good luck to all your fish


Fish Crazy
Sep 20, 2004
Reaction score
Ames, Iowa USA
Good luck to all the fish that are getting left for many days due to going home for the holidays.

Merry Xmas, and happy holidays.
between the cats, the guinea pigs, the birds and the fish... we're not going away this year for as long as we usually do - it'll be two nights max this year. And if the weather looks threatening we'll come home early.
The last time we went away for a week I had hired someone to come in and look after the fish and it was a disaster. Don't want a repeat of that, for sure.
I'm leaving mine for five days this year and would like any suggestions for feeding them (its the first time they have ever been alone)
im leaving mine for 5 days too. im giving extra live food to fatten them up a bit, but then they will be fed nothing for the time im away. they can manage without food for a week. just do a water change and make sure the filter is cleaned and they will be fine. :)
Just leave them.

Fish are cold blooded, and since they don't expend energy to heat themselves they can go a surprising time without food, 5 days without any problem. Fattening them up won't carry them far anyway, though it could result in leaving a dirtier tank.
I left my babies in my mom's care with carefully measured food in pill reminder boxes while I was on my cruise last week. I just got home and water quality and such has stayed good :D I do suggest for anyone that plans on having someone feed to do the premeasure thing. I even measured on the slim side just in case.
I am not leaving my fish this year. we also have the dog and cat to look after.

The fish are one of my reasons why I can't go and spend 5 days with my parents in some remote location. DAMN shame that huh :p

It would be dangerous for me to go anyways. Someone would surely die!!!

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