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  1. N


    Hi Matchu, everyone I ever asked this question of told me the same, once a week is best. how much you choose to change is another question. I do about 15%, some do 10 some 20 Its really up to you. However much you choose I think the weekly change is good because It means you pay regular...
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    water conditioner?

    Thanks Guys, I will pass your advice on to my brother as well, we both hate the thought of our fish suffering in silence. :thumbs:
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    water conditioner?

    Hi All, Since starting my first tank last year I've used a product called Stress coat to de-chlorinate my water before changes every week. The manager at my lfs recomended it and I've just stuck with it since (if it aint broke dont fix it) but today I was talking with my brother who keeps cold...
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    Too much oxygen???

    Hi Molly, I put my air stone in just two months ago after having my tank for a year. Since then I have had less trouble with algae on the glass due to the increased water motion and my barbs love to play in the fast currents it creates. Some say that if you have live plants they will be...
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    Moving house soon.

    Thanks Guys, I was planning on keeping all my tank water and transfering everything in a cooler but thought I could get away with just filling the cooler with water (after steralising it) and letting the fish swim free but I guess if I'm to carry the filter material in water too then bags are...
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    Moving house soon.

    Hi All, Just a quick question, I am planning to move house in the next fewe weeks for the first time since buying my juwel 70 last year. I am moving about one hours drive from where I currently live and would be interested in any hints and tips anyone has from experience to make this as smooth...
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    Air Pump Reviews

    Don't buy rena pumps , they work fine but make quite a din.
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    WHat should i get

    Bardbs are my favorite and the can tend to be aggressive when kept in small numbers (fin nipping) get at least 4-5 to keep them happy. You Gotta love those bottom feeders , good luck.
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    Juwel Rio 125 tank

    I myself have had very few problems with my juwel 70 but will check inside the filter housing for exess gunk. In future I'm definately changing brands though, the lighting just isn't enough for the ammount of plants I want to keep.
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    good luck to all your fish

    Nice one corykitty I'll keep that one in mind.
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    good luck to all your fish

    I'm leaving mine for five days this year and would like any suggestions for feeding them (its the first time they have ever been alone)
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    Paint flaking into tank!!!!

    What kind of paint was on the light? if it was water based and has dissolved I would put the fish in your quarantine tank a.s.a.p. oil based paints should be fairly indigestable though. the same happened to me a while ago and after changing most of the water and replacing the fish they seemed...
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    My Fish Don't Like The Light?

    Hey Ninenails, I'm new to this myself and have similar fish. I would definately agree with Sylvia in that a stable 12hour on 12 hour off cycle suits them best. The main light probably scares them cos they are used to darkness or half light. I would suggest getting a timer switch for your light...
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    How do I clean sand without disturbing it?

    I vacume once a week but just the surface I don't stir it up while doing so though. by the way I originally filled my filled my tank about three inches deep with gravel,would this have any connection? :-(
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    How do I clean sand without disturbing it?

    Personally I only have a gravel substrate, fairly fine at that and I regularly get gas bubbling up. It's definately methane and I've checked all my books and the net and never heard of it being harmful. I assumed everyone experienced this and that it was a signifier of normal bacterial activity...
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    Hi everyone

    Hello, just a quick message to introduce myself. I'm a 30 year old freelance art department technician living in Belfast, Ireland, and have only been in to tropical fish for a little over a year. I love this sit, definately the best of its kind I've seen and I will definately be contributing...