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  1. L

    Can You Cycle A New Tank With A Sponge Filter?

    Do you know anyone who keeps fish near you? You could cut some of their media size to help the cycling process.   Cycling products have varied success because they're generally unreliable products. If you have it, use it. :-)
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    Second Day Of Thunder, Second Day Of Birthing!

    For the past 48 hours i've been a stand-by midwife to my pregnant guppies.   They're the first batch since i restocked my tank. Last time, the rain brought destruction, loss of power, isolation and a lot of fish deaths; this time, it's giving birth to a new generation.   Just wanted to share.   =]
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    Appreciation Of Rummy-Nose And Lamp-Eye Tetra's!

    Here is fuzz pic of them, really active, hard to gert a great pic. Lovely colour!  
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    Appreciation Of Rummy-Nose And Lamp-Eye Tetra's!

    Hey!   They're absolutely amazing shoaling fish, anyone who is contemplating getting either really should; they won't be dissapointed!   Even in a non-incredibly planted tank, they don't seem stressed at all, can't wait the rest of the landscape in!   Will put some pictures up tomorrow, just...
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    Bettas Females Wanted

    MA have one shop in NI, Belfast. OP if you live near, i would recommend. After several changes of management, the MA near me are really pretty excellent.
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    Favorite Thing About Fishkeeping?

    Definatly breeding and watching how personalities change during different times of year/even day!
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    Water Problems For Months... Need Help (Pictures)

    Turn out the lights, keep them off. Cover the tank in a large blanket/duvet for a week. Don't feed, don't move it. Nothing.   Worked well for me. :-)
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    Video Threadfin Rainbowfish Mating

    How are they in community tanks? =]
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    Limp Top Fin On Platty

    Just want to quickly add that some of mine rarely use their top fins at all, however they shoal and never seem stressed. Haven't the time to read rest of the posts, sorry =]
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    Why Are My New Additions Constantly Dying?

    SW UK, never tested the water supply, however i've had no trouble conditioning it straight from the tap and putting it in (making sure to adjust temperature). I think i might see what affect leaving the water out has.
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    Aldi Pvc Hosing

    hey while your their picking up the stupidly cheap tubing, you just as well treat yourself. :-)
  12. L

    Aldi Pvc Hosing

    We love Aldi! I have to recommened their coronation chicken, too....
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    How To Get Gunk From Siphoned Water Out ?

    Treat it as a partial water change and just add new water, won't hurt.   If you're using it in the garden those bits will make it even more fertile! :-)
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    Microwork Experiences? Share Your Thoughts.

    Hey!   Looked for some food for baby guppies, and saw microworms a lot. They look like a lot of fun to grow, too!   Wondered if anyone has any experiences/tips with them, it'd be brilliant if you could sahre them with me.   They have a super small price too.
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    Eu Ban On Fish Keeping! #handsoffmyhobby

    Have to agree. UKIP is the only way to prevent the continuation of pathetic snobbery and beauracracy.
  16. L

    Is My Api Test Busted Or What Is Going On With My Water?

    Top tip for snails: put a peice of cucumber in the tank and leave it until you see a good load of them on it, then remove the cucumber.   With the test kits, the only think that is off for me is the pH but it's relatively accurate, and ammonia is always fine with a slight green tinch <~.25ppm...
  17. L

    Just Bought A Superfish Home 25!

    it's a shame, the MHA's near me are not great. One is just dreadful, dead fish, poor employees etc; the other was recently taken over and i fear is onyl decent because of the previous setup, none of the past staff work there. Wish one of ours was as decent as yours!   Thats a Shame, Both of my...
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    Ellies 2Nd Tank!

    3 for £11 here, spent the walk home confused as to why they're so expensive. Out of the LFS' here, that was the cheapest.
  19. L

    Guppies Love Mango

    They wouldn't try to mate with it, they would mate with it.   They are absolutely insane, i cant even change a filter setting without getting nibbled/sucked by them
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    Aiming Filter Flow To Minimize Tank Current

    echoing above really, as long as there is pleanty of areas for rest it will be brilliant for them.
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    Just Bought A Superfish Home 25!

    it's a shame, the MHA's near me are not great. One is just dreadful, dead fish, poor employees etc; the other was recently taken over and i fear is onyl decent because of the previous setup, none of the past staff work there. Wish one of ours was as decent as yours!
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    Need Help With My Platy

    If he was under the weather, he now may feel like he can contest territory again.
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    Can't Edit Thread

    Bar my earlier sarcasm, it's definatly one of the more fun careers i'd have to argue, especially if you get in with a fantastic company. :-)
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    What Is Up With My Water

    Have you been following this, or similar? :-)
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    My New Platies :)

    Lovely - you can hope the dad is as colourful as your current fish are! Either way, beautiful.
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    You Don't Look Pregnant, Mrs Molly.

    She's just gone absolutely crazy for some food (like the rest of them!), completely normal. Going to give it 10 mins and check on her.
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    You Don't Look Pregnant, Mrs Molly.

    Will do another test in around half an hour, hate doing tests on my own, want verifcation of them!   Two days ago they were all 0ppm, with nitrate 15ppm.   The master test kit has always been weird with my water, as the high/low pH test seems to conflict, seems to be around 7.5 however. I also...
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    My Guppy Fry :)

    Wow, they look fantastic, such amazing colours. Good luck!
  29. L

    You Don't Look Pregnant, Mrs Molly.

    Yup, the others look perfectly fine, like she does, really.
  30. L

    My New Platies :)

    You're going to get some incredibly interesting babies from those!
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    You Don't Look Pregnant, Mrs Molly.

    Hey all!   Now, i'm not sure what's up but my female molly isn't too happy. She's sitting at the bottom (not leaning on the gravel, fins flapping a little) with no laboured breathing, and she really doesn't look pregnant.   Any ideas? Seemed to have been photobombed by two actually pregnant guppies.
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    Can't Edit Thread

    Mainly software engineering (more fun than fish, promise!), so completely different there.   Thanks for the heads up.
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    Can't Edit Thread

    Sorry i'm just used to different forum structers, i can definatly see the positives. =]
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    Can't Edit Thread

    Ah, sorry - thought there may be such a rule but thought it would be relaxed in the journal forums, better than sticking in updates as posts.   Thanks for explaining, sorry! :-)
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    Normal Guppy Behaviour - Red Gills?

    Guppies looking better today, gills are not as red as i had thought compared to pictures, so they must just be naturally slightly pink.   I have some Molly's now while my brother sets his tank up and they're showing no signs of anything wrong right now (touch wood).
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    Can't Edit Thread

    Hey, created a threah in the livebearer journal and edited it several times, however i now don't have an option to, can anyone help?   Thanks!
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    33 Gallons Of Good Views, Pretty Tails And Lazy Swimming

    Easier than taking pictures of them, for sure!   Around two years, my part of the UK suffered severe flooding around Christmas and we had long periods of time without power so unfortunately i was left with no fish.   Luckily, however, the tank cycled really quickly and we're back underway! Will...
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    Saved Some Guppies...and This Is How They Repay Me?

    They just looked super unhappy, barely any movement at all, even the males.   They're currently in a tank around 95 litres at my brothers, happy - these are his first livebarers so he's chuffed to have some.   He's got a breeding net as some of them looked like they were squaring off (i kept...