How many WCMM in 10g ?


Fish Crazy
Feb 17, 2005
Reaction score
Nowhere, Mississippi
I recently moved my five White Clouds from a 2 gallon Critter Keeper tank into a nice 10g "real" tank. They seem quite happy, but the tank looks a little bare.

There isn't much that I can put in with them, since the tank is not heated. The best bet, I think, is to increase the White Cloud numbers. How many more do you think?

Are there any other fish that would do well in an unheated White Cloud tank?
When I've asked in the betta forum what could I keep with my betta, several members here indicated white cloud mountain perhaps you could get a betta for your tank.

Or you could add a couple more WCMM's.
LifeBear said:
Are there any other fish that would do well in an unheated White Cloud tank?
pentazona barbs or golden barbs, although I feel 10g maybe pushing it (stock wise)
I'd go with a betta :thumbs:
Personally, i feel a lightly stocked tank is a healthy tank, i'd leave just the 5. They'll grow a bit so it wont look as bare in there
Heterandria formosa - the mosquito fish - would work as a trio. They stay just under 1" and can tolerate low temperatures quite well. Don't confuse them with the larger-growing, more aggressive gambusia affinis - the western mosquito fish.

If your tank is well oxygenated and there is a strong current and, prefferably, some algae and rounded 'river rocks', you may want to consider a hillstream loach.

There are also some killis, such as the american-flag fish (2.5-3", stick to a single one in your tank), that can also tolerate lower temperatures and don't grow large. I wouldn't trust them with long-finned fish though they aren't usualy particularly nippy. They are just a little unpredictable - though beautiful and full of character - they remind me of a mini-cichlid/platy cross with some gourami characteristics mixed in.
I vote betta, ghost shrimp, or 2-3 adf's. Or keep just 5 white clouds and add a bunch of plants.
If you want something a bit more interesting- i have 8 WCMM and 2 Kuhli loaches in my 10 gallon planted tank. They get along just fine and are both cool water fishes.
Several of the fish mentioned are true tropical fish. They will not be happy in cold water. How cold does your unheated tank get in the winter months - I realise Mississippi is fairly warm, but there are limits.

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