My Recent Rescues And Problems...


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
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Hiya, just to introduce myself I am a 31 year old housewife living in Leicester, I've been keeping tropicals since I was 16, I've kept a good variety over the years, and since getting my 5ft tank have been adopting fish that need homes from local and not so local pet owners.
Sooo... last night I recieved a phone call from a friend, a friend of hers has a few large fish she needs rehoming, the fish are her daughters who is away at university and has said its ok to rehome them.
I ask some questions to try and find out what species the fish are so I can say whether or not I can take them but could only get 'oh well theres a couple of sharks and a catfish and some others' not very helpful so I said well lets go over and have a look, I'll take what I can.
The house was quite local so we popped over, up in the bedroom theres a two foot tank I peer into....
I was shocked... heres a list of the fish that were in the tank,

2 pangasius catfish approx 11-12" in length each
1 gibby about 12" too
1 albino plec about 8-10"
1 syno (I don't know what type) about 8-10"
1 baby upsidedown catfish (my friend took home)
1 unknown cichlid about 5" seems friendly for a cichlid possibly south american.

I could not leave them there so of course brought them home and they are settled happily in my 5ft tank now. To my amazement all of them seem perfectly healthy fish. The tank they were in was well filtered and looked after but simply hopelessly too small. The poor pangasius had enough room to (just) circle each other and the cichlid was hiding in the corner behind some plastic plant creation, so stressed I had no chance of working out what he was, I had the impress of a firemouth, but this morning his colour is completely changed so will have more chance of identification later! If I get a chance of a picture I'll post it later.
Ok so heres the problem. I was aware that pangasius were a 'tank buster' and did research to find out about them as soon as I got back. Turns out that these beauties can grow to 4 foot long, which means that I will need to find a new home for them fairly soon. I have emailed birmingham sealife to see if they might take them, but am trying to think of other places/people who may take them, any ideas anyone? Please bear in mind these are lively, energetic fish who may grow to 4 ft so need a massive tank to live out their lives properly.
Thanks for reading and don't forget to research any fish you intend to buy BEFORE you buy it!!

I forgot to add the link, heres a quick video of the new fish (and a couple of my cichlids)
Well done.
See it to many times impulse buying and not researching the fish, also lfs are to blame by not telling the customer on how big some fish can reach.
If it was a cat or dog living in awful conditions you can report them to the rspca but not fish they get a roar deal.
ty wilder, exactly, the average novice fishkeeper will walk into a shop, pick something he/she likes the look of, then ask the shopkeeper about it, I've done it myself and worked in a petshop years ago and saw it many times. Petshops/aquatic shops should make sure their staff are well educated on fishkeeping, and know about what they are selling. I don't know why they are allowed to sell these huge fish species, maybe if a fish needs a tank 10ft long they should be only allowed to order in specially for the want-to-be owner after they have proven they can look after it! Sorry I'll stop ranting now!
Thanks again,

I agree with what you have said about tank busters they shouldn't be allowed to sell them to the public.
They only end up dying young.
The cichlid at the beginning of the video, that cruises off to the right is Hypsophrys nicaraguensis (old name actually, new name is 'H. unimaculatus'. Though most people I know still call them 'Nic's :p


Don't know if that was the cichlid you needed IDing but just thought I would say if it was.

Good on you for taken unwanted and uncared for fish in, though the pangs will probably get too big for your 5ft tank still, its a shame people are still being sold these fish. An import ban/permit should be introduced so that only people who can really care for big fish should be able to buy them.
ty for the reply - the cichlids in the video clip are my pair! but ty for the info :D will try and get pic of 'unknown' soon
oooh I think i just found the unknown cichlid.. looks like a 'black belt cichlid' (vieja maculicauda) some profiles have said highly aggressive but others say moderately.. no more then other american cichlids... He/she is swimming around happily in my tank not picking on anyone but not really intimidated by the 12" pangas either, so I think normal cichlid aggression levels apply to this one anyway. My camera batteries have died so picture coming tomorrow....
oooh I think i just found the unknown cichlid.. looks like a 'black belt cichlid' (vieja maculicauda) some profiles have said highly aggressive but others say moderately.. no more then other american cichlids... He/she is swimming around happily in my tank not picking on anyone but not really intimidated by the 12" pangas either, so I think normal cichlid aggression levels apply to this one anyway. My camera batteries have died so picture coming tomorrow....
cichlid picture here...

sorry about quality did my best :blush:

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