Water Problems For Months... Need Help (Pictures)


Fish Fanatic
Oct 12, 2013
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I have two fish tanks:
- bedroom - CRYSTAL CLEAR WATER for months: 20gallon, about 13 inch of fish, 14 hours light/day, water parameters ok, water changes 5 gallons each 4-6 weeks, internal filter
- living room - 36 gallon, 36 inch fish, 11 hours lights on, close to the NORTH window, and no direct external light, water parameters ok, Eheim 2215 canister on it
In this tank, I NEVER had crystal clear water. I am feeding the fish once a day, exactly as the one in the bedroom. I cannot see what/where the problem is. The only difference from the bedroom tank is the filter (internal vs canister). The GPH of the canister is about 120 (measured).
I had algae that won't go away no matter what I do. It also looks like bacteria bloom, but I'm not an expert. Fish seem to be doing fine. For the plants I have root tabs (about 3 in the entire tank)
I just want clear water!!!!
I was thinking about purchasing a UV filter, but I don't know if it would make a difference. I can install a DIY microfilter (GE home water filter), clears out the algae, clogs in a few days, reducing the flow, temporary improving water clarity.
I was thinking about starting from scratch, thoroughly cleaning everything (boiling gravel and canister media and start from ZERO) - is that a solution? I don't have a place for my fish in the meantime.
Would installing an internal filter help? (higher GPH)?
I don't know what to try anymore. I don't want to mess with chemicals, I want to get to the root of it and cure it!!!


Well right off hand I'd say that reducing the light in that tank would start to help clear up that algae bloom I know there's some people on this forum that have way more experience with algae so I'll let them tell you all the tricks to fixing cloudy water :)
Well, sometimes it seems to be algae bloom, but most of the algae in the water can be removed by the microiflter in a matter of hours. The water still stays cloudy.
I've seen algae bloom, and that was green water, for sure. At this moment in time, the water is not quite green and that's what makes me thinking about bacteria bloom... I just need a permanent solution. I don't get why one tank is crystal clear, the other with a certain level of fogginess.
When I had my algae bloom, even after my tank was cycled, I just did daily water changes of 30-40% for 4-5 days and it was clear.
My experience is not vast but I know of two products that deal with both of your problems. Flourish Excel for algae and Purigen for clear water.

Have a good look around the web about these two products. They work well :)
Thanks for the replies... I'll see what I can find on the recommended products.
I just don't get why the bedroom tank has ZERO algae...
Again, if anyone can advise: would starting from scratch in this algae tank be a good solution?
What do you mean by starting from scratch?? Taking everything out and cleaning it> If so, then no as all of the beneficial bacteria will die and you will have nothing to fight diseases etc.
I know everything will die, that would be the issue with starting from scratch. I am just wondering if it would be useful, if it would get rid of algae (like the clear water in bedroom tank).
No, it wouldn't be useful. Just perform regular water changes. Double the amount you are doing now, and then that should help clear it.
I had problems with mine for months, i went to a different LFS and there was a nice chap there who sat me down and discussed my problem - it was extremely similar to yours. He suggested leaving the lights off for all but a couple hours per day, and making sure that the lights were not too strong for the tank (you'll need to research for yourself). Also, make sure you have a good gravel cleaner and it's super clean before you go on below.
However, below is the most important thing to me:
Don't change your water every 14 seconds! Leave it for a couple weeks without changing it, keeping really tight to a low feeding level as well as a low light level.
My tank cleared up nicely, after months of awful cloudy, green, horrid water - i did everything from chemicals to daily water changes, above worked for me.
Cloudy water is usually heterotrophic bacteria which thrive on organics and can reproduce so fats it makes your head spin. Somehow you have a lot of waste in that tank, it could be over feeding. Try reducing feeding, vacuuming more often and rinsing out the filter media regularly. Do a good vac, then clean the filter media and then do a big wc and reduce feeding for a while.
Green water is algae and is usually caused by excess phosphate or nitrate in the tank which is not in balance with the other nutrients. Bringing things into the proper balance for your plant load should fix that problem. Trying to figure out the source of the excess nutrients and/or the lack of others is your best bet. Don't forget both light and co2 are relevant in this balance.
Breaking down the tank and restarting it wont do much of you don't identify the cause of the problem as there is no reason to expect doing so would prevent the problem from happening again.
Thanks for the last three replies, guys. No fresh start then.
Feeding once a day, various foods, not too much - let's say... in average one teaspoon of flakes each 4-5 days. They keep nipping on plants and eating algae all day. No kidding, that what they do all day - nip the plants for algae.
Light: about 3 watts/gallon CFL bulbs - should be ok for a planted tank - on about 11 hours a day. I'll try to reduce that. I need lights on for the plants, one cycle per day.
Water cleared out a little bit, the battle with algae is not won.
I've done four things since then:
1. I got some new plants in and replaced some of the old substrate with FloraMAX original - I will probably end up replacing all gravel with FloraMax.
2. Well, got a 9W UV sterilizer mounted on the canister intake.
3. Mounted a paintball canister CO2 SIY system.
4. Replaced bulbs with 4 CFL 6500K 27 Watts (a total of 108 watts, light blue cardboard reflector)
Fish seem very happy, plants are pearling, water is crystal clear. Hi-tech, low maintenance.
Thank you all for your help. Everything cost me under $150 and works great so far!
Im not sure if that bulb is good for your tank or not so I will leave that one for someone else. I noticed in the pictues that the tank that is cloudy is in line with the window.... Window+Light+Fish tank= Algae
If possible, move it away from the window as direct sunlight will encourage algae growth
Turn out the lights, keep them off. Cover the tank in a large blanket/duvet for a week. Don't feed, don't move it. Nothing.
Worked well for me. :)

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