dare you say hello back?

i would just like 2 say a BIG HELLO back 2 you all & thank you all for the welcome :thumbs: am not new to keeping fish but am new to using computers but am looking forward to learning from you all & sharing my experiances with you cheers :D
Usually I'd just browse and only post in the threads that don't have any replies yet, but somehow this thread managed to make me feel quite guilty ...

so here we go:

Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your stay here and I'm looking forward to seeing more posts from you!
hey there clunkster :D i dont usually come in the newbies section but i did and saw say hello if you dare so i am hello :D
Hey! Hello! Clunkster, Here's a shout from California and the bright Pacific.

What's your pleasure? :fun: :D
Curiosity may have killed the cat, but not The-Wolf

as I'm in here now
You have certainly gotten some nice responses. You are a clever lot in Yorks.
Is that right? Where is that? :alien:
What're your fishy pets in West Yorkshire?

(Always liked the sound of West Yorkshire. Kinda rolls on the tongue and palate.)
hi and welcome, you have got an awful lot of responses lol - I'm down in Leicester - but yorkshires where we go on holiday - sisters got caravan up near Bridlington. Love it up there! esp the accents :hey:
hope you have fun on this site
Since this is such a busy little thread, I'll ask my newbie question here: Has anyone figured out or seen reference to what the rankings mean and what generates them?--like the little line of fishes and the newbie, fishfreak, fishaholic, etc.? :alien: :fish:

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