To me, it looks more like a wildtype rainbow.
Notice the curve on the forehead, the dorsal fin closer to the tail fin. Just reminds me of rainbow fish crossed with a pearl gourami.
Yes, I do have to concur this is a goos chance of being a goodied, ameca splenden, possibly a butterfly splitpin.
But I am certainly no expert at this so this would have to be checked by a knowledeable member who can possibly identify and give some information about this particular specie.
This link I am giving here can be a bit hit or miss when comes to fish information but I do not know of any other reputible sites for this particular genus of fish to be honest, so this is best I can give at this moment in time.
I apologise in advance if this and the information given is wrong. I did originally thought it could be a wild female platy but changed mind when looking at various websites!
Definitely looks like a goodied after Google Search. pictures and behavior match pretty well. Tail is fan like to answer your question. Definitely not a peacock goby hah. Thanks for everyone's help!
It's a Goodeid
I don't think they are ameca splendens tho mine don't really look like this..
I have a large sized colony in a species only tank and they are amazing and fun to watch. Probably my favorite tank.
Not your average fish tho as they barely have any colors. They do have a very nice shine tho.
They live in groups and will establish a pecking order, so.. They are very nippy. They killed a couple of corydoras I had while they were in a holding tank