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  1. Bettabuddy664

    My Betta Schneewalzer

    He's in a nice 5 gal, just left the house so I can't get a pic, sry 
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  3. Bettabuddy664

    My Betta Schneewalzer

    Introducing, my betta Schneewalzer! His color is just fantastic.
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  5. Bettabuddy664

    Stocking My 10G Tank

    I'm surprised no one has pointed at a betta setup. Bettas are loaded with personality and would consider a 10g a nice home. You could probably add in a few friends as well.
  6. Bettabuddy664

    New Moderator

  7. Bettabuddy664

    Oh The Panic

    Sometimes, funny and alarming scenarios pop up in aquariums. One time, I thought my molly was pecking at one of my Mystery snails, turns out he was eating the algae on his back XD
  8. Bettabuddy664

    Adding Another Albino Cory Catfish To My Fish Tank

    Aside from what Sawickib said, you could maybe add some snails in there as a clean up crew instead, or maybe get some more ghost shrimp?
  9. Bettabuddy664

    Emergency! Heater Problem!

    Thanks for the suggestions guys! I really appreciate it.
  10. Bettabuddy664

    Emergency! Heater Problem!

    Hey guys, My heater just broke and I'm not able to get a new one, as my parents say "the water's fine". Even if I could buy it with my own money, they wouldn't let me. Is there any a possible way to keep the tank warm without the heater? And please don't suggest trying to changes my parent's...
  11. Bettabuddy664

    First Tank Any Advise And Tips?

    Make sure you have test kits for the cycle. It may seem confusing at first, but it's really not, even I can understand it, and I'm not as old as you think.   EDIT* I forgot: Welcome to TFF 
  12. Bettabuddy664

    Bottom To Mid Dwelling Fish For A 20 Gallon

    Cories will always be one of the  more commonly used catfish for a reason, they're entertaining to watch and do a good job of cleaning up too. I would recommend cories or maybe some kuhli loaches. 
  13. Bettabuddy664

    What Kind Of Fish Is This?

    They're painted glass fish. They will lose their color about one month into their life in captivity, and they get sick a lot easier than other fish. I would suggest returning them for another kind of species of fish.
  14. Bettabuddy664

    Is This 'tank' To Small For Snails?

    They should be ok, I would recommend using water from your other tank your gonna transfer it to (if cycled).
  15. Bettabuddy664

    Tetra Ht10 (50W) Heater Lights Flickering?

    Hey guys,   My heater [Tetra HT10 (50W)] is constantly flickering between the red light and the green light, and at times, the light will turn off at long intervals. The tank is constantly at around 70* F, which really isn't preferable. Is it supposed to do this?   -BB664   EDIT* It's in a 5 gal...
  16. Bettabuddy664

    My New Betta Keeps Getting Sick

    Welcome to TFF! We hope you have a good time here!      If your betta is getting sick this much it may be that you have bad  water quality. Ninjouzata pretty much summed up what info we need, but we may need a pic of it, as it might not be fin rot, maybe just fin wear / tear?
  17. Bettabuddy664

    Mystery Snails For Cycling?

    Thanks Ellie, I appreciate the tips!
  18. Bettabuddy664

    I'm A Shrimp Mommy!

    Good for you! Make sure no other fish get to him, as many fish see them as food.
  19. Bettabuddy664

    Mystery Snails For Cycling?

    I just realized im using seeded media from my filter and gravel from an already cycled tank. Taking this into consideration, would i still need to go out and buy some ammonia or would i be fine with what I have now?
  20. Bettabuddy664

    Mystery Snails For Cycling?

    I've tried to convince my parents to let me get either aquarium ammonia or just leave some egg shells in the tank, but they aren't convinced, and are rahter disgusted.
  21. Bettabuddy664

    Mystery Snails For Cycling?

    Hey there, I just started up my 5 gal (yay) and am planning to put a betta in there. I need to start the cycling process and I would prefer to use a live animal to cycle rather than fishless. I am either going to get Nerites or Mysterys, but I'm leaning more towards mystery for the bigger...
  22. Bettabuddy664

    Fish Keeps Flashing

    What @PrincesKiara said, plus, if the salt is helping, it's probably ich. Look for white spots on his side, or signs of weakness. What are your water parameters?
  23. Bettabuddy664

    Are Bettas Picky Eaters?

    All your betta has to do is get used to the new food. It takes a while, so be patient.
  24. Bettabuddy664

    Dwarf Gourami In A 5 Gallon?

    Hello!   I know most people say that the minimum for DGs is 10 gal, but I only have a 5 gal on hand, and I want to make use out of that.  Do you think it's possible for me to keep one male and maybe a nerite inside the tank? I am able to buy live plants, driftwood, and i have a nice filter as...
  25. Bettabuddy664

    Triops Longicaudatus Detritus Removal

    Hello, I know this forum is meant for fish, but this is the only place I could ask this question. For those of you who know about Triops, at what day after hatching could I remove the detritus (the brown little plant pieces) out of the water? I wanted to know because It makes the tank look bad. ...
  26. Bettabuddy664


    Hello!   I was looking to get some otos to clean up the tank, but the only problem is my Chinese Algae Eater, who isn't aggressive to my other fish, but super aggressive to my other CAE. I was wondering if the CAE would bully the otos since they are like a miniature version of them.   Thanks, BB664 
  27. Bettabuddy664

    Betta Compatibility

    Hello!   I was wondering if I could put my male crown tail betta into my 29 gal.  Here are the inhabitants: 6 Glowlight Tetras 8 Neons 2 CAE (Chinese Algae Eaters) 2 Albino Corys  2 Sunset Platies 1 Balloon Molly   Thank you, BB664
  28. Bettabuddy664

    Snail Deaths?

    I feed them algae wafers every other day and my water has calcium in it, I put cuttlebone in the water.
  29. Bettabuddy664

    Snail Deaths?

    Hello!   Today my blue mystery snail died, he was rotting away and I had to throw him away. If you look on my page, you can see my other white mystery snail died about a week and a half ago.   I was wondering if there is any connection to this death and the previous death, or any wrong water...
  30. Bettabuddy664

    Snail Question

    Hi guys,   A few days ago I lost my white mystery snail, Gary, how was doing perfectly fine the days before. I went on a trip for about 3 days, and when I came back, Gary's shell was empty, with the foot covering on the other side of the tank from where the empty shell was. I did the "smell"...
  31. Bettabuddy664

    Stocking 5 Gal

    Thanks For all the responses!   I decided to put 5 Horned Nerites and 3 Mystery Snails.
  32. Bettabuddy664

    Stocking 5 Gal

    Hi guys,   Recently my betta, Sushi just died so now I have an open 5 gal tank.   I was thinking about making a snail tank and was wondering how many snails I could put in a 5 gallon without them being on top of each other?   Also, any other tips would be appreciated!    
  33. Bettabuddy664

    Endler Not Eating

    Stringy white poo often means constipation in your fish as well (to the person above).    Stringy white poo also means internal parasites as well, as constipation doesn't happen a lot with other fish besides betta.   Listen to the guy above, he is right, since your fish is interested in food but...
  34. Bettabuddy664

    Dwarf Gourami On Bottom..

    Is the hiding gourami pale? Also, Don't put your fish in a bucket! That will stress the fish out which will make it worse. Also, could you post a pic of the splotches on the fins? 
  35. Bettabuddy664

    29 Gallon Freshwater Queries

    Driftwood can lower your PH level to a healthy level, if you can't get those, try oak leaves too.   Hope I helped!
  36. Bettabuddy664

    29 Gallon Freshwater Queries

    A few questions: How did your other 5 endler's die? If it is some kind of sickness, you should immediately quarantine all of your fish into a separate tank, and do a 90% water change. Also, do you see your endler's acting strange toward each other or themselves? If one is hiding, most likely he...
  37. Bettabuddy664

    Who's Says Shrimps Don't Attack?

    I used to have an amano shrimp tank and when i put an oto in there, he was gone within an hour >.<
  38. Bettabuddy664

    Normal Guppy And Blue Diamond Guppy

    It Depends on the size of your current guppies compared to the new guppies your going to get. Sometimes, live bearers tend to pick on their own kind for food and because of size. If the size contrast isn't that much, I'd say you could get them. Just make sure you don't overstock your tank. :)
  39. Bettabuddy664

    New Platy Fries!

    Even if you think they aren't eating, they are! Just crush the flakes very very small, (powder like) then spread it in the trap. They will definitely eat the crushed Flake. :)
  40. Bettabuddy664

    What Happened To My Guppy?!?

    Does your neighbor know how to take care of fish? If not, she might have accidentally killed your little guppy, if not, it might have dies of old age as well. (Don't know how old the guppy is.) 