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  1. fivestarsellers1

    Cardinal Question

    Well I was simply stating that water conditions for them are the same. I understand the difference i've kept them for a very long time. Sorry If i offended you in some way......
  2. fivestarsellers1

    Completly New To This!

    nobody us helping! ahh!
  3. fivestarsellers1

    Sponge Filter Water Treatment Help Please

    Alright I have a 10 gallon sponge filtered tank. I want to do water changes and such but my problem is Sponge filters dont have chemical filteration so, my question is would it be bad to add water and "prime" it?
  4. fivestarsellers1

    Cardinal Question

    Neon's should be fine and make the transition perfect i mean they basically are the same freakin thing as Cardinals! I have bread and kept both Cardinals and neons and this has never been a problem as I have very hard water as well.
  5. fivestarsellers1

    Completly New To This!

    Alright an you guys give me suggest to some plants? What type of plants dont require a substrate? I know java moss but anything else? What type of plants would do good in a gravel substrate. Easy to care for please.
  6. fivestarsellers1

    Does Anyone Have A Grindal Worm Culture?

    I am looking to buy a Grindal Worm Culture. If you could spare one for free I would be grateful. Please help thanks
  7. fivestarsellers1

    Guppie Sick Or Pregnant?

    If you can sva epic son your computer go to and upload it and then they have a direct link to make it show up on here. More than likely it is pregnant, does it have any white spots on it at all? Also by its pooper Area lol is it really dark black?
  8. fivestarsellers1

    Guppie Sick Or Pregnant?

    Well it depends if she looks pregnant that is pregnant behavior it sounds like. but I would need ot see her. It sounds like she is close to giving birth. Is her stomach by any chance squarish?
  9. fivestarsellers1

    Mircoworm Starter Culture

    These are great food for any small fry! I even feed them as a snack to my larger fish! Culture: Mircoworm Quantity for sale: one Starter Culture Delivery or Collection: USPS First Class Mail Sales price: $2.50 Postage & Packaging: $2.50 Location: Bloomington, Illinois USA Photograph:
  10. fivestarsellers1

    Hard Water?

    Well my man A simple way to do this would be Co2 injections. I made a topic about a DIY Co2 injection for under $15 dollars. What fish do you plan to keep? How large is your tank? What is your waters hardness exactly?
  11. fivestarsellers1

    Making Your Homemade Co2 System For Under $15.00

    There are many videos and websites out there that describe how to create your own co2 system. Some of them are unsafe, ineffective, but some are also great ideas. This is just how I do my DIY Co2 system and it works great for me so I thought I would share. If you are making your own it will all...
  12. fivestarsellers1

    Double Headed Sponge Filters For Sale

    Well that shipping cost was for one sponge filter. But if you wish to buy quite a few give me a rough idea about how many u were thinking about and I can give you a price quote. Maybe you should buy one and test it out so you can get a feel of how many you might need? Just my two cents,
  13. fivestarsellers1

    Breeding The Neon Tetra

    Well I just got bored and Yes i breed them for 3 local fish shops. Its not much money but its nice to have local breed fish free of illness. This is all from what i have learned over the past 5 years form reading online and personal experience. As for your tank I used to have 10 tanks all...
  14. fivestarsellers1

    Breeding The Neon Tetra

    Well no one wants to comment on my breeding style! either a good thing or a bad thing!
  15. fivestarsellers1

    Co2 System Help.

    Alright thanks
  16. fivestarsellers1

    Co2 System Help.

    Do you know where is a good place to buy them? and what the best price would be?
  17. fivestarsellers1

    Well Water And Betta's

    Wow you have no idea how much money that will save me! Gallon jugs of water from the store add up!
  18. fivestarsellers1

    Co2 System Help.

    Well Im looking to adding a CO2 system DIY. I just want to add it to help grow my java moss faster. I have my java moss sitting in my 10 Gallon Betta tank. I have 2 sponge filters running. (One Single Head and one double headed sponge filter) So I guess this is a two part help question I have...
  19. fivestarsellers1

    Betta Won't Eat Blood Worms

    Yes I get the feeling that betta's from Pet shops that are kept in bowls are unacustom to new foods. I mean they arnt wild they only know what food is from what they have been feed since birth. Anything else weird u feed your bettas? lol
  20. fivestarsellers1

    Betta Won't Eat Blood Worms

    I use tetra Freeze dried blood worms and my betta won't eat them. Should I cut them into smaller pieces? He does attempt to eat them once in a while usally just letting them float away and he swims in the opposite direction! What other types of food should I use, I feed him betta pelts...
  21. fivestarsellers1

    Java Moss

    Usually it "rests" for 4-7 days when put in new water... then after that it really takes off
  22. fivestarsellers1

    Double Headed Sponge Filters For Sale

    I have For sale Double Headed Sponge Filters. Please see below for details. Age and condition: Brand New Quantity for sale: 10 Reason for Sale: Over Stocked Delivery or Collection: USPS First Class Mail Sales price: $5.00 Postage & Packaging: $3.00 Location: Bloomington, Illinois 61704...
  23. fivestarsellers1

    Well Water And Betta's

    Yes the rock salt come sin bags with a whole bunch of rock salts in them? Is that like yours? So your saying as long as I go get my water tested and it looks okay I can use it in my fish tanks?
  24. fivestarsellers1

    Well Water And Betta's

    Well with our water softener we use bags of salt so that is my conern.
  25. fivestarsellers1

    Breeding Pair Betta

    Okay I will please give me till the end of the day
  26. fivestarsellers1

    Breeding Pair Betta

    I am Looking to buy a top of the line (Aka Nicer) Betta Male and female. I am in Central Illinois 61704 If you Could give me a price with shipping included Looking for Halfmoons (Possibly Crowntails) Does anyone know which type sells the best?
  27. fivestarsellers1

    Can't Get Rid Of Ammonia!

    Do you have algae growth in the tank or have u at all?
  28. fivestarsellers1

    Missing Tetras

    Died and got eatten. try using a turkey baster and blowing the plants and other things maybe there bodies got stuck in something.
  29. fivestarsellers1

    I'm Having Really Bad Luck With These Guppies

    This site lists a lot of common guppy problems check it out
  30. fivestarsellers1

    If anyone needs Mircoworm Cultures, Java Moss, or grindel worm cultures please contact me and I...

    If anyone needs Mircoworm Cultures, Java Moss, or grindel worm cultures please contact me and I will gladly sell them to you!
  31. fivestarsellers1


    Well how long have you had them? If you haven't had them long then don't worry they could just be getting used to everything and might not know feeding routines. If you have had them for a while and still have this problem consider sucking there food into a turkey baster and then sticking it...
  32. fivestarsellers1

    Do I Need Aquarium Salt For A Tropical Aquarium?

    No you do not need it at all. I have had my tanks for years and never used it and I've had fish live many years. It helps fish yes in small amounts but I wouldn't buy it (Waste of money if u ask me) Invest in Water test kit. Master kit if you can, if you cant afford that then get ammonia...
  33. fivestarsellers1

    Breeding The Neon Tetra

    Intro: Neon Tetras have been known to be very hard to breed. I find that with the right methods and time it is not that difficult at all. Here is what you will need: Tank: Large main tank (cycled), and a 10 gallon tank. (Can you work with different sized tanks?.... Yes you can but this is the...
  34. fivestarsellers1

    Well Water And Betta's

    Well I don't have a master test kit as i dont have the money to get one. any ideas where I can get one for cheep? I only have ammonia and PH testers right now
  35. fivestarsellers1

    Breeding Betta

    Well Looks like I need to find a 20 gallon and for cheap! lol
  36. fivestarsellers1

    Well Water And Betta's

    I live just outside the city and have well water. We use a water softener on our water.. My question is im assuming this water wouldn't be safe then? Is well water in general even good for fish? I have to go to my local store to buy gallon jugs of it which can add up in the cost area..... ideas?
  37. fivestarsellers1

    Ghost Shrimp in my betta tank.... lets see how this works.

    Ghost Shrimp in my betta tank.... lets see how this works.
  38. fivestarsellers1

    Breeding Betta

    Well I meant as the 3 gallon tanks would house my male and female once breeding has occured. My breeding tank would then be the grow out tank. 20 gallon? I've heard it can be done with 10 gallon, But hey i love the advice glad you said something different.
  39. fivestarsellers1

    Breeding Betta

    Alright Bedroom Breeding. I want to get my first batch under my belt before I try for show quailty bettas I have a 10 Gallon Breeding/Fry Grow out tank two 3 Gallon Tanks for housing male and female bettas And a extra hald gallon betta tank (Just in case) Its better than the little cups they...
  40. fivestarsellers1

    Betta Leaf

    Im going out on a limb here, I am currently located in a place where I would not be able to get to a pet store for a while... My question is does anyone have a betta leaf or some sort of betta cave or anything along those lines that I could possibly have for free/buy? Thanks