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  1. Harlequins

    Got Me Some Green Lasers

    £70 for the 7 plus £30 fuel to collect them, got them cheap :)
  2. Harlequins

    Omg Cory Eggs!

    Good luck :) will keep everything crossed for you :good:
  3. Harlequins

    Omg Cory Eggs!

    The brineshrimp eggs are decapsulated and powder form, i find it better to soak in a little tank water first, and using a turkey baster put it in the tank. any left overs is noticeable has a orange tinge on the sand :)
  4. Harlequins

    Julii Or Panda? Which Ones To Get?

    Pandas do tend to be smaller than julii (which do tend to be false julii/ trilineatus/three line cory - as these are commonly known has) Julii tend to reach around 2 inches. pandas slightely smaller - I find with mine Pandas are alot more outgoing that julii' but it is personal preference to...
  5. Harlequins

    Omg Cory Eggs!

    Good luck with the eggs :) - My tri's were terrors for hiding eggs :rolleyes: I dont think you're doing anything wrong as such.... it doesn't hurt the eggs that much being exposed short term,i've done it myself transferring eggs from the main tank. I personally dont use first biter or...
  6. Harlequins

    Got Me Some Green Lasers

    I noticed with the youngsters tend to shoal more than the adults, thats what i miss now they've gone ... I've bred my gold lasers, but unfortunately the fry didn't make it, has that day i dropped a whole batch of new fry incl golds,albinos & tri's - i had just taken them out of the net, ready...
  7. Harlequins

    Got Me Some Green Lasers

    A good price of £70 (plus £30 fuel) - good price really has rare aquatics were selling them for £22.50 each!!! and Maidenhead when they do get them in sell them for £35 each :S But yes they are hard to get hold of that why i travelled to buy these from a private seller... Matt - a member on...
  8. Harlequins

    Got Me Some Green Lasers

    Well the greens seem to have settled in and are chilling too much... so cold water change and bloodworm coming up :lol:
  9. Harlequins

    My Cory Babes Went To Maidenhead Aquatics....

    Which pm?? :unsure:
  10. Harlequins

    Buying And Selling Fish

    There is a classified section further down the main page for buying & selling fish :) Welcome to the forum :good:
  11. Harlequins

    Woke Up To Corydoras Trilineatus Eggs

    Congrats :hyper: :good: The fry have eggsacs that will last 24-48 hrs, so no need to feed them straight away, i use tetramin baby powder,also baby brineshrimp ,either defrosted or decapsulated eggs are just has good. Another good source for new fry is squeezings of filter media into the...
  12. Harlequins

    Cory Help

    Temperatures too high will reduce their life span eventually.... I lost 5 corys back in the summer, has my tank hit 30 degrees and i struggled to get it down :sad: - i ended up putting large airstones in to help oxygenate the water, has the corys kept shooting to the top of the tank to get air....
  13. Harlequins

    Woke Up To Corydoras Trilineatus Eggs

    Sounds has though they're doing ok :good:
  14. Harlequins

    Woke Up To Corydoras Trilineatus Eggs

    My hatch rate using a net & airstone was 99% , with an occasional unhatched egg - but most did hatch. Have your tri eggs darkened yet? - usually by the 5th day they go dark... then normally hatch 24-48hrs later. - i did find with my tri's eggs they took longer then any other corys to hatch...
  15. Harlequins

    Cory Help

    Bronze, albino & peppereds all prefer 22- 24 degrees, 26 is pushing them to the limit.
  16. Harlequins

    Cory Help

    Try turning your stat down on the heater more, mine is set at 20 degrees but the tank reads 24 :rolleyes: But at that temp has mentioned only sterbai's will tolerate it.
  17. Harlequins

    New Gold Laser Corys

    They should be reaching the age for breeding now :good:
  18. Harlequins

    New Gold Laser Corys

    The corys Looks like from that pic albino female,albino male,gold female,then 2 more female albinos... also i notice with my golds & albinos the females definately have a more rounded belly at the front and the males are quite flat :)
  19. Harlequins

    My Cory Babes Went To Maidenhead Aquatics....

    I only got £20 for all 34 corys. which is peanuts i suppose.... :sad: This batch was all from the same spawn from Albino parents and they all survived - which is unusual - so good strong healthy batch :) Just hope the homes they go to look after them.... still worrying about them :rolleyes:
  20. Harlequins

    Woke Up To Corydoras Trilineatus Eggs

    TBH you dont need to do water changes on the eggs, as long has they have good circulation around them they should be ok... I normally bring on my eggs using the net method and having the airstone flowing underneath the net with good results
  21. Harlequins

    My Cory Babes Went To Maidenhead Aquatics....

    Well i finally took my 6 month old of 19 Bronze & 15 Albino corys went to MA yesterday, sad to see them go... Here's a video of them just after a caught them.
  22. Harlequins

    New Cory Fry Tank On The Way

    To make it easier for you and the corys , half fill it with their original tank water, pop them in then add fresh dechlorinated water, this saves the stress on the corys without having for you to acclimatise them...they just think its a waterchange :lol:
  23. Harlequins

    Corry Lost His "whiskers"

    Water quality & poor diet can also affect the barbels on corys...
  24. Harlequins

    New Cory Fry Tank On The Way

    Aww what a shame about the babes :sad: - Why dont you kick start the tank by wrapping some media around the sponge filter??
  25. Harlequins

    Woke Up To Corydoras Trilineatus Eggs

    Unfertislised eggs will go solid white colour, fertile eggs look beige/creamy white in colour with a dot in the middle....has the egg matures they turn a deep brown colour :)
  26. Harlequins

    Got Me Some Green Lasers

    Hiya :) All cories are chugging along - lost a few back in the summer but think it was mainly due to the sweltering weather we had the tanks kept hitting 30-32 degrees - not so good and couldn't get the temps down... :sad: I'm hoping the new green lasers will breed soon :) List of corys up to...
  27. Harlequins

    Woke Up To Corydoras Trilineatus Eggs

    Seems has though you got it all covered :good: - just removed any furry or white eggs once you spot them... Tri eggs normally take 5-6 days dependant on temperature :) Good luck with them :good:
  28. Harlequins

    Pygmy Cories

    Here's my Pygmy exploits whilst breeding them a while back :)
  29. Harlequins

    Help Please Rehome In Baby Corys

    On average around 5-6 months before they're a decent size
  30. Harlequins

    Got Me Some Green Lasers

    I was a bit concerned they were ignoring the food i put in, seemed more interested in chasing each other around,so i texted the chap i got them from and he said they rarely ate dried food,but loved blood worm and artemia so just put some bloodworm in also... theys a-munching :lol:
  31. Harlequins

    Got Me Some Green Lasers

    Will do hun :) Just off to do a w/c :hey: :lol: Apparently they laid eggs about 10 days ago...
  32. Harlequins

    New Gold Laser Corys

    The one in the centre - in front of the albino,
  33. Harlequins

    Got Me Some Green Lasers

    Here's a few quick pics and video - although has i said bit skittish,kicking the sand up,especially the youngsters in the other side of the tank has dog was bouncing a ball on the laminated flooring at the exact moment!!! Click onto 2 bottom pics for video's :) Video taken a few weeks ago...
  34. Harlequins

    Got Me Some Green Lasers

    I drove 104 miles today to collect 7 wild caught adult green lasers...which apparently have been laying eggs...but no signs of the eggs hatching. He keeps discus and he says the temperature never gets below 26 degrees. Anyway i'm hoping for a better outcome, their tank is set on 22 degrees and...
  35. Harlequins

    What Cory Is This?

    It looks very similar to my black sail corys...
  36. Harlequins

    New Gold Laser Corys

    Going by that pic,i would say 1 female 3 males...
  37. Harlequins

    New Cory Fry Tank On The Way

    Congrats on your fry :good: Heres some gold laser fry with albino fry newly hatched... just hunting out whether i had any bronze fry at the same time :rolleyes: - scroll part way down -
  38. Harlequins

    New Cory Fry Tank On The Way

    Gold lasers fry are very noticeably orange when they hatch.... its possible your albinos are throwing out bronze variations,which mine do all the time.... The last batch i have around 35 growing fry all are bronze colour except the 10 albinos - all of these from albino parents :)
  39. Harlequins

    Is This Normal?

    Tank is far to small for any corys and they need company - cruel to keep it in such a small tank - sorry if i offend....
  40. Harlequins

    Peppered Cory - Strange Behaviour

    Whats your temp now?? 27 degrees is far to high for peppered cories... ideally around 22 degrees suits these better... try putting an airstone and lowering your temp more if its still high. Lack of oxygen in the water - will make the cories go up and stay at the surface. Leaving them in too...