Search results

  1. F

    Underground Co2 Injection?

    Has anyone ever heard/seen/considered using the diy soda bottle method for producing co2 and then running line to a gang valve in the substrate of your tank with line running underground to airstones that are placed underneath plants or groups of plants? would this be an effective means of...
  2. F

    Ten Gallon Hood With Two Lights!

    these bulbs are 6700k in one bulb and 10000k in the other but they are skinny and so both combined is no wider than a a standard coralife bulb. 17" 40w Dual Daylight picture of bulb
  3. F

    Ten Gallon Hood With Two Lights!

    My local fish shop is willing to order me a Current USA Satellite 1x40W 20" unit (all of which come with a sunpaq combo 10000k/actinic) along with a 10000k/6700k dual daylight bulb to replace it with for $89.95. It seems this is the only way for me to achieve my desired WPG without retrofitting...
  4. F

    Ten Gallon Hood With Two Lights!

    are actinic bulbs ok for freshwater usage?
  5. F

    Ten Gallon Hood With Two Lights!

    or also maybe a kit to convert an existing 15W single bulb setup to two bulbs?
  6. F

    Ten Gallon Hood With Two Lights!

    Does anyone know where I can get a hood for a ten gallon tank (10"x20") that has two flourescent light tubes? My single bulb lighting unit died in a puff of smoke recently, so I figure I might as well upgrade to two lights for my heavily planted tank, but nobody seems to make one in sizes less...
  7. F

    albino cory, otocinclus

    two pics of my fat albino cory (3") and a pic of my otocinlus (1")
  8. otocinclus.jpg


  9. albinocory2.jpg


  10. albinocory.jpg


  11. F

    dusted off camera

    yes, they are easy to care for. i have sand in the middle of my tank but i have never seen him buried in it. thanks for the compliments -brandon
  12. F

    dusted off camera

    here is a pic of my banjo catfish. he is about 4 inches long
  13. banjocat.jpg


  14. F

    fish pic

    for some reason i cannot see the pic, unless i hit edit, then the pic shows up, or if i go to edit and then hit back, the pic shows up where previously it did not. why is this?
  15. F

    fish pic

    here is a pic of my emerald green cory i took with my new digital camera.
  16. F

    cool stuff

    hmmmm. im all for guns and gun collection etc. etc. And there is nothing wrong with everyone posting as many pictures as they want of there gun collection. But it's just that first one where you have a real gun pointed at that stuffed frog. I know it's not a big deal, but it hits some kind of...
  17. F

    The coolest Thing you Own

    ooooooo i hate you fishnooob!!!!!! just about as fast as a prosche for a third of the price. makes me sad really, wishin i was 10 years older so i could have the cash to buy one.
  18. F


    correct smithrc. because a big advantage and basis of the metric system is that 1gm water = 1 mL water
  19. F

    Going to a sand tank this summer

    i would recommend using about 2 inches of sand if your tank is planted. i have 5 catfish and they like digging around in the sand, i dont think there insides are shred up because they've been in there for a while. i think the rule of thumb for the amount of sand is five pounds per ten gallons...
  20. F

    rc car

    team associated rc10t stadium truck from a couple years back. ill sell it if anyone wants it...
  21. F

    omg deleted again
  22. F

    Some Pic of my car **56K Warning**

    gimme some specs!! im assuming new headers, exhaust, intake, etc?? that's supercharged right?
  23. F

    Another better pic of me

    i was doin it for my sig. i guess a mod removed it or something???
  24. F

    What does everyone use as a background

    paint. it is the easiest because once you apply it will not reflect like many of the commercially available backgrounds will. acrylic works fine and i think tempera may work also but dont quote me on that.
  25. F

    Dwarf Puffer in a little tank

    put a couple of zebra danios or something hardy in the snail tank just so that the bio cucle keeps going and so the snails always have something to much on. put in a little extra food then u normally would also, a little bit of algae would be a good thing in a snail breeding tank.
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    boil em good, then rinse em good, then boil em good, then rinse em good.
  27. F

    April Betta of the Month

    it was photoshopped but if you go look at the original thread it was only to remove a slight bit of blue in the background. check the original thread for the original pic.
  28. F

    My Gourami

    u sure its not a neon blue dwarf gourami? i know the bottom fin coloration looks like the colisa faciatus but the body coloration looks much like a neon blue.
  29. F

    150 Fry, One Tank...

    :lol: because they reproduce like snails!!! there day consists of eating and gettin jiggy! :lol:
  30. F


    yes that sounds good, for a while there u guys were getting a curled, straight, and fanned tail mixed up. My dwarfs tail only curls when he is turning and/or ready to chomp on a snail. his tail fans occasionally, almost all the times when he wants to get some speed in his swim, whenever he...
  31. F

    April Small Tank of the Month

    there would be four tanks to choose from without the two 29 gallons...
  32. F

    April Small Tank of the Month

    grrr canucks r garbage!!!! :P go FLYERS! :hyper: :hyper:
  33. F

    April Small Tank of the Month

    i think the rules should state that up to 30 gallons will only be included in a months stotm if there are less than 3 (not including 3) tanks under 15 gallons nominated in that month.
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    April Large Tank of the Month

    if this is the tank ...and i think it is... then yes, february 2004 totm.
  35. F

    April Small Tank of the Month

    eh. oh well. no biggy. i feel that there is a very very large difference, however, in what you can do with a 30 gallon compared to what you can do with a 10 gallon. there are 4 tanks that are under 15 gallons in the competition...
  36. F

    April Small Tank of the Month

    i don't think he's here right now lol. 4get it he is...