Betta Fish


Mostly New Member
Jul 2, 2013
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I have just found my betta fish on my kitchen floor, he has fell from the worktop, I really don't know how it's happened, I am in shock, there is the tiniest gap on the lid on his tank so he must have got through it, I immediately put him back in his tank and he was very stunned but he's swimming around now still looking a bit worse for wear but swimming, is he likely to survive and is there anything I can do for him, I am so upset
Maybe switch the lights off and just let him rest.
Ok thanks, my dog was sniffing him on the kitchen floor, he hasn't hurt him he's a good gentle boy, my fish is still swimming, I just hope and pray he will be ok, am so attached to him
I would second the 'darken' the room, and maybe even cover the top with a kitchen towel.
Thank you I have just done that, he seems so happy in his tank, does it mean he's unhappy or is this just something they do anyway, he his in a 25 litre fully cycled tank with heater, filter, temparature is at 82 degrees, do you think he will be alright?
Lucky - my dogs would've seen it as a treat!

I feel he will be fine :) I know of fish who have gone through worse.
Thank you, he's still swimming around, I will have to get another lid what doesn't leave any gaps, it is a glass tank but a plastic lid, there is like a 1cm gap around the tank not covered by the lid that's all, how has he got out
Bettas are known jumpers.  I don't think that its a sign of anything...
Oh that's good then, i thought he might be uphappy if hes jumped out, he was laid on the bottom of his tank a minute ago and as soon as I went up to the tank he swam to the the top, this is a warning to me now to get another lid what's fits really snugly at the top instead of leaving any gaps, thanks everybody for your replys
Make sure there's an air gap between the lid and the water though...
Yeah will do, there is about an inch gap between the water level and the lid now but i am going to lower the level a bit more now to lessen the risk of him jumping, will get a glass lid cut to the size of the tank ASAP
A mesh top would work too... and allow more air movement.
eaglesaquarium said:
Bettas are known jumpers.  I don't think that its a sign of anything...
bettas are carniverous fish and feed on insects and larvae etc jumping is common behaviour. nothing to worry about. they dont weigh alot so he probably wont have damaged anything in the fall. my girls are always jumping at feeding time one has met the floor on 3 occaisions and is still fine.
Oh thanks for that, it has made me feel a lot better, he seems fine now and swimming round thank goodness so fingers crossed he will be ok
Just give him some rest and relaxation time.  I have had lots of bettas jump from some really high places as well as get all sorts of stuff all over them before and they have survived to be fine healthy individuals afterwards.  Until you get a new lid, you can use some plastic cling film to cover the spot that is not closed.  

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