Just Bought A Superfish Home 25!


Mostly New Member
Apr 22, 2014
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Just picked up this neat little tank for £3 from a local bootsale(£90 new)! What a bargin! The circuit board has corroded but I will be replacing it shortly , also I will be getting the filter and heater which goes with the tank. It is a 25 litre, It wont be set up until I leave school, around 6 weeks times, I have no idea what to stock it with, I have got some ideas which i will list below, please give your opinions and ideas! everything is welcome!

Stocking 1
A male betta/siamese fighting fish
a few cherry shrimp
Stocking 2
5 Galaxy  Rasbora(CPD) if I can find them
a few shrimp
Stocking 3
A pair of shelldwelling cichlids
I personally would go with the 1st stocking. There are just so many lovely ones to choose from! He might eat the shrimp though so if you do go with that make sure there are lots of hiding places.
Sounds like a good buy, car boot sales do have bargains to be found for tank equipment, just yesterday i bought 2 small filters (1HOB and 1 internal), 50w heater, small LED light all for the pricely sum of £7.50 :)
But anyway, I would say shrimps and/or betta would be best in that little tank, Red Cherry Shrimps would be a good starter shrimp since they are fairly hardy and cheaper to purchase.
Bettas are pretty much hit or miss when comes to sharing tank with shrimps, so as Ninjouzata suggested, plenty of hiding spaces and plants would help a lot for the shrimps.
It will have a lot of hiding places, and it will have a lot plant cover for the shrimp, There Is always good fish stuff in the bootsales for cheap prices! :D
I agree. Stocking number 1 is best in my opinion. Have you looked at celestial pearl danios? Not sure if they would work but certainly worth having a look into. And congrats on baggin such a bargain!!
KieranBoyne said:
I agree. Stocking number 1 is best in my opinion. Have you looked at celestial pearl danios? Not sure if they would work but certainly worth having a look into. And congrats on baggin such a bargain!!
I can't fine CPD's anywhere, If I could find them I would dedicate my 15 gallon just to them! but maidenhead aquatics is getting a new nano system so they will be stocking more shrimp/nano fish. hopfully they will sell them! :) Thanks!
DwarfCichlidKeeper1998 said:
I agree. Stocking number 1 is best in my opinion. Have you looked at celestial pearl danios? Not sure if they would work but certainly worth having a look into. And congrats on baggin such a bargain!!
I can't fine CPD's anywhere, If I could find them I would dedicate my 15 gallon just to them! but maidenhead aquatics is getting a new nano system so they will be stocking more shrimp/nano fish. hopfully they will sell them!
it's a shame, the MHA's near me are not great. One is just dreadful, dead fish, poor employees etc; the other was recently taken over and i fear is onyl decent because of the previous setup, none of the past staff work there. Wish one of ours was as decent as yours!
Linear said:

I agree. Stocking number 1 is best in my opinion. Have you looked at celestial pearl danios? Not sure if they would work but certainly worth having a look into. And congrats on baggin such a bargain!!
I can't fine CPD's anywhere, If I could find them I would dedicate my 15 gallon just to them! but maidenhead aquatics is getting a new nano system so they will be stocking more shrimp/nano fish. hopfully they will sell them!
it's a shame, the MHA's near me are not great. One is just dreadful, dead fish, poor employees etc; the other was recently taken over and i fear is onyl decent because of the previous setup, none of the past staff work there. Wish one of ours was as decent as yours!

Thats a Shame, Both of my local maidenhead aquatics are great, Never seen a dead fish there, Willing to order certain spieces of plants/fish in for a customer, The CPD's are £5.99 each I believe at maidenhead aquatics. Quite expensive. Only £2.99 off the internet!
DwarfCichlidKeeper1998 said:


I agree. Stocking number 1 is best in my opinion. Have you looked at celestial pearl danios? Not sure if they would work but certainly worth having a look into. And congrats on baggin such a bargain!!
I can't fine CPD's anywhere, If I could find them I would dedicate my 15 gallon just to them! but maidenhead aquatics is getting a new nano system so they will be stocking more shrimp/nano fish. hopfully they will sell them!
it's a shame, the MHA's near me are not great. One is just dreadful, dead fish, poor employees etc; the other was recently taken over and i fear is onyl decent because of the previous setup, none of the past staff work there. Wish one of ours was as decent as yours!

Thats a Shame, Both of my local maidenhead aquatics are great, Never seen a dead fish there, Willing to order certain spieces of plants/fish in for a customer, The CPD's are £5.99 each I believe at maidenhead aquatics. Quite expensive. Only £2.99 off the internet!

£6 is probably about right, most interent sites require really hefty P+P fees which'll make the £6 seem cheap.
Linear said:



I agree. Stocking number 1 is best in my opinion. Have you looked at celestial pearl danios? Not sure if they would work but certainly worth having a look into. And congrats on baggin such a bargain!!
I can't fine CPD's anywhere, If I could find them I would dedicate my 15 gallon just to them! but maidenhead aquatics is getting a new nano system so they will be stocking more shrimp/nano fish. hopfully they will sell them!
it's a shame, the MHA's near me are not great. One is just dreadful, dead fish, poor employees etc; the other was recently taken over and i fear is onyl decent because of the previous setup, none of the past staff work there. Wish one of ours was as decent as yours!

Thats a Shame, Both of my local maidenhead aquatics are great, Never seen a dead fish there, Willing to order certain spieces of plants/fish in for a customer, The CPD's are £5.99 each I believe at maidenhead aquatics. Quite expensive. Only £2.99 off the internet!

£6 is probably about right, most interent sites require really hefty P+P fees which'll make the £6 seem cheap.

Kesgrave tropicals on Ebay charge £2.99 and £15 For postage, so I suppose you would be better off buying them in maidenhead aquatics.

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