Search results

  1. SmokedPaprika

    Recommended Reading?

    Wow, thanks!  Fab list :D I'm getting all impatient now...and I have even more questions...(sorry!)   Re: chocolates and sevs...if I did go for a pair of one or the other, how likely is it that I'd have issues once they grew up and spawned?  Would I need a breeding tank set up as well, or would...
  2. SmokedPaprika

    Recommended Reading?

    Oooh, I've been looking at geos...particularly liking the threadfins!  What would be a good group size in a 6x2x2?
  3. SmokedPaprika

    Fluval Spec 5 Litre

    If you want a betta plus something else, maybe look at amano shrimp - I have no personal experience with them but they're larger than most shrimp varieties and quite a few members seem to keep them with their bettas.  Just bear in mind that you *might* get one of those very feisty bettas that...
  4. SmokedPaprika

    Fluval Spec 5 Litre

    Hi and    Re: the tank, do you mean the 5 gallon?  I wasn't aware there was a 5 litre Spec.  If there were, I'd say it's too small to put fish in.  If you have the 5 gallon/19 litre...betta splendens?  Endlers?  Check out the nano tank section for more ideas :) just be wary of the gap in the top...
  5. SmokedPaprika

    Betta Excitement!

    Good to hear :D what kind of personality does he have?  Feisty, friendly, lazy?   How's his colour looking?  I have to say Rhaegar was quite dark for a day or so after I brought him home, then brightened up again.  So I don't think it's just my limited experience, anyway!
  6. SmokedPaprika

    Recommended Reading?

    Agreed, fantastic video!  Thank you so much for sharing that :D and Wills, those links are great, I love tangledupincichlids - spent ages on the train this morning scrolling through it.  I loved the chocolate cichlid pic; they're adorable, they look like aquatic puppies!   I *think* I'd like to...
  7. SmokedPaprika

    Recommended Reading?

      Haha, fab!  Maybe I just need to think about my space a bit more - although with the possibility of a move, I don't want to get a big tank set up and then have to shift it, so research it is, for now.   My thought was that if I decide which fish I want in the early stages, I can work out what...
  8. SmokedPaprika

    Recommended Reading?

      Hi Wills!  Thanks for the brilliant reply, loads of great info there :)   This is all hypothetical at the moment; I genuinely don't have space for a suitable tank, I live in a one up one down with a postage stamp garden :/ I had to do some rearranging for even my little betta tank to fit; I'd...
  9. SmokedPaprika

    Recommended Reading?

    Hi, I'm currently the very proud owner of a rehomed betta, but I've been lurking in the New World cichlid section for a while. I don't have room for any of these beauties at the moment but I find them fascinating, so I was wondering whether any of you lovely people could recommend me any books...
  10. SmokedPaprika

    Like My Baby Jags?

      Which one are you decommissioning?  Looks like you have some lovely setups :)
  11. SmokedPaprika

    Like My Baby Jags?

    Adorable!  I'd take one off your hands if I had the room to do a cichlid tank...oh well, one day.  Thanks for sharing :)
  12. SmokedPaprika

    Betta Excitement!

    What a cutie!  Is that a spade tail?
  13. SmokedPaprika

    Can I Keep Fish In A 7 Litre Tank?

    As above, really.   If you haven't already bought this 7 litre tank, I'd look at something a little bigger.  It won't cost you much more to buy, it'll be easier to maintain, kinder to your fish, and will still sit on a desktop or a bookshelf (my betta lives in a 22 litre cube on a sturdy side...
  14. SmokedPaprika

    Naughty Sparklers

    That's such a shame as they're beautiful little fish any chance you could set them up in a species-only tank?   ETA - of course, getting a betta could only be a good thing...
  15. SmokedPaprika

    I Did It Again..

    Aw, he's cute :) congrats on your new addition!
  16. SmokedPaprika

    Tank In Mini-Cycle?

    Update: I've been doing daily water tests since Thursday and haven't had any more readings for ammonia.  Everything else is as it was - no nitrite spike - so I can only conclude that I mucked up the test somehow.  Either that or I need a new testing kit...   till, all's well that ends well -...
  17. SmokedPaprika

    Betta Tank Mates For 5 Gallon

    I'm only a newbie so I can't really help with tankmate suggestions, but I just wanted to say your tank looks lovely :) beautiful betta!  
  18. SmokedPaprika

    Tank In Mini-Cycle?

    Well, the tap water doesn't show an ammonia reading, so that's out.         Wow, thanks for all the info! :) I've had a look at the instructions and it's for both fresh and salt.  No changes to the dechlor though, I'm using the same one as ever.  And Rhaegar still seems happy, he's busy flaring...
  19. SmokedPaprika

    Tank In Mini-Cycle?

      Ah, no, I haven't checked that - I'm about to head out for a couple of hours, but when I get back I'll definitely have a look.  Thanks!
  20. SmokedPaprika

    Tank In Mini-Cycle?

      No, fish is fine - just chilling out on his plant.         Never thought of the API Master kit the better option, then?  If not, what would you recommend?
  21. SmokedPaprika

    Tank In Mini-Cycle?

    I've been changing 25% of the water weekly, and I rinse the filter in the old tank water, so I'm not sure what could have happened   and there's only ever been Rhaegar in there, I haven't added any new tankmates.
  22. SmokedPaprika

    Tank In Mini-Cycle?

    No, I've got the Easytest kit by Interpet - it's a tablet testing kit rather than a true liquid test kit.    Thanks!  :)
  23. SmokedPaprika

    Pics Of My New Red Dragon Zz *pic Heavy*

    Love this fish - he's so clever!  I'd never paid much attention to flowerhorns before I saw your boy, but now I think I want one...sadly I don't have space for the right sized tank.  One day!
  24. SmokedPaprika

    Tank In Mini-Cycle?

    I think I've somehow sent Rhaegar's tank into a mini-cycle - I tested ammonia levels this morning and they were at .2ppm       I've checked for uneaten food and rotting plant matter and found nothing...what could cause this?  And how can I fix it?  I don't want Rhaegar ending up ill because of...
  25. SmokedPaprika

    Current And Past Bettas!

    Beautiful bettas - I'm in love with Casper! :)
  26. SmokedPaprika

    Betta Tank Setup Journal

    Lovely - stunning colours!
  27. SmokedPaprika

    Rhaegar Checking In!

    Thanks Mamashack - I'll do my best! :)
  28. SmokedPaprika

    Pics Of My New Red Dragon Zz *pic Heavy*

    What a beauty - his colours are just eye-popping!  I second the fish of the month suggestion :)
  29. SmokedPaprika

    Before Bettas... This Is What I Bred ...

    They're stunning, RCA.  I'd love to see more pictures :)
  30. SmokedPaprika

    Rhaegar Checking In!

    And there you have it from the betta's mouth (sort of).   He's settled in beautifully - no sulks, no fasting, no tail biting, no issues of any kind.  Though I might have a word about escaping from the cube to use my laptop, that can't be good...   Thank you to everyone who gave me advice and...
  31. SmokedPaprika

    Rhaegar Checking In!

    Afternoon, all!  My name is Rhaegar - I believe my new Mum's told you all about me, but unfortunately she's been having a tough time at work and hasn't had much chance to update you for a while, so I figured I'd take care of that myself.     No pictures to show you, unfortunately; you'll have to...
  32. SmokedPaprika

    My New Betta!

    He's so cute! :)
  33. SmokedPaprika

    The Journey To Bringing My Imported Halfmoon Home

    What a stunner :D congratulations!
  34. SmokedPaprika

    So Who Has A 5 Gallon & What Do You Keep In It?

    My tank is 22l so just over 5gal, and contains a male betta splendens named Rhaegar :)
  35. SmokedPaprika

    A New Adventure (Pic Heavy)

    This tank is beautiful - congratulations :)
  36. SmokedPaprika

    New 30L Betta Tank

    You kind of gave me the idea with Eragon, actually...Rhaegar is the name of a character from George RR Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series.  He's the prince of the Targaryens - a.k.a. the dragon lords :)
  37. SmokedPaprika

    Considering A Rehome

    Evening, all!  Rhaegar is settling in well, he's built me an enormous bubble nest and is currently flaring at his reflection.    Unfortunately I can't find the cable for my camera, so pics will have to wait until the weekend when I can dig it out of whichever box it's lurking in...
  38. SmokedPaprika

    New 30L Betta Tank

    Wow, Mamashack, love the video! :D I    Rhaegar is doing well thanks :) pics and journal might have to wait until the weekend I'm afraid, I can't find the cable to link my camera up to the computer, it's probably still in a box somewhere from the move 
  39. SmokedPaprika

    Considering A Rehome

    Quick update - I am now the proud "mum" of a red veil tail betta named Rhaegar :D   Pics and more detail to follow tomorrow!!
  40. SmokedPaprika

    May 2013 - Fotm Banter

    The baby betta is so cute, the ram is super handsome and the shrimp is stunning.   Good luck, everyone! 