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Jul 2, 2013
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Hello everybody, just introducing myself to this forum, I have recently bought a betta for my 25 litre spare tank, I only put him in yesterday and so far so good, he's eating and seems quite inquisitive, I will try and post some pictures of him when I learn how to, I also have a 90 litre community aquarium and a 60 litre coldwater aquarium, looking forward to learning and getting some good advice from you all
 to TFF, Oscar!
Looking forward to your pictures!
If you look at the bottom right of the window where you write your posts, there's a button for More Reply Options. It's relatively easy to upload pictures (up to 300KB) direct from your computer that way rather than via a 3rd party like Photobucket or Facebook. It also means the picture/s won't disappear if you remove them from said places.
Good luck!
Thank you, if I can't manage to do it i will get one of my sons to.
Hi everybody, just a few pictures of my aquariums

This is my coldwater 60 litre aquarium, the goldfish isn't staying in there as i know he's to big for it

This is my 90 litre tropical aquarium

This is my betta called jaws
And this is his 25 litre aquarium, I need to add a cave or rock in there, hope you all like and if you think anything looks wrong please advise, I won't be offended as I want the best for all my fishes
Great pictures Oscar!
Think a couple may be upside down, but you got them in here! It tool me ages to get it right.
At least you can type well - I can't tell my l's from my k's! lol
Haha oh well we can't be good at everything, I have just cleaned my 2 big tanks out and done a big water change on the smaller one with my betta in as its cycling still and showing 0.25 nitrite today , i bought some seachem prime so put some in the new water, he's quite a little character
Ahhh - I didn't realise you were still cycling the betta tank.
Is there any way you could put him in the tropical tank whilst you do a fishless cycle in the betta tank? As far as I can seen from the picture you've got platies and neon tetras in there? So nothing with flamboyant fins - you could partition him a section off if he doesn't settle with your other fish. The process won't take as long that way and will mean no water changes until the filter is fully cycled. It also means that your betta won't be exposed to harmful toxins during the cycle process.
I did wonder if this would be a better idea, I would have to section it off though as I have about 20 baby guppies about a week old so I think he would eat them, will decide what to use to section part of the tank off, I have a cple of balloon mollies, 2 female guppies and a male guppy with a lovely long tail so wouldn't dare just let him in the tank with the other fish
The other option is to take some of your mature media and stick it in the Betta-tank's filter. Chances are you will only see small spikes of ammonia which you can easily take care of with water changes. If you're lucky you may even have an instant cycle!
Oh, and welcome to the Forum :)
Thank you, that sounds a better idea and a lot less hassle,I will sort it out tomorrow, my tropical tank is well cycled now.
You'll probably do well monitoring the tropical tank for any ammonia spikes for a bit too if this tank has only just recently finished cycling. The media in it would not be as mature as in a filter that has been cycled for months or years!

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