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    Frozen Mosquito Larvae

    Sorry just posted this question but think I have put it in the wrong topic, I have just bought some online and they have thawed out, will it be safe to refreeze them
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    Betta Fish

    Oh thanks for that, it has made me feel a lot better, he seems fine now and swimming round thank goodness so fingers crossed he will be ok
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    Betta Fish

    Yeah will do, there is about an inch gap between the water level and the lid now but i am going to lower the level a bit more now to lessen the risk of him jumping, will get a glass lid cut to the size of the tank ASAP
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    Betta Fish

    Oh that's good then, i thought he might be uphappy if hes jumped out, he was laid on the bottom of his tank a minute ago and as soon as I went up to the tank he swam to the the top, this is a warning to me now to get another lid what's fits really snugly at the top instead of leaving any gaps...
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    Betta Fish

    Thank you, he's still swimming around, I will have to get another lid what doesn't leave any gaps, it is a glass tank but a plastic lid, there is like a 1cm gap around the tank not covered by the lid that's all, how has he got out
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    Betta Fish

    Thank you I have just done that, he seems so happy in his tank, does it mean he's unhappy or is this just something they do anyway, he his in a 25 litre fully cycled tank with heater, filter, temparature is at 82 degrees, do you think he will be alright?
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    Betta Fish

    Ok thanks, my dog was sniffing him on the kitchen floor, he hasn't hurt him he's a good gentle boy, my fish is still swimming, I just hope and pray he will be ok, am so attached to him
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    Betta Fish

    I have just found my betta fish on my kitchen floor, he has fell from the worktop, I really don't know how it's happened, I am in shock, there is the tiniest gap on the lid on his tank so he must have got through it, I immediately put him back in his tank and he was very stunned but he's...
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    Fin Rot

    Thanks for replys, will get some metaflex and treat him
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    Fin Rot

    Hi everybody, when I checked my betta earlier i noticed that he has torn his back fin a bit, he is fine in himself and eating well, the edges of his fins were it his torn looks a bit frayed but no black edges, would it be best to treat for finrot to be on the safe side or would you see how it...
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    Moving My Betta

    He's going in a 45 litre aquarium, I would have liked to have gone even bigger but am limited for space, at the moment he's in a 25 litre, yes I will post some pics when all set up, hopefully I will be sorting it out over the coming weekend, will test regularly and do necessary water changes
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    Moving My Betta

    Thanks, will do.
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    Moving My Betta

    Hi everybody, I am transferring my male betta to a bigger aquarium soon and taking some media from the filter to kickstart the new filter, what I wanted to know is when his new tank has reached the required temparature can I put him straight in his new tank or will I need to wait a few hours...
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    Thanks I have the api liquid master testing kit so will test regularly and do water changes as necesary
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    Yes that is one of the reasons I got the stingray because of the low flow rate, will keep it as a spare just in case and will take the tiny little sponges out and put them in my new filter, tanks
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    Thank you, will do that then, I must admit the new filter is much better than the stingrays and you do get a spray bar with it so will do that, thanks again
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    Hi, I have a fully cycled 25 litre aquarium with a single male betta in but have bought a 45 litre aquarium for him because I feel like he will benefit from more space, I have a stringray 5 filter in my 25 litre which is for up to 25 litre aquariums, I have a new filter with my new tank but was...
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    45 Litre Aquarium

    Brilliant i know what I will be doing over the next few days.
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    45 Litre Aquarium

    Thanks, I have a 25 litre with a single male betta and it has been fine on my worktop but I have just bought him a 45 litre new aquarium and didn't know if the worktop would hold the weight.
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    45 Litre Aquarium

    Hi, can anybody tell if a 45 litre aquarium would be ok on a solid kitchen worktop?
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    What Is This Creature?

    It's not a dragonfly nymph is it, it looks very similar to one i had in my aquarium and I took pictures of it and showed my local aquatic shop, they told me to take it out the aquarium quick because it would eat my baby guppies but I had already removed it anyway.
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    It's a hagen stringray filter for aquariums up to 25 litres, I know they haven't got good reviews but I have never had any problems with them to be honest, I did take some media from the filter in my 90 litre aquarium to put in the stingray and my aquarium was cycled really fast so will do that...
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    Hi I have a fully cycled 25 litre aquarium and I am buying my betta a 45 litre aquarium, you get the filter, heater etc with the new tank but I wondered if the filter out the 25 litre would fully support the 45 litre instead of having to use the new one, i have the 1 male betta on his own so...
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    Bigger Aquarium For Betta

    Oh thank you, He explores every part of his aquarium so am hoping he will be happy and do the same if I buy the bigger one, I would like to go even bigger for him but already have 2 big aquariums and unable to put him in with them, I have thought of that option but the fish i have are not...
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    Bigger Aquarium For Betta

    Hi everyone, I have a male betta on his own in a heavily planted 25litre aquarium, he seems very happy and no concerns about him but I have seen a 40 litre aquarium which I wanted to buy for him, what I wanted to know is would that 15 litres make a big difference to him for space or would you...
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    Filter Media

    Thanx will still test daily then and do water changes as necessary
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    Filter Media

    I have just took about 10% of media out my aquarium and put in my new 25 litre aquarium filter, would you still test daily for ammonia and nitrites and do water changes depending what results are?
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    Filter Media

    I have 10 tetras, 3 platys and 5 corydoras in at the moment, some baby platys but they are going to my local aquatic place soon so won't be in the aquarium for much longer, I will take 10% media out and place it in my small tank, my betta is doing fine and I am testing his water every day and...
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    Filter Media

    Hi, it is a fluval roma 90 litres, would 10% make a difference speeding up the cycle in my smaller tank?
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    Filter Media

    My longest aquarium has been running for 5 months now and fully cycled and water stats are spot on, I have a 25 litre aquarium with 1 betta in, if I take some filter media from my established aquarium will it cause any problems and has it been running long enough to be taking media from it, also...
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    New Member

    Thank you, that sounds a better idea and a lot less hassle,I will sort it out tomorrow, my tropical tank is well cycled now.
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    New Member

    I did wonder if this would be a better idea, I would have to section it off though as I have about 20 baby guppies about a week old so I think he would eat them, will decide what to use to section part of the tank off, I have a cple of balloon mollies, 2 female guppies and a male guppy with a...
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    Internal Filter

    Yes I am in the UK so doubt whether I could get one of those, sure somebody will advise me of another good one, thank anyway
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    Internal Filter

    Hi, I have a male betta in a 25 litre aquarium, at the moment I have a sponge filter in his tank, just wondered can anybody recommend an internal filter what won't be to strong for him or tear his fins.
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    New Member

    Haha oh well we can't be good at everything, I have just cleaned my 2 big tanks out and done a big water change on the smaller one with my betta in as its cycling still and showing 0.25 nitrite today , i bought some seachem prime so put some in the new water, he's quite a little character
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    New Member

    Hi everybody, just a few pictures of my aquariums This is my coldwater 60 litre aquarium, the goldfish isn't staying in there as i know he's to big for it This is my 90 litre tropical aquarium This is my betta called jaws . And this is his 25 litre aquarium, I need to add a cave or rock...
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    New Member

    Thank you, if I can't manage to do it i will get one of my sons to.
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    New Member

    Hello everybody, just introducing myself to this forum, I have recently bought a betta for my 25 litre spare tank, I only put him in yesterday and so far so good, he's eating and seems quite inquisitive, I will try and post some pictures of him when I learn how to, I also have a 90 litre...