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  1. K

    Good tankmates for dwarf frogs?HELP!!!!!

    3 inches is not a african is an african clawed and they will get big and eat lots of fish.
  2. K

    When are fry big enough?

    I know this has been asked before but I can't seem to find it. I have 7 guppy fry in a 2.5 gallon tank, they are almost 4 weeks old. When can I put them in the tank with adult guppies? I have a pregnant female right now should drop in about a week, can I put new fry in a tank with 5 or 6 week...
  3. K


    From what I've read, your frog CAN NOT be a dwarf IF he is albino or if he is webless. I would say you have a clawed frog who is a youngster. Give him time, he will grow. Dwarfs do not come in "albino" and they always have webs front and back.
  4. K

    does ich rot tails?

    It looks like salt on the body, and dandruff in the fins and tails.
  5. K

    does ich rot tails?

    It's not a good picture but maybe it will help. [[/IMG]
  6. K

    does ich rot tails?

    Today I suddenly notice that something was wrong with my penguin tetras. I originally thought it was ich, but now I am doubting myself. They look like they have white spots on them, but the longer I look, the more it looks fuzzy instead of grainy. Now I have noticed that 2 of them are missing...
  7. K

    newish tank

    My dalmation molly(Oreo) terrorized my fish so bad that I gave him to a friend with bigger fish and more mollies. I had hoped he would leave her fish alone, I was wrong. About 3 days after I gave him up he bullied the wrong fish, he got headbutted into the glass and died later that day. Oreo was...
  8. K

    Feeding ADF

    I feed mine "fish gumdrops", these are bloodworms frozen in the shape of gumdrops. I take a small bowl(custard cup, actually) and put about an inch of tank water in it, then I pop the "gumdrop" in there to thaw. When it's thawed(about 10 minutes) I use a turkey baster to put a few blood worms...
  9. K

    Is my ADF singing?

    Mine sing from underwater, and there is no "physical" signs of singing. You won't be able to see them sing. They can be very quite when they sing, it sounds like a flourecent light buzzing. Only males sing, you can tell if its a male if it has little white bumps in his armpits. If it is a female...
  10. K aquariums???

    My betta is in a 10 gallon tank, and the only time he flares at himself is when the tank lights are on and the room is very dark. The rest of the time he doesn't seem to see his reflection.
  11. K

    molly changed color

    I got a dalmation molly 5 or 6 weeks ago, now he is black. Has this ever happened to anyone else? Is this normal? Will he turn back? These are pictures of the SAME Molly taken about 6 weeks apart. Really, it is the same fish.
  12. K

    Betta with guppies?

    My betta and guppies get along great. The betta has never bothered anyone in my tank. I was warned about putting a betta with anything "prettier" than him, but it works for me.
  13. K

    Guppies..playing or sick?

    They eat well and seem to be healthy. I have not noticed anything weird about any of them except the one who died today, but I have been watching closely since the one died.
  14. K

    Guppies..playing or sick?

    I have noticed the last few days my guppies are playing in the current from the filter. I thought it was cute, I thought they were being playful, but I just read somewhere that fish that are swimming in the current might be sick. I had a guppy die this afternoon, he was acting funny for the last...
  15. K


    I am in Alaska, and I have 2 pregnant guppies. The babies will need homes because I don't have the tank space. If you are really interested, let me know. I am in Anchorage and I would guess we will have babies in the next couple weeks.