Very good input from Byron. A 70 gallon tank, in my opinion, would be wasted if only a pair were to be kept. Even a breeding tank would not go much more than 20 gallons, so make the most of your 70 gallons and have a group of 6/7. A shoaling species with colour but little size compliment discus perfectly. Cardinals and neons fit the bill but look best in a large shoal, in your case 40+. Stepping up in size black phantoms or emperor tetra look good in lesser numbers. I like to include shrimp and otocinclus in a planted tank to keep any algal growth in check, a great clean up crew when employed with a nice group of coryadoras. I find the aforementioned plants do well, as do anubias and, as I found out by chance, banana Lilly, which look fab growing from substrate to surface giving good cover. As for angels, well the above reasons are correct for not having the two together. Also, I don't like the aesthetic of both. One or the other should be the focal point of your living picture.