Search results

  1. V

    First Aquarium - Snail Invasion (and other problems)

    The snails probably came with your plants, and when you go buy more plants, you will get more snails. The only problem I really have with snails is that they eat the plants. Otheriwse, it's nice to have them. We have three different kinds :)
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    Dealing with ich on a swordtail

    The spots went away yesterday, I believe due to the parasite dropping off to reproduce. I was planning on treating, but based on this advice I will wait, and see how gets on. I was worried that if it came back it would be worse because there will be more? When I've had fish tanks in the past...
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    Dealing with ich on a swordtail

    Hi everyone, I have a female swordtail who was a bit stressed in our community tank (we have two male swordtails and one female), so I moved her so a small planted tank on her own. She immediately seemed happier there, but came down with a case of ich, though there were only a few spots. I'm...
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    First Aquarium - Snail Invasion (and other problems)

    Our main aquarium is my son's and he likes to have a few snails, so we keep them around. If I see them near the top of the aquarium when I there, I squish them. That mostly keeps them under control. If I start seeing lots of tiny ones, I just go on a squishing rampage :eek: We have swordtails...
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    O2 testing

    It looks like 2 mg/l, but it could be a bit higher. Likely less than the 5 mg/l on the next one? It's a bit hard to tell on the photo, and that type of kit is a bit hard to read, anyway.
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    O2 testing

    You have to hold it so the card is an even distance from the vial, top to bottom. Sometimes the instructions say how far away to hold it (1 cm / 0.5 inches?)
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    Because of this thread, I've stuck some pothos in my son's fish tank. He liked the look of them :) I will report back on how it goes.
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    Im still new at this and worried about one of our new additions

    What a lovely way to start building up the fish population in your tank :fish::fish: :) You can buy food especially made for fry. It comes out in small particles, so it's easy for them to eat. We've got some for liver bearers (we have swordtails). Good luck wiht the babies!
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    Emergency please help

    I'm not sure. Water parameters are usually the first place I would look for trouble. Can you post yours? How are they today?
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    Oxygen tablets, do they work

    In four days, you tank isn't ready. Please don't add fish, yet. Read the link on your other thread.
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    Emergency please help

    Have you tested the water?
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    First tank set up / water gone really merky

    It doesn't sound like you should add fish tomorrow. Have you read ??
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    Emergency please help

    Can you give us more information? Have you tested the water? Do they look like they are gasping (is that what you mean by scared?)?
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    I didn't know that they could go in a fish tank. Are there any fish that they don't get along with? We have swordtails and corydoras sterbai. Only the roots go in the tank? I would love to do this, and I have some cuttings started.
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    Swordtail fry

    These pictures aren't as good, but you get the idea. I suspect the one with black along his sides is the pappa. :D
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    Swordtail fry

    We've got three of these little guys & my son is so pleased, you'd think he was the father. :hooray:
  21. 2017-05-26-5339.jpg


  22. V

    Arrrggghhhh What's Cycling, New Tank And I've Already Got Fish

    We use gravel from the local pet shop in our tank. You might be able to just put some in on top of the dirt? Plants will like having the dirt in there, even if you don't. You shouldn't need to cycle agains as long you used the same filters, or some of the same filter material from before...
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    Swordtail sex, easy, right?

    Thanks! I looked around and didn't see that. I don't seem to be able to use the search function on here very effectively. I either get hundreds of hits, or nothing o_O
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    water changes in a tank with fry in it

    I have a plastic breeding box. I put the pregnant female in it when I thought she was near brithing, but she really didn't like it, and I felt it was too stressful for her. I can probably catch the fry. The one I've spotted is already 1 cm long (which I thought was when they can be released...
  25. V

    Swordtail sex, easy, right?

    My son got a fish tank for Christmas. It has been populated with plants, snails, 7 cories and 3 swordtails for a couple of months, now and the fish all seem happy. Here's the part about the sex of the swordtails... We bought what I thought were two females and one male. I honestly thought...
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    water changes in a tank with fry in it

    Hi everyone, We have at least one swordtail fry in our tank, and I was wondering if we should do normal weekly water changes. I'm a little worried about harming or stressing the little one(s). We have a planted 125L tank with 7 small cories, 3 adult swordtails, snails, and the fry. The...
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    Help! Nitrites 1.6 mg/l

    Are you getting any nitrates? If you have high nitrites and no nitrates, you don't have the bacteria to cycle. You should probably buy some bottled bacteria, or get some filter material form a runing tank.
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    Help! Nitrites 1.6 mg/l

    It's more stressful for them to be in bad water than to have the water changed. You can do partial water changes once or twice a day. You will need to, to keep the environment in a reasonable state for the fish.
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    Help! Nitrites 1.6 mg/l

    Hi, sorry to hear about your problems. There's a thread in the 'new to the hobby' section Start with another 50% water change and read the thread linked. If you know someone else who has a tank, ask them for a...
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    how many fish can we have?

    Well, we ended up with 7 corys (5 new). I went to buy them & said '3 or 4', and when there were 4 in the bag, there was only one left in the shop aquarium. I asked if they were getting any more, and they said they weren't sure, as they have lots of other kinds of corys, and ours (Sterba's)...
  31. V

    how many fish can we have?

    We have a cycled 125 L tank with 3 swordtails, 2 coreys, plants and a few snails. I would like to get a few more coreys, one or two more swordtails, an algae eater, and another type of fish. So, my questions... What recommendations for the algae eater that will get along with our other fish...
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    maintenance basics

    Hi everyone, We have a relatively new (Christmas), cycled 125 L tank with 3 swordtails, 2 coreys, plants, and a few snails (a couple of hitchhikers came with the plants). I looked at But most of the links seem to go nowhere...
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    problems with cycling & some questions

    I did test the tap water. No nitrites registered.
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    problems with cycling & some questions

    I thought that in order to have very high Nitrites, I must have had ammonia? I was using test strips, not knowing that they were innacurate, so I assume that I just don't know what happened before I bought my test kits. My aquarium has some muddy looking stuff in it that I think is substrate...
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    problems with cycling & some questions

    I started with high NO2. It was still high after a partial water change, though I did not write down any values. On 17 Jan. I had NO2 0,4 mg/l NO3 12,5 mg/l NH3 / NH4 0 mg/l I added the Prodac to the filter and did no further water changes. The snails have been active the last couple of days...
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    problems with cycling & some questions

    Thanks, everyone. I've bought some bacteria to seed my filter, and test kits for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate & pH.
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    problems with cycling & some questions

    I have had fish before, my dad kept fish, and I kept fish from the lates 80s until 2002. have never cycled a fish tank before. When I was fish keeping previously, the general advice was to start with hardy fish, and add them gradually. Once I had a tank established, I used the water from one...
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    New tank for the first time in 15 years

    Hi everyone, I'm new here. I used to keep fish, but haven't had a tank for about 15 years. My son has wanted a fish tank, so I bought him at 125 L (30 gal) tank fro Christmas and we are cycling it. I will post some questions in the cycling a tank subforum.