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  1. l_l_l

    What To Do If Lfs Water Is Dumped Into Your Tank

    I have dumped lfs water a few times in my tanks, But only from reputable shops.
  2. l_l_l

    Video Video: 77 Gallon Angel Community

    They are still very young! :)
  3. l_l_l

    Video Video: 77 Gallon Angel Community   Planted Tank "Tranquility" by David-A Viau Low tech, dirt substrate tank.  No co2 injection, no fertilizer dosing. Plants are Pigmy chain sword, Rotala, Red Lotus, hygrophila corymbosa angustifolia, various Crypts and Anubias. Aquarium Fish/Animals: Wild P...
  4. l_l_l

    Mind Voting For My Aquascape?

  5. l_l_l

    Mind Voting For My Aquascape?

    Thanks buddy! Only two days left until (victory)!
  6. l_l_l

    Mind Voting For My Aquascape?

    Thanks everyone for your votes, I am 45 votes in front of second place! :D I am very happy and I think I'm going to win!
  7. l_l_l

    Mind Voting For My Aquascape?

    Thank you, you are all very kind! :)
  8. l_l_l

    Mind Voting For My Aquascape?

              So sorry! :! This works?
  9. l_l_l

    Mind Voting For My Aquascape?

    I recently subscribed to this aquascaping contest, maybe you guys can vote for me? Cheers! https://www.aquascapeawards.coam/scapes/tranquility-160229200402/
  10. l_l_l

    Breeding The Panda Corydora

    There is a low pressure system coming our way tomorrow. I'll do my water change tomorrow and feed a lot tonight, hopefully I get something! :)
  11. l_l_l

    Incoming Trip To Europe..

    Thank you for your answers! I am very excited about the trip, can't wait to go there. :)
  12. l_l_l

    Incoming Trip To Europe..

    Thank you for the very informative message. I will try to book a whistle-stop tour of the city. I will be biking around town, so parking shouldn't be that hard, unless you tell me, it is as hard to park a bike than to park a car?
  13. l_l_l

    Incoming Trip To Europe..

    I'm planning a trip to Europe in April. I'm very excited. I'll be visiting Amsterdam, then Ireland. In Ireland, I will go to Dingle's aquarium, apparently it's pretty good! Any of you know what else, fish related stuff or not, I could do out there? Any of you know stores out there that are...
  14. l_l_l

    Breeding The Panda Corydora

    Thank you for these pointers! :) I have added 5 more cories and am starting to notice they are getting fatter and fatter (I'm feeding frozen brineshrimp) and more food than usual. I'm doing 50% water changes with colder water and they seem to be more active than usual.   Hopefully I see some...
  15. l_l_l

    Breeding The Panda Corydora

    How big are eggs ? I haven't noticed any. I'm thinking I might only have males as I don't see any fatter cories. :P
  16. l_l_l

    Breeding The Panda Corydora

    True.. Actually, after research, I should had said it is a L129. My L134 are in my much bigger tank lol. Anyways, doesn't change anything to my plans :P
  17. l_l_l

    Breeding The Panda Corydora

    Thank you all for this valuable input. I have only 4 panda cories, I think I should get more of them. Byron, you said I had a L144 altho I said I have a l134, I believe the l134 are more nocturnal as I rarely see it during daylight.   This weekend I gave my cories tubes so they can have more...
  18. l_l_l

    1St Water Change With Fluval 206 Canister Filter Filled Tank With ....

    This is just gunk that had accumulated in your pipes. It happens to me all the time because I'm lazy in cleaning them.
  19. l_l_l

    What Is This Fish?

    It's a Goodeid I don't think they are ameca splendens tho mine don't really look like this.. I have a large sized colony in a species only tank and they are amazing and fun to watch. Probably my favorite tank.   Not your average fish tho as they barely have any colors. They do have a very nice...
  20. l_l_l

    Breeding The Panda Corydora

    Reading a few topics online made me want to give a go at breeding Panda Cories. Apparently they are easy to breed, but I have no other experience than my T. Ocellicauda and my Endlers. They currently live in a 20 gallon long tank, with a bit of plants (will add more) and a group of 10 Mosquito...
  21. l_l_l

    Whats Your Favorite Oddballs?

    Dwarf indian puffers by far.
  22. l_l_l

    Fish Adventure: Tateurndina Ocellicauda

    Moved all of them out. Two days later, I notice babies swimming around.. Looks like the babies had babies of their own! loll
  23. l_l_l

    Are Peacock Gudgeon Really Aggressive?

    The fish with black and white tail are Rummynose tetras.
  24. l_l_l

    Full Stock After Fishless Cycle ?

    I have stocked my tank fully after cycling many times.
  25. l_l_l

    Fish Adventure: Tateurndina Ocellicauda

    I know right? I'm getting ready to move some of them out but I'll wait until temperature outside permits. Maybe during spring time they'll be ready for this.
  26. l_l_l

    Fish Adventure: Tateurndina Ocellicauda

    My Gudgeon fry at 4 months old.
  27. l_l_l

    Are Peacock Gudgeon Really Aggressive?

    Maybe he's just a dominant male. I have given mine to a friend so she can take care of him in his own tank, he looks happy now and wont bother his new larger friends.   I am going to keep a few fry from the grow out tank to see how they do with other smaller fish. If I feel he won't bother them...
  28. l_l_l

    Are Peacock Gudgeon Really Aggressive?

    Ok. I can confirm, males are quite aggressive towards fish smaller or the same size than they are. The male I have already killed a female endler and kept nipping the tails of my neons and celestial pearl danios. I don't recommend you keep them with anything else than bigger fish.
  29. l_l_l

    How Much Soil To Use In Dirted Tank?

    Thank you for your answer. I was able to get 2 inches of soil with two 17L bags :)
  30. l_l_l

    How Much Soil To Use In Dirted Tank?

    Hello ! I'm presently trying to set up a dirted tank and am missing one key information.. How much dirt should I buy to put in my 75 gallon tank? I am planning on using Miracle-Gro Organic choice dirt, but I can only source small bags..  ...
  31. l_l_l

    Dragonfly Nymphs? Help!

    Ahaha damselfly nymphs!! Oooooohh....   :( I had one before, never found it after first time I saw it, then I forgot about it, had bad dreams where I woke up to a dead cherry shrimp colony, then forgot about it, then saw topics such as this one... I'm sorry I'm not helping.
  32. l_l_l

    Crypt Leaves Splitting

    Hi Mark and welcome to the planted side of the hobby, you will see, it is a wonderful world!! Crypt are very hardy. Best thing to do has already been done; remove the leave! :)   Crypts will lose leaves every now and then. You can help your crypt grow by giving it root tabs, as they like to take...
  33. l_l_l

    Fading Plants

    Most plants need more light. I tend to keep mine at a 10 hours photo period.
  34. l_l_l

    What Species Is This Hitchhiker?

    Looks like a baby ramshorn snail. They take forever to grow. I have them in all of my tanks, Hopefully one day I have one big enough to sell! :P
  35. l_l_l

    How Many Nerites In A 5 Gallon?

    I have nerites in all of my tanks, One in each of my 5 gallons, and 3-4 in my larger 46.
  36. l_l_l

    New Additions To The Household

    You did all you could! Some people, even if you tell them that jumping from a bridge would kill them, will do it just because they feel like is the best thing to do.   2.5 Gallon isn't all that bad for the betta, at least he's got a cycled tank. When she comes running to you, asking why her...
  37. l_l_l

    Discus Questions

    Hello! I am presently working my way up to a discus tank, and I plan on adding a cardinal tetras and rummynose tetras in there. Plants would be anything that tolerates high temperatures. Amazon Sword per example are perfect.
  38. l_l_l

    Unknown Plant

    Looks like Silvinia natans. You can make them safe by doing a 10% bleach solution dip for 2 minutes. The bleach solution is simple to do: 1 part bleach for 9 parts water! The once you have done this, rince under lukewarm water, then you can add it in your tank. I have done this in the past to...
  39. l_l_l

    Plants Id Please

    1: Looks like Rotala Rotundifolia 2: Looks like Rotala Macandra 3: Looks like dwarf bacopa 4: Looks like Limnophila aquatica 5: Looks like Bacopa 6: Looks like Giant Hygrophilia, or some relative.
  40. l_l_l

    Thinking About My Stock...

    Good idea on waiting for the move. A number above 12 seems to do well with any tetras. I have large shoals of Hemmigramus bleheri and neon tetras (more than 12) and they all look really happy.   As for the rainbows, a minimum school would be of  6-8, but with these, the more, the better. These...