Minimum Tank Size?

Commander Cool

Fish Fanatic
Aug 13, 2006
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I have a spare 10 gallon tank that has been cycled and is ready for fish. I really want some Cichlids (african most likly) but I am not sure if 10 gallons is large enough. I only need like 1-2 but I am also not sure if you need more then that or if 1 is ok. I have a 15 gallon tank also but that is my established tank and I don't want to move those fish to make room for cichlids. As soon as I get enough money I will buy a 55 gallon but that will not be for a little while and I was hoping I could put other species besides cichlids in there. Do I have any options if I only want to use the 10 gallon for cichlids?
I could not find either of those on the website I usually look at and I know they do not have those at my local Petco. Do you know of a website I can buy these from?
I currently have 2 demasoni in a 10G and 3 saulosi in a different 10G they do fine they have been in there for a bout a month and these guys are fully grown. I have but rainbow sharks in with my cichlids thats been the only thing to survive them although their are some other algae eating fish that you can put in with them but i really think you looking for other colorful active fish to put in with them aren't you?
Demasoni in a 10 Gal??? :S
Well so far I've been hearing that cichlids need larger then a 10 unless I go for the dwarf ones. I'm going to my petstore tommorrow to make sure they don't have any small ones. If they don't then I will prolly just forget about cichlids until I get a 55 gallon.
I currently have 2 demasoni in a 10G and 3 saulosi in a different 10G they do fine they have been in there for a bout a month and these guys are fully grown. I have but rainbow sharks in with my cichlids thats been the only thing to survive them although their are some other algae eating fish that you can put in with them but i really think you looking for other colorful active fish to put in with them aren't you?

Good grief! I suppose the rainbow sharks were in a 10 gal too?! I hope you are trolling but I fear that you are serious. Please do some basic research on these fish you are keeping.

When someone posts something as ridiculous as this, someone has to call them on it.
Well so far I've been hearing that cichlids need larger then a 10 unless I go for the dwarf ones. I'm going to my petstore tommorrow to make sure they don't have any small ones. If they don't then I will prolly just forget about cichlids until I get a 55 gallon.

I had about 8 cichlids in a 20 gallon (demosani- yellow labs, kenyii, zebra) but moved them to a 60 gallon when they reached 2 inches- it was getting tight even with a lot of rock.

They were all about one inch or less when purchased and only took a couple of months before it was obvious I needed a bigger tank. If you can't commit to 50 gal or bigger within 2 mo. I'd say don't buy 'em.

Of course there are probably some smaller species that could do ok in a 10 gal- but not many - and not many fishes either. And of course moving fish is always stressful- if you can avoid it- that is the best solution unless there is something really wrong with the fish.
Good grief! I suppose the rainbow sharks were in a 10 gal too?! I hope you are trolling but I fear that you are serious. Please do some basic research on these fish you are keeping.

When someone posts something as ridiculous as this, someone has to call them on it.

LMAOOO I like griz already!!!!!!

welcome to the "their so :-( meannnnn" club!!! :D

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