. Just simple LR can lead to AMPUTATIONS if you get unlucky on what grows there. It is RARE, but something you should consider. There are also several species of corals that can "spit" water...
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    are all the "rules" really important?

    Fish "shoal" to avoid predators in the wild. If there are no predators in the tank, you might help alleviate their nerves when you bump around the tank... but the behavior no longer serves a real purpose even if it is instinctive. I hear many people say "You should try to provide the closest...
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    Just curious to know

    The petsmart near me has a tank named "African Cichlids" as well. Your best bet is to go surfing around online fish stores and looking at pictures until you can identify the ones in that tank (it isn't that hard usuallly). The ones they keep in petsmart in the african tank are kennyi...
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    Whats poisonous

    Poison is probably not the most dangerous thing in your reef aquarium for an average saltwater fish or FOWLR tank. The bacteria in many LR can mess you up quite badly though- don't put your hands in the tank if you have open wounds- or use some type of plastic gloves. Of course corals and many...
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    Natural Sponges

    No answer yet here- Dragonscales- i also beleive that the benefit from these sponges comes as a medium for bacteria since the sponges themselves are long dead by the time i had introduced them. I was wondering if there were any known harmful effects associated with leaving natural (dead)...
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    sand question

    Well, i didn't include this because i am not sure if it was just a defective filter or not. But the FIRST batch of sand i used i only cleaned about 6 times and figured the brand new paguin 150 i had bought would clean out the gunk. The tank was VERY cloudy as i hooked up the filter. The...
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    Adding Bogwood?

    Boiling the wood can help with the color problem. Boil it for about ten minutes- remove the water- rinse and repeat about 4 times. It will ruin the pot you use unless you are prepared to scrub the HELL out of it. No teflon coatings is my advice here- use a straight metal pot.
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    sand question

    I'm probably crazy:P But i did not let my sand settle more than 2-3 seconds before dumping the milky crud. I probably got some crappy sand (which is why i included the name brand). I used a 4 gallon bucket with about 4 inches of sand at the bottom (about 1/4- 1/5 of the height of the...
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    Natural Sponges

    I had a couple of natural sponges laying around in an old hermit crab cage - i think my smoking killed the crabs :(. They are about half fist sized and i thought that while my tank was a bit overcrowded (waiting for the larger to arrive) i would throw them into the tank as a media for the...
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    sand question

    i bought a 50 lb bag of quikcrete playsand for $3.49 american dollars. While it is a nice substrate- it took me about 3 hours to wash HALF of the bag. There is a LOT of dirt and small crap that causes the water to be very cloudy at 10+ washes. I got enough for my needs, but i have...
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    They count- but not as much as regular fish is my understanding. My reading indicates they leave less waste, however they do take up space- which is also important. Depending on the tank- territory can be a valuable commodity. I have not heard of any rules of how to count them towards your 1...
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    Psudo Luwala?

    edit- removed... I lost one of the yellow labs due to Hexamita (I think- it stopeed eating and developed a hole behind the pectoral fin- then died one night) but the rest have survived the move to a new 60 gallon tank (the 125 fell through unfortunately). I will be adding fish to establish...
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    Psudo Luwala?

    Thanks for your advice Freddyk- it fits with my observations. One of the most common pieces of advice i have seen is to "overstock" your cichlid tank and also overfilter it. This i have done, but it's quite obvious to me that 10 cichlids and a few small inverts cannot be kept in a 20 g tank...
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    Ghost shrimp and fry?

    I've heard both sides of it, but i would guess that the main difference between aggressive shimp that will eat fry and those that won't is a combination of proper identification of your shrimp (which is difficult and i won't even try) and the water temperature. They seem to get more aggressive...
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    Any crabs that get along with fish?

    You can usually tell also by the shape of the underside carapace i beleive- but i have not bothered to sex mine as it is the only crab around. I pretend it's a he, but it's all good. I just didn't wan't to give the impression that i knew anything relating to sex that caused or reduced...
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    Psudo Luwala?

    Hey Ferris, I meant to say thank you for your info- but i was a bit embarrased that i couldn't find this info on my own :whistle: You seem to be one of the really knowledgeable posters around these forums and i thank you for the reply! They are definatley Acei. I am keeping them with 3...
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    Snail problems

    My girlfriend has a 1 gallon betta tank (which i made her buy because the coffee cup size she had before made me upset- even if its ok for the fish). We also bought it one small plant and that sucker has spawed about 3 snails so far. Got the "Had a Snail" treatment since the snails seemed to...
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    apple snail has a lot about snail behavior. Snails lying dormant for days is not unusual in my limited reading. The smell test is certainly reliable as all dead things will eventually stink. Until then i wouldn't worry too much since dormancy (especially during the day) is not unusual.
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    Any crabs that get along with fish?

    So far my red crab gets along very well with my completely overcrowded cichlid tank full of psuedotropeus type fish at 1- 1.5 inches. I was concerned at first that the crab would eat them- but the real problem is keeping the crab in the tank as he loves to climb up the heater and filter hoses...