A betta and a Gourami in a 32g?


Fish Addict
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
The Great White North
I've been using a betta to provide nutrients for some CO2-enriched Java Moss in a 10 gallon tank, but want to increase the fish loading first. I was thinking of putting the betta in my 32 gallon tank and moving 3 tiger barbs into the 10 gallon (all I have left of my school that died while I was on vacation :byebye: ) , but he will be with a Gourami, then. The gourami is very shy, and because he was kept in a 17 gallon tank with 3 other gouramis by a friend, became too terrorized to leave his cave. He comes out of his corner at night, and that's it.

I'm all but certian the Gourami will ignore the betta - he'll probably be scared, but how agressive would a betta be to a male gourami? I woudn't think it would be a problem; after all, a gourami is about 10 times faster than a betta.

I'm just worried the betta will attack the gourami, and the gourami will actually fight back and hurt my betta.

What are your thoughts on the subject?
Putting Gouramis and Bettas together is not recommended. The person I got my 29-gallon tank from had a Three-Spot Gourami and a Betta in the tank - the Gourami rarely came out. I didn't know it was in there until I started taking the tank apart. The Betta was the boss of that tank and all the Gourami did was hide.

That's my only experience with such a situation.

aka Married Lizard :wub:
i had a betta and a dwarf gourami in a 180 g with a rainbow shark and a very recluse catfish

it was a super bad idea :(

with that much space who knew they would fnd each other and then chase each other and then chunks of my betta's tail started to go missing and i had to remove him (he died anyway when i thought i had enough hiding holes and put him back and there was an 'incident' that happeend during the night)

and that's my story of my gourami and betta living togther in more than enough space to accomodate them both

learnt from my mistakes i did :(
I have 2 kissing Gouramis, and one Honey Gourami, and they maintain a certain truce amongst themselves, however... the only thing they all seem to agree on is that they hate the two Female Bettas. I dont know if its a Labyrinth envy thing or what, but I dont find them compatible at all, despite what I've read here, and on other sites..
This really depends on the fishes personality, for example I have a gold male who is quite shy when ever I come by to feed or or matinence, but when he doesnt know iam there he is quite agrressive. And since Golds are known as one of the more agrressive varient of gourami I would lean aginst it.
My blue gourami picks on my geophagus surinamensis, a decently aggressive cichlid. Imagine what the gold could do to a betta :p I wouldn't recommend putting them in the same tank, but it may depend on the fish :)
I thought about moving my dwarf male to one of the betta's tanks because he has been extremely aggressive and paranoid after spawning (maybe there's still some more eggs to hatch), and he seems to be preferring to attack the rams than anyone else. Even when things seem to be a bit calm, he goes to the opposite side of the tank just to harass the others for no reason, and they have learned that they shouldn't be near the nest for a while. Even so, the dwarf goes there and chases them all. I'm afraid that he can become this aggressive forever and can try to take control of half of the tank as he is doing now... what is strange is that the fish that he is bothering the less (chasing the less, that is) is the female dwarf...
Hi Yenko, :)

I just noticed the date of your original post on this thread and was wondering if you would add a post to tell us how you resolved the matter. :D
Along time ago, I put a paradise fish in with a male betta in a 10 gal. (the LPS told me they would be fine, and that male bettas could be with any other fish besides another male betta. :grr: ) So I listened to him and put them together. After a week or so, I came home one night to find my pretty paradise fish with no tail at all. :angry: I didn't know what happened so I looked it up online. I read, "DO NOT KEEP PARADISE FISH WITH BETTAS!" :-( It was already too late and the next couple of hours my paradise fish died. :byebye:

I now have an opaline gourami in my 30 gal and he seems to love it in there. He pretty much keeps to himself and doesn't really bother any of the fish. I am thinking about maybe getting him some company because he is really the only top-dweller I have. I have a female dalmation molly but I am thinking about donating her to the LFS due to her having fry every month. :hyper:
Hi endilliteracy :)

I think I should warn you that a full grown male opaline gourami, who has already established the tank as his exclusive territory, can be very fierce when he comes to defending it.

Even if you add a female, he is quite likely to be aggressive and bullying toward her. At best you will be taking a big chance adding another gourami. The same, of course, goes for paradise fish or bettas.
Inchworm said:
Hi endilliteracy :)

I think I should warn you that a full grown male opaline gourami, who has already established the tank as his exclusive territory, can be very fierce when he comes to defending it.

Even if you add a female, he is quite likely to be aggressive and bullying toward her. At best you will be taking a big chance adding another gourami. The same, of course, goes for paradise fish or bettas.
I was thinking maybe 2 dwarf gourami? Hmm..maybe I should just leave him be. I know they are supposed to be semi-aggressive and terratorial, but my opaline is very shy and leaves everyone alone. He even lets a pregnant dalmation molly bully him around. :wub:
Hi endilliteracy :)

I really wouldn't take a chance with an opaline. I have probably seen more members complain about them than any other kind of gourami.

I'm sure there are other beautiful fish who would make great additions to your tank during your opaline's lifetime, and there is always time later on, or if you add another tank, to get the dwarfs. :D
I added a betta in a 75g with 5 gourmais. He chased them around quite a bit to establish his territory, I guess, but never nipped at them. This went on for about a week and I was getting ready to take him out when one of the gourmais he was chasing turned around and faced him head on. :flex: The betta immediately backed away and didn't bother any of them again. I almost cheered! :D

I know this is an older post, but I had to share...
Hi phishluvr :)

I know just what you mean when you talked about your gouramis turning around and facing the betta head on. My two old pearl females, who I called, "The Sisters," would do that to my rather nasty 3 spot, "Big Blue."

They do actually turn and stare the other fish down. I've often wondered just what they would be saying if they could talk like we do. It wouldn't be pretty! :lol:

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