Guppies..playing or sick?


New Member
Mar 16, 2005
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I have noticed the last few days my guppies are playing in the current from the filter. I thought it was cute, I thought they were being playful, but I just read somewhere that fish that are swimming in the current might be sick. I had a guppy die this afternoon, he was acting funny for the last week, the rest of the fish seem healthy. Should I be worried? Are my guppies playing or are they sick? If this is a sign of illness, what is it and what can I do about it? I had my water tested about a week and a half ago and it was great. :dunno:
I have seen guppies do this before and I think they are just playing.

Just to be on the safe side though, are they displaying any other signs of illness? Are they still eating normally? any marks on them? etc
They eat well and seem to be healthy. I have not noticed anything weird about any of them except the one who died today, but I have been watching closely since the one died.

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