Malaysian trumpet snails and stem plants

Oct 29, 2020
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My stem plants are fairly new. They’re doing terrific, showing new growth, rooting like crazy.

i never minded the MTSs, I love the idea that they churn the substrate as mine is very fine and the gravel vac sucks it up easily. That being said, most of the detritus sits on top and is easily cleaned by swirling above it.

but since I have several plants starting to root into the fine gravel, with a couple root tabs, will the MTS churn too much and disrupt the roots of my new plants? Or are they plant safe?

current stocking:
2 panda corydoras
15 neon tetras
2 nerite snails
Lots of Christmas moss
3 x anubias nana
4 x wisteria
2 x crypt wendtii
6 x red ludwigia
1 x corkscrew Val

Planned future stocking:

4 corydoras
3-4 Otto cats

will an MTS be beneficial in this setup, assuming they’ll make more to support the population?
MTS's will help your plants. They will not harm them. They keep the nutes moving through the substrate. They will not bother the fish either. Some fish may try to peck at them, but they will be fine. MTS's are very handy to have. Just don't overfeed the tank too often, or you'll have more than you prolly want...haha...
My stem plants are fairly new. They’re doing terrific, showing new growth, rooting like crazy.

i never minded the MTSs, I love the idea that they churn the substrate as mine is very fine and the gravel vac sucks it up easily. That being said, most of the detritus sits on top and is easily cleaned by swirling above it.

but since I have several plants starting to root into the fine gravel, with a couple root tabs, will the MTS churn too much and disrupt the roots of my new plants? Or are they plant safe?

current stocking:
2 panda corydoras
15 neon tetras
2 nerite snails
Lots of Christmas moss
3 x anubias nana
4 x wisteria
2 x crypt wendtii
6 x red ludwigia
1 x corkscrew Val

Planned future stocking:

4 corydoras
3-4 Otto cats

will an MTS be beneficial in this setup, assuming they’ll make more to support the population?
Be careful with those trumpet snails they can reproduce like crazy. I had to reset my 15 gallon a last year because they got out of control very fast. I recommend bladder snails, they are small and don't reproduce as much. They don't eat plants either. Just keep an eye on your population and if you see little tiny babies remove them asap!

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