14 Gallon tank stocking idea


New Member
Dec 9, 2020
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United Kingdom’s
I recently set up and cycled a 14 gallon tank, and I have introduced 6 ember Tetras, and the plan was to add a Betta fish. I have decided against this as I don’t want to take the risk of this not working out.

I was thinking of maybe adding some Neon Green Rasbora’s (6-8) and maybe some cherry shrimp.

Should I get a couple more ember tetras eventually to make it 8, and then 8 of the Rasboras, or would this be too much for the tank? And I also if anyone had any other suggestions for the tank!
That sounds good. There is a balance between overstocking and correct stocking and these 2 species of tiny fish are in better health with larger shoals than 6 so correct stocking of 8-10 is more important than worrying about a slight over-stock. I have 15 ember tetras, they are lovely!
Thank you, appreciate the response. In all honesty, I can’t imagine this will be their permanent tank, however I don’t want to rely on getting a new tank and overstocking so glad to know it sounds alright.

I have been surprised by how much personality the ember tetras have, I did their first water change today and they wouldn’t leave the vacuum alone!
Is it possible to know the dimensions? length by width by height.

Also you pH and GH?

As an algae eater, maybe red cherry shrimp or amano shrimp could work. This would require weekly-10 day water changes as the fish will produce a lot of poop if you go for the school of 8-10 for each fish school
Is it possible to know the dimensions? length by width by height.

Also you pH and GH?

As an algae eater, maybe red cherry shrimp or amano shrimp could work. This would require weekly-10 day water changes as the fish will produce a lot of poop if you go for the school of 8-10 for each fish school
Yeah sure, it’s 60 x 30 x 30 cm.

My general hardness is around 6 so soft water, and my PH comes out about 7.4.

I am happy to do water changes atleast once a week as I have another tank that I do twice weekly so I would just line it up with one of these changes.
Good colourful picks would be very small fish such as neon tetra which can comfortably exist in a tank of that size and possibly smaller groups of slightly larger fish like cardinal tetras which should be kept in groups of at least 6 - 10 individuals .

Generally speaking taking care of the fish will be easier if you stick with fishes that it would live with in the wild and this fish is from the waters of South america which is usually the amazon river or it's extensions so keeping it with species from there excluding predatory fish like the predatory leaf fish and fish not predatory by nature but large enough to eat small fish.

I keep 15 rummynose tetras , 15 wild caught cardinal tetras , 4 marbled hatchetfish , 6 corydoras duplicareus catfish and 4 otocinclus catfish in a 39 gallon blackwater aquarium supposed to look their native waters in the amazon river(145 litres for you Europeans like me)

If you do decide to keep it with neon tetras and if they happen to be wild caught it can be necessary to put some roiboi tea in there to introduce tannins which are commonly present in their native enviroments and it can help induce breeding if the conditions are just right.

Of course the choice is yours whether to include that or not but I hope you learned something new at least.
Good colourful picks would be very small fish such as neon tetra which can comfortably exist in a tank of that size and possibly smaller groups of slightly larger fish like cardinal tetras which should be kept in groups of at least 6 - 10 individuals .

Generally speaking taking care of the fish will be easier if you stick with fishes that it would live with in the wild and this fish is from the waters of South america which is usually the amazon river or it's extensions so keeping it with species from there excluding predatory fish like the predatory leaf fish and fish not predatory by nature but large enough to eat small fish.

I keep 15 rummynose tetras , 15 wild caught cardinal tetras , 4 marbled hatchetfish , 6 corydoras duplicareus catfish and 4 otocinclus catfish in a 39 gallon blackwater aquarium supposed to look their native waters in the amazon river(145 litres for you Europeans like me)

If you do decide to keep it with neon tetras and if they happen to be wild caught it can be necessary to put some roiboi tea in there to introduce tannins which are commonly present in their native enviroments and it can help induce breeding if the conditions are just right.

Of course the choice is yours whether to include that or not but I hope you learned something new at least.
Sorry I didn’t reply sooner but thanks for the response really helpful going forward with the tank!
If you are to go with neons go with 8. That’s a good general number even though they do better in groups of 15+.

If you are to go with shrimp, red cherry shrimp or Amano shrimp would be a good idea. They stay relatively small RCS get to 2.5cm and amano shrimp get to 4cm
If you are to go with neons go with 8. That’s a good general number even though they do better in groups of 15+.

If you are to go with shrimp, red cherry shrimp or Amano shrimp would be a good idea. They stay relatively small RCS get to 2.5cm and amano shrimp get to 4cm
Great, I think I will go with the Neon Rasbora so will make sure to get 8.I would like to get a bigger tank soon to get about 15 of each as I think it would look great.

I have 10 red cherry shrimp in there at the moment as they stay small as you say. I think I will look to get a few more as they look great in the tank.
You can add some kuhli loaches for bottom cleanup they are one of my favorite fish! They are long lived and don't produce very much waste and get along peaceful with all other community fish. Just make sure some food gets down to them. In a 14 gallon I'd add 2-3 if it's something you are interested in!
You can add some kuhli loaches for bottom cleanup they are one of my favorite fish! They are long lived and don't produce very much waste and get along peaceful with all other community fish. Just make sure some food gets down to them. In a 14 gallon I'd add 2-3 if it's something you are interested in!
I do actually love this idea and really want to add some Kuhli loaches. My only concern is I had the 8 ember tetra and 10 cherry shrimp, and I gave today added 10 Kubotai Rasbora, so I’m worried 3 Kuhli Loaches would start to be too much for the tank.
The good thing about khulis is that they can be kept singly but a pair or group of 3+ is ideal for them.
That’s great to know, I always prefer keeping my fish In groups when possible because you get a lot more behaviour from them. If I can put 3 in my tank without stocking issues I think I will definitely do this, but I will check how my stocking level is before I do add anything.
That’s great to know, I always prefer keeping my fish In groups when possible because you get a lot more behaviour from them. If I can put 3 in my tank without stocking issues I think I will definitely do this, but I will check how my stocking level is before I do add anything.
Can you remind me on stocking again please? This is with all the fish in it.

Bear in mind khulis can get to 10cm so be careful how many you get.
Can you remind me on stocking again please? This is with all the fish in it.

Bear in mind khulis can get to 10cm so be careful how many you get.
Yes of course, so I have:
8x Ember Tetra
10x Kubotai Rasbkra
10x Cherry Red Shrimp

If 3x Kuhli would be too much, I think I will opt to add another 10 shrimp and then maybe leave it as it is for now.

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