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  1. Blough

    Hello fellow fishy peoples!

    Welcome! What kind of fish do you keep?
  2. Blough


    I know you posted this awhile ago. Sorry I didn't get back to you, I haven't been on for awhile. The suggested minimum size for a betta is usually about 5 gallons. Regardless of what you may have been told at the fish store (LFS), there is no maximum size. What does your thermometer read...
  3. Blough

    What types of fish can I choose for my 20 gallon aquarium

    Has this tank been fully cycled? I'm not sure how experienced you are, so I thought I'd just make sure.
  4. Blough


    Hi! Welcome to the forum! We're happy to have you! Is that picture your betta? I did the same thing with mine. :) I have a couple of questions about your setup. If you don't mind my asking, how big is your tank? Do you have a filter & heater? Is your tank cycled? Do you have a testing kit?
  5. Blough

    Potential white spot...

    Until you're sure, we usually suggest holding off on medicine. Often just cleaning the water works wonders. It's been a couple days since you posted this, any updates?
  6. Blough

    Hi All

    Welcome! What kind of fish do you keep?
  7. Blough

    Hello Newbie here: Tom Falater

    Welcome! What kind of fish are you going for? Sunlight will likely cause algae growth, but if you're going to have very many algae eaters it won't be a problem. I have a tank in a south facing window that gets all kinds of sunlight. One common pleco takes care of most of the algae, and we still...
  8. Blough

    How To Adjust Water Temperature Slowly

    Do you have a heater? They'll get the water to temperature slow enough.
  9. Blough

    How To Raise Ph Level

    What kind of fish is Freddy?
  10. Blough

    Betta Identification Help Needed

    Because of the torn fin you should make sure to keep the water as clean as possible to avoid infection. He has an awesome assortment of colors, by the way.
  11. Blough

    My Cory Catfish Has A Red Stomach And Mouth

    I had this problem once, the gravel was too rough for them. I actually lost three fish because of this. They're very delicate, and prefer sand. If possible you should consider changing to sand substrate, or moving them to a tank with sand. Also, what does "perfect" mean? We'd prefer if you give...
  12. Blough

    You Haven't Seen Overstocked Until You've Seen This...

    Welcome to the forum, and the hobby! Is your tank cycled? Either way, you need to make sure you keep the water clean, goldfish are very messy and I have to agree that your tank is very overstocked. Is it possible to get a larger tank?
  13. Blough

    Happy Independence Day!

    Happy Independence day to you too!
  14. Blough

    What's Wrong With My Neon Tetra?
  15. Blough

    Dwarf Gourami

    Are these two others also dwarf gouramis? It's not recommended to keep that many dwarf gouramis in a tank that small. Maybe he was hurt due to some aggression.
  16. Blough

    White Particles Circulating In Tank

    Can you post some pictures?
  17. Blough

    Guppy Being Bullied Now Sick

    How big is your tank? I know that fish can get aggressive in a tank that is too small. What kind of tetras? Are you still in the process of stocking your tank? 3 mollies and 2 guppies is definitely not enough for a school, and it is suggested that you have at least six of most kinds of tetras. I...
  18. Blough

    What Gender Is My Betta?

    2.5 and 3.5 gallons are too small for one betta, much less two. I wouldn't put one in anything less than 5 gallons, 10 is better.
  19. Blough

    What Gender Is My Betta?

    What exactly do you have going on? How many tanks, how many fish, which fish in each tank?
  20. Blough

    Pleco Strange Injury

    It sounds like your tank isn't cycled, being the reason for the ammonia levels. A cycled tank should not have any detectable ammonia. I don't know if this is what is causing your issues with your pleco or not. You are now in a fish-in cycle, and with the tank being cycled we usually recommend...
  21. Blough

    My Female Molly's Tail Is Bent Downwards And She Doesnt Seem To Be

    Welcome to the hobby! I agree with what DeanoL83 said, but have some things to add. Bettas are not community fish, they prefer living in a solitary tank. They can get aggressive towards other fish with bright colors or big fins. It might be the betta attacking the molly that is causing the...
  22. Blough

    Mystery Pleco? Need Help Iding Him!

    I've often heard that 55 is big enough, so I think that 110 would be fine. I have a common pleco in a 120 gallon tank.
  23. Blough

    Mystery Pleco? Need Help Iding Him!

    Yup, he looks like a common pleco. The sooner you can get him in a suitable sized tank the better. 110 gallons would be big enough. Good luck.
  24. Blough

    Post Mortem - Need Help Preventing This Again

    Looks like dropsy to me, too. What are you water perimeters? I don't know if bad water can cause dropsy, but I do know that the cause of most fish problems are bad water.
  25. Blough

    Water Pump Question

    What were you planning on putting in it?
  26. Blough

    Goldfish And Gupiies/mollies...risk?

    I agree that your tank just isn't big enough for goldfish or koi. A common myth is that a fish will only grow to the size of its container, which isn't true. The truth is that a fish will die young in a container that is too small, rather then grow out of it. Before I knew what I was doing I had...
  27. Blough

    Cory Playing Dead

    So, I just moved him to the larger tank today where there are other corys, he's hiding in the decorations right now. I hope this makes him happy. Thanks for your help, guys.
  28. Blough

    Something White On My White Molly

    Welcome to the hobby, and to the forum You have put too many fish in a tank that is not cycled, which is a common mistake for those new at fishkeeping. I don't think lack of cycling is the reason for the white spots on the fish, but it might be the reason that your tetra died. Remember that...
  29. Blough

    Help! Cory Catfish Suddenly Dying.

    I agree that 3.5 gallons is too small for a betta, but 5-10 gallons should be enough. Upgrading would be a good idea if possible.   I'm glad your fishes are doing better, your betta is beautiful by the way.
  30. Blough

    Looking For Help

    Was it like that when you got it, or did it just develop?
  31. Blough

    Cory Playing Dead

    No air stone, but the filter oxygenates the water.
  32. Blough

    Cory Playing Dead

    I'm worried that if I move him to the other tank and whatever is wrong with him is infectious it could kill the other corys. I haven't seen him doing it for a few days, so I'll move him if it seems he's stopped. Thanks for your suggestion
  33. Blough

    Neon Tetras Disappearing

    I once lost a neon tetra and the common pleco ate the body. Maybe they died and your plecos are eating the corpses before you get a chance to find them.
  34. Blough

    Cory Playing Dead

    I have a false julii cory who is the last of his school. I've tried adding new corys, but they always seem to die within a week or two. I'd finally given up and I was planning on moving him to a larger tank with other corys because he's lonely. I was about to move him when I noticed him acting...
  35. Blough


    Please post this question in the "tropical fish emergency" section of the forum. I don't know how to help you, but you're more likely to find help there. I wish you luck with your gourami.
  36. Blough

    Fish Nightmares

    I once had a dream that my sister decided to put my betta fish in the community aquarium. It didn't end well.
  37. Blough


    A single betta in a ten-gallon is a low bio load, but its still better if you still do the fishless cycle. Its hard to tell just by looking how much a fish is suffering, and its better safe then sorry.
  38. Blough

    "electric Yellow" Cichlid Fin Rot

    The major thing to do is keep your water clean. Good luck.
  39. Blough

    Tank Mates

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that temperatures above 78 are a bit high for cories. I also believe that bettas don't need it higher then 78. If your going to do betta with cory I would personally suggest something around 75-76 degrees.