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  1. M

    Baby Fish For Sale - Nicaragua Cichlid

    Whereabouts are you? Thanks
  2. M

    Can You Identify This Cichlid?

    Hiya, I've managed to adopt this cichlid, I think its possibly a black belt, can anyone confirm or suggest anything else it could be? Thanks Marie
  3. M

    My Recent Rescues And Problems...

    cichlid picture here... sorry about quality did my best :blush:
  4. M

    My Recent Rescues And Problems...

    oooh I think i just found the unknown cichlid.. looks like a 'black belt cichlid' (vieja maculicauda) some profiles have said highly aggressive but others say moderately.. no more then other american cichlids... He/she is swimming around happily in my tank not picking on anyone but not really...
  5. M

    Hiya, I'm Back!

    I've now posted my other thread sorry for delay!
  6. M

    My Recent Rescues And Problems...

    ty for the reply - the cichlids in the video clip are my pair! but ty for the info :D will try and get pic of 'unknown' soon
  7. M

    My Recent Rescues And Problems...

    ty wilder, exactly, the average novice fishkeeper will walk into a shop, pick something he/she likes the look of, then ask the shopkeeper about it, I've done it myself and worked in a petshop years ago and saw it many times. Petshops/aquatic shops should make sure their staff are well educated...
  8. M

    My Recent Rescues And Problems...

    Hiya, just to introduce myself I am a 31 year old housewife living in Leicester, I've been keeping tropicals since I was 16, I've kept a good variety over the years, and since getting my 5ft tank have been adopting fish that need homes from local and not so local pet owners. Sooo... last night I...
  9. M

    Hiya, I'm Back!

    sorry havent posted it yet - trying to upload piccies!
  10. M

    Hiya, I'm Back!

    Hi, not posted for a while, just saying hello on this thread but have got a bit of a story and a problem to solve involving some rather large (and not full grown) fish... please check out my other thread for details!
  11. M

    I Need Help And Im Angry

    You're welcome - I wish I could help more, I know how frustrating it is when you want to do something but can't see how.... Best of Luck mate
  12. M

    I Need Help And Im Angry

    a couple of links that might help alot of general info really. But what seems to come out of all that is that yes it is possible...
  13. M


    I've bought both eggs and young adults (at different times) and can honestly say if you get the chance to buy a pair rather then eggs its far better. Only 2 of the eggs hatched (out of around 20) and I lost those - had them in a breeding trap for a few days and it slipped down one night ... oops...
  14. M

    Planting Medium/substrate...

    hey thanks for that - I have been told that pond or normal compost is too rich in nutrients and will create algae problems - you'll have to let me know how it goes. I'm tempted to go with it like you tho lol, I'm gonna get a job lot of plants so need a good base. I've also upgraded (not arrived...
  15. M

    Planting Medium/substrate...

    ty for the reply, I have a 400 litre tank, so not that cheap!!! lol, it'd work out between £60-75.... I'm thinking about using large flattish pots so I can use less plant substrate, and hiding the pots behind bogwood. What do you think? Marie
  16. M

    Planting Medium/substrate...

    Hi, I'm thinking of redoing my tanks from scratch, I've got sand as a base at the moment, and love the look of it, but want to get a substrate under it for the plants. Is there a particular reason why normal compost is unsuitable? I just can't afford to go for some expensive specialised aquarium...
  17. M

    Fish Highway / Fish Bridges / Fish Towers

    Quick point!! The amount of fish you can keep in your tank does not rely just on water volume - but surface area..... if you are using a tank turned upside down inside another, filled completely with water you are drastically reducing the surface area, and therefore the amount of oxygen in the...
  18. M

    Wacky Idea

    I'd have to open the jar to water the worms and feed a few to the fish, this would give them some air exchange anyway... and if I use a stop tap and non return valve on the air line it'd keep the air to the end of the tube while I did it, yes the pressure would be released but I'm sure the co2...
  19. M

    Wacky Idea

    I was just driving along today and a thought popped into my head yeah yeah I know painful!! anyway..... If yeast gives off co2 (which can be used for growing your plants in your aquarium) and I use activated yeast on ready brek to feed the microworms.... can you see where this is going?? If I...
  20. M

    Sand & A Common Plec

    would it help to raise the intake of the filter?? - is it internal or external??
  21. M

    Clown Loaches Acting Wierd

    ROFL :lol: yeah ok ok They have to be one of the daftest fish around lol, they make me laugh so much! Just that they were really holding on to each other by the mouth, and acting very aggressively. They both seem to have settled down again now thank goodness! :rolleyes: Tho if theres a...
  22. M

    Clown Loaches Acting Wierd

    Just watching my tank while eating tea, and two of them are kinda locking mouths and circling each other - really showing off, do you think... a) they are two males displaying to each other B) male and female pairing up c) something else?? Any thoughts??? I don't want them to hurt each other...
  23. M

    What size do bristlies breed at?

    Thanks!! - guess about as they get sexable then.... hmmm very soon for some then... lol :D
  24. M

    What size do bristlies breed at?

    I've got several bristlenose of various sizes, some are just starting to show the bristles, and I wonder at what stage do they start breeding? Age / size whatever! The males are already trying to sort the pecking order lol, posture and flapping each other with their tails! I really love...
  25. M


    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: My son is called kyle - hes 4 :D absolutly stunning fish!!!
  26. M

    Aequidens diadema, Paratilapia polleni

    Deep breath guys, I didnt mean to cause a war! I do believe that tempament varies so much from fish to fish that yes sometimes you can mix them in the right situation. Some dogs get on with cats - but that doesnt mean you can take any dog and any cat and lock them in a room together lol! I...
  27. M

    Aequidens diadema, Paratilapia polleni

    Thanks guys, that helps a lot. With my current set up, I might, only might, be able to house the diadema. But I'm not too keen, I like my set up the way it is, might cause toooooo much friction, I'm trying to persuade my laetacara to breed so that would just blow that out the water! lol Guess...
  28. M

    Aequidens diadema, Paratilapia polleni

    I'm responsible for rehoming them. (Long story) :blink: But not sure about keeping them myself, I would really appreciate a little first hand experience.... anyone ???
  29. M

    Laetacara - red breasted flags

    pretty sure theyre dorsiger, they show lovely red chests at times. dorsiger is hard to get hold of in england - curviceps are fairly common here tho - still really nice fish tho! thanks for your reply Didnt realise they would spawn on a flat rock, thought they spawned in caves so thats useful...
  30. M

    Laetacara - red breasted flags

    Has anyone bred this fish? I have 4, and am struggling to work out male from female! There are two that keep addressing each other - but dont seem to be really aggressive - I wondered if they were males showing off to each other or male and female 'flirting' lol. They will spend a while just...
  31. M

    dare you say hello back?

    :kana: [SIZE=14]HELLO[SIZE=1]hello[SIZE=7]HELLLLLOOO hi and welcome, you have got an awful lot of responses lol - I'm down in Leicester - but yorkshires where we go on holiday - sisters got caravan up near Bridlington. Love it up there! esp the accents :hey: hope you have fun on this site...
  32. M

    Hair Algae Remover

    Tea bags??? New one to me lol, anyone else tried this? What is the principle behind it? I have had probs with beard / hair algae and bought some american flags to try and keep it down ( after having a major pruning session ) - the Siamese algae eater is supposed to be the best thing out - but...
  33. M


    I've had a very serious pruning session this morning :( The poor anabias plants dont have many leaves left. I hope they recover - the root systems pretty good so keep your fingers crossed. My lovely java fern had it on every single leaf so I thought it has no hope. I've had to bin it :byebye...
  34. M

    Hair Algae Eater?

    ooops I think I'm wrong there !! :*) sorry guys
  35. M

    Hair Algae Eater?

    Just thought i'd mention - the american flag fish and the american flag killi are two different species! Dont know which if either are good for algae, just about to read up on it lol!! Sounds great lol B)
  36. M


    I am going to try to post a piccie of it. Any ideas what i need to do to get rid of it?? Its a large, well but not overstocked, matured tank, the ph stays midrange, hardness is a little hard but not bad. Nitrates and nitrites are fine. The plants most affected are my java fern and anabias...
  37. M

    If You Live In The Uk

    also in leicester!!
  38. M

    fish id please

    lol i saw sorry peeps!! :*)
  39. M

    fish id please i had a look at this, but cant quite work out what the species of fish are that he calls 'discus fish' lol, anyone want a guess?? the picture is the right hand middle one i think..... please help!! Pacu??? think thats my best guess really
  40. M

    My mollys a bully

    Its a four foot tank my nitrites are zero, dont know about ph or hardness - not got test kit for that. I am not overstocked lol I have..... 2 opaline gouramis and a kissing gourami - full grown 2 corys - fullgrown the 2 mollies, 4 swordtails It is a fairly new tank so i know the water will not...