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  1. Geordie Paul

    Most effective snail for plant decay

    What I do for my dead leaves is usually just stuck them out with my gravel vac. I do have Bladder snails but they don't eat that much because they are pretty small. But they will eat small amounts of decaying plants.
  2. Geordie Paul

    Kuhli Loach identification

    Also he's in a 35 long aquarium with 3 other normal striped Kuhli's
  3. Geordie Paul

    Kuhli Loach identification

    Does anyone know what type of Kuhli Loach this guy is? He's always just had a blue/grey body with no stripes. I've had him for over a year now and still unsure. He's very healthy and comes out to eat every day. Any thoughts?
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  7. Geordie Paul

    Rainbowfish Sexing

    Thank you very much
  8. Geordie Paul

    Rainbowfish Sexing

    Hey guys this is my Turquoise Rainbow (Melanotaenia lacustris). I've had him for 13 months now and I'm pretty sure he's male but he never really developed that small face and large back like other males I have seen. What do you think, male or female? (I couldn't get him to swim under the light...
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  12. Geordie Paul

    Pregnant guppy gave birth to only 4 fry

    My guppy first had only 4 fry, then she had 8, then she had 15. She'll most likely have more next time. She may have eaten some as well. Keep her well fed it takes lots of energy to give healthy birth.
  13. Geordie Paul

    Corys whiskers and gravel - Truth or Myth

    Ok here's my honest opinion. I don't think gravel is good for the barbs of some species of Cory's. I have 5 sterbai on gravel and they've all lost their barbs unfortunately. However they are still healthy and have been living fine without their barbs for well over a year now. I also have a small...
  14. Geordie Paul

    Tankmates for betta

    A trio of Celestial Pearl Danios or male endlers would probably be fine. I've kept them with multiple different bettas. I'd say no to small shrimp. They might peck at baby snails, but probably won't eat them. Nerite snails work well with bettas though.
  15. Geordie Paul

    Algae or Moss identification

    Does anyone know what exactly this is growing in my plants? I've been removing some every 3 days or so and it grows back as expected. It's not doing any harm just wondering what it is and if it can be beneficial. Not sure if it's a Moss or type of algae, but It's very green and stringy.
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  18. Geordie Paul

    14 Gallon tank stocking idea

    I have 3 in a 16 gallon and 5 in my 35 and they are usually always out as well lol
  19. Geordie Paul

    14 Gallon tank stocking idea

    You should be fine, the loaches love to hide and don't take up much space in the tank. The other fish probably won't even notice they are there most of the time! Just change 30-40% of the water once a week and you'll be fine.
  20. Geordie Paul

    friend got betta ,probably not ready for it

    Ya Anubis or Java fern will be good!
  21. Geordie Paul

    friend got betta ,probably not ready for it

    Lots of people will say a betta needs 5, but you you take the proper care and tank matinence, they'll do just fine in a 3.
  22. Geordie Paul

    New 200L tank - where to start?

    I meant the barbules on the face of the Corys not barbs the fish haha. But I would recommend the fluorite substrate. However it may damage the barbules on the Corydoras, as it did with some of mine but they are still doing fine after 3 years. But the substrate does do very well with plant...
  23. Geordie Paul

    friend got betta ,probably not ready for it

    Good size for a Betta. Just make sure he has a filter if he doesn't want to change the water every 3 days. With a filter he could get away with a 50% water change every 10 days.
  24. Geordie Paul

    New 200L tank - where to start?

    The substrate depends on what's going to be on the bottom. If you plan on having bottom feeders with barbs like Corydoras then sand is the best option. But if you are looking at plants I recommend the black fluorite substrate. Your plants will grow great in that. Just be sure to rinse it lots...
  25. Geordie Paul

    Stocking ideas!

    If your barbs aren't nipping at the guppies tail that's a good sign hopefully they wouldn't do it when you add new fish. I'd recommend adding a BN pleco. I'm not sure angels would be the best idea with tiger barbs. I'd rather something like harlequin rasboras. They don't have as much fin to be...
  26. Geordie Paul

    ID a young Pleco

    I would say either a green spotted bristlenose or a starlight bristlenose. If the white streaks on the end of the top fin and tailfin become more visible with time then I'd say it's a starlight for sure. It's a bit hard to tell now because it's a juvenile.
  27. Geordie Paul

    Help! Cory struggling to move and falling on its side

    Aw I'm sorry to hear. It sounds like it was starving from the store. Nothing you dould do. As for food, I have about 4 different kinds for my Corys. But out of them all they love the Fluval Bug Bites bottom feeder formula the most. If you can't find it at your fish store I ordered mine on Amazon...
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  29. Geordie Paul

    14 Gallon tank stocking idea

    You can add some kuhli loaches for bottom cleanup they are one of my favorite fish! They are long lived and don't produce very much waste and get along peaceful with all other community fish. Just make sure some food gets down to them. In a 14 gallon I'd add 2-3 if it's something you are...
  30. Geordie Paul

    Help! Cory struggling to move and falling on its side

    How long have you had the Cory for? It looks really thin. I feed mine twice a day. Those little guys love to eat and you want them to have fairly round bellies and look somewhat plump especially the females. Sometimes they are starving from the fish store and there is nothing you can do. When...
  31. Geordie Paul

    friend got betta ,probably not ready for it

    What size is the tank? Tell him to use water conditioner if he's adding the fish right away. Hopefully he had the aquarium setup in advance though. If there is no filter or airstone or water movement the tank will get really gross fast especially under an LED.
  32. Geordie Paul

    Little holes in my plant

    Definitely a potassium deficiency I'd say. I've had this problem with my Anubis
  33. Geordie Paul

    New Clown Pleco -Is it healthy?

    Bushynose plecos are more up my alley, but it's difficult to say from the pictures. Only time will tell and the females will stay fairly small. So if it doesn't grow super fast it's probably female!
  34. Geordie Paul


    Your aquarium store should have bottles that drop the PH just make sure you talk to someone and buy the right one. The driftwood does help over time and an airstone wouldn't hurt either. Also distilled or reverse osmosis water has a Ph of 5-7.
  35. Geordie Paul

    New Clown Pleco -Is it healthy?

    Looks fine to me! Plecos love to eat so feed it twice a day and if it eats and poops regularly then it's fine. I feed mine the Bug Bite pleco formula by fluval
  36. Geordie Paul

    Snail appeared in tank

    That's a Bladder snail. I like to have about 20 in my 40 gallon planted.
  37. Geordie Paul

    Ender fry

    The first batch is 2 months of 5 females. The second batch is 10 fry almost 1 month and the 3rd batch is 15 fry 2 weeks old. The last 2 batches are in a 3 gallon, will be moved to 15 gallon when big enough. I do water changes every day in the 3 gallon. I do keep the temperature for the fry...
  38. Geordie Paul

    Ender fry

    So I'm breeding my endlers, I've had 3 births so far, I'm at about 30 fry. I've noticed that all my fry so far are female. 5 are old enough to sex but the others are still too young but they do look female as well. Anyone know why I'm not getting any males? My water is very hard. Neutral PH. 77...
  39. Geordie Paul

    Help!!! Is my Cory Dying???

    No that's not usual cory behaviour. He may be near the surface trying to gasp for air. Most likely ammonia.
  40. Geordie Paul

    Malaysian trumpet snails and stem plants

    Be careful with those trumpet snails they can reproduce like crazy. I had to reset my 15 gallon a last year because they got out of control very fast. I recommend bladder snails, they are small and don't reproduce as much. They don't eat plants either. Just keep an eye on your population and if...