water changes in a tank with fry in it


Fish Fanatic
Jan 16, 2017
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Hi everyone,

We have at least one swordtail fry in our tank, and I was wondering if we should do normal weekly water changes. I'm a little worried about harming or stressing the little one(s). We have a planted 125L tank with 7 small cories, 3 adult swordtails, snails, and the fry.

The levels for all tested parameters have been consistently good.
My recommendation is that you remove the fry and put them in a floating container in the tank. (You can find one at your LFS) Benefits of this is 1. It protects the fry from hungry parents 2. Keeps you from worrying about sucking them up 3. Let's you keep an eye on them to see when they are ready to be reintroduced to the tank.
I have a plastic breeding box. I put the pregnant female in it when I thought she was near brithing, but she really didn't like it, and I felt it was too stressful for her. I can probably catch the fry. The one I've spotted is already 1 cm long (which I thought was when they can be released into the tank?) and seems to be coping okay on its own. S/he seems to be quite clever at hiding in the leaves at the top of the tank. I don't know if we have any other fry. I just thought that if we had one it was possible there are others.
You can carry on as usual; just make sure you don't siphon the little guy up ;)

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