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  1. M

    Labidochromis Caeruleus Is "flashing" Like It Has Ich - But

    Simple: because of previous experiences with similar situations. Place a cichlid to a tank with wrong parameters (like a tank with tetras!) and you'll see what happens. Or it's ammonia/chlorine burn (I'm excluding these at first because there seems to be nothing wrong with the other fish) or...
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    Labidochromis Caeruleus Is "flashing" Like It Has Ich - But

    I know how you feel, Labidos are one of my favourites too. Try to make some water tests first before taking actions. If the parameters aren't too far from what's desired (ex. pH below 6.5), they might adapt and get used to this new water until you get your new tank, but don't be fooled and...
  3. M

    Labidochromis Caeruleus Is "flashing" Like It Has Ich - But

    I'd try to return them to the store and get something else instead that is more suitable to your current water parameters, or set up a small tank for the Labidochromis, you can be lucky and they can be a couple. As it was a gift, explain to the person who gave them to you that if you keep them...
  4. M

    Cichlid Id

    In the first pictures, #2 definitely is a Metriaclima greshakei (red top zebra) female (same fish as #3 and #5 in the second batch?) and #1 seems to be a lombardoi. #3 can be another zebra but it's hard to tell if it's not even an hybrid. I don't see an acei.
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    Labidochromis Caeruleus Is "flashing" Like It Has Ich - But

    They are flashing because of wrong water parameters. African cichlids from the lakes when kept in non ideal water conditions are likely to flash and try to scratch like that. Mine occasionaly flash when the pH gets a little lower than it should be or when the KH or GH is a little different than...
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    Id Please

    Looks a bit strange (too young?) to be a P. zebra red top but i think it is one.
  7. M

    Fish Id Please

    Pics 1 & 3 are a kadango (Copadichromis borleyi), first one more probably a female. Pic #2 looks like a red empress.
  8. M

    Who Are We?

    #1 might be an elongatus female, they sometimes are paler and a bit reddish/yellow (mine is), or a very stressed male. No crabros here.
  9. M

    Fish Id :)

    Metriaclima lombardoi (kenyi), male?
  10. M

    Cichlid Id Please Help

    It's Pelvicachromis pulcher
  11. M

    what's the quietest barb?

    I'm not adding more fishes - yet. One thing is to say "you can't" other is "you shouldn't". I haven't had any losses so far (call it pure luck if you wish), even the neons are doing fine. Ammonia and nitrite levels are under control (aka "0"). One thing is to add 4 or 6 barbs which I think I...
  12. M

    does anyone elses betta do this?

    One of mine tends to do it more than the other. If I accidentally drop some flake over the tank lid, he gets crazy staring at it all day waiting for it to fall on the water. I had one betta that got a bit sick (and died a few days later) after finding some flake on the lid and jumping to grab...
  13. M

    what's the quietest barb?

    I've heard that some barbs can be quite agressive (or annoying), and as I was planning to get some, which ones are the nicest? I think I'm already fully stocked but I would like to add a couple more... and my other fishes are: 2 dwarf gouramis (a couple, and I get some fry like every 10 days)...
  14. M

    DIY mix for the Plant-Gro CO2 System??

    I was a bit upset for the original refills lasting not so much as expected (or advertised). I use the bubble hose in the lowest slot, will moving it to the highest make it last longer (I know it reduces the amount of dissolved CO2 this way) or it will just waste CO2? I noticed that the bubbles...
  15. M

    Red Sea ammonia tests

    My Tetra freshwater ammonia test is over, so I bought this one of Red Sea. It uses just one reagent (is it called "Nessler" kind when it uses just one reagent instead of 3?), and what surprised me was that all of my 3 tanks (a community 72L and 2 small ones - 4.5L and 3L - with bettas) scored 0...
  16. M

    DIY mix for the Plant-Gro CO2 System??

    I am going to do a home made mix as well for my Hagen kit as the refills are way too expensive and aren't lasting more than 10 days (there isn't any leaking). It seems that the amount of yeast of their refills is a bit too small compared to other recipes. What's the capacity of the bottle of the...
  17. M

    Looking for DuckWeed

    I must have like a trillion of these. If I could I would trade, but I think I'm a bit too far... I got some floating plant from a small lake in my sister's small farm and some of these came with these floating plants, and now they are multiplying like crazy. The dwarf gourami used them to make a...
  18. M

    Suggestion about trimming accessories

    And the brand is?
  19. M

    Suggestion about trimming accessories

    I would like to have some suggestions of acessories to help with plant trimmings (brands, models etc.). I'm using a scissor right now, but I think it's not very suitable for some plants and some locations of the tank.
  20. M

    A betta and a Gourami in a 32g?

    I thought about moving my dwarf male to one of the betta's tanks because he has been extremely aggressive and paranoid after spawning (maybe there's still some more eggs to hatch), and he seems to be preferring to attack the rams than anyone else. Even when things seem to be a bit calm, he goes...
  21. M


    I didn't test the ammonia today a day after adding the zeolites, but there's at least one thing that is different: there's a big bubble nest today in his tank, and as the water change is scheduled for tomorrow, this is very unusual. The closer it is to water changes, the smaller the nests are...
  22. M

    Can other fishes eat the eggs?

    No they didn't eat the eggs - not all of them at least. I have babies!!! Edit: when will the male start to calm down? The eggs were laid last Thursday afternoon, but I just saw the first babies today (Sunday morning), and the male is now extremely agressive towards everyone and I can't move it...
  23. M

    Ammonia Levels

    8 ppm of ammonia is way too much, I dunno how your fishes are still alive. When I started my cycling (fishless!), I added some ammonia (some diluted solution, 10%) to speed the process, and I added a cap of ammonia (it was maybe no more than 5ml) to a 19G tank and the levels were up to 5ppm...
  24. M

    Bettas in a community Aquarium

    One of mine almost destroyed his tail doing this more than once. That poor thermometer was almost killed... once he got stuck though between the thermometer and the glass when the thermometer had suction cups (which I've removed), and he has stopped the fighting since.
  25. M

    Betta Questions

    1 - Not what happens with me. The more sunny and hot, the bigger the nests. 2 - The day after water changes is when the nests are bigger. 3 - Definitely. 4 - Not sure. I have 2 bettas seeing each other (or their own reflection, I have a double faced mirror that I place between the 2 tanks) 70%...
  26. M

    Before and after

    I will probably be adding a black background soon, maybe in the next week. Or more plants, who knows.
  27. M

    Before and after

    It's just 54W for 19G (72L), I have one ProGlow (in the first pic it's just the PG) with 20W and some compact fluorescent with 34W. At first, as there is plenty of sunlight in the room where the tank is I thought I wouldn't need anything else but a cheap light just to give some different effect...
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    The problem of trying to cycle the tank just now is that it must have full water changes every week at least until things get stabilized, this doesn't let enough time for the bacteria to attach anywhere. When I was cycling my bigger tank (took just 12 days!) I tried adding some of the Cycle I...
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    I bought some zeolites (ammonia removal rocks) to use in my main tank for a while (and they worked as expected), and now I'm planning to use them in the betta tanks, that are unfiltered and have to have their water changed quite often because of the ammonia as everybody knows. The problem is...
  30. M

    Before and after

    These are pictures of my humble 19G (72L) tank. It started to be cycled in December (3rd or 4th), and this is how it looks like after about 45 days. Before: After: There are some algae here and there but nothing serious, the ottos can fix that. The riccia carpets (the 2 green things seen...
  31. M

    Can other fishes eat the eggs?

    Today the neons look normal, at least that. I was afraid that some fish could get killed by the gourami, I heard stories about some killing a lot of tankmates while taking care of the nest, but they've all survived - the first night at least B) The neons are still checking the nest here and...
  32. M

    Can other fishes eat the eggs?

    Hi all, first post in here, can be a little longer... I currently have a 19G tank (I'm used to measures in metric system - I'm from Brazil - so I might give some incorrect data sometimes, it has 72 litres), and the fishes are: a couple of dwarf gouramis, a couple of rams, 4 ottos, 3 corys...