if i get it to 26 could i keep bronze albino stebai and pepperd?
if not what would it need to be i have hoplo catfish zebra danios guppys swordtails platys amano shrimp,bristlenose plecs botia loaches etc
I can't get mine lower than 26 degrees(heaters are at 25, termometers at 26 and over) and in the summer the temperature is 29-30 degrees overkill in all tanks. I don't know how much it affects them but they are still alive and temporary they survive higher temperatures for sure without problems, but I am still to find out if they'll live to their full life expectancy.
i turned the heater down to 26 and the digital stat reads 28c and the water haas gone cloudy and the fish are huddled up around the heater ?? so bronze and pepperd would not even live in 28?
Temperatures too high will reduce their life span eventually....
I lost 5 corys back in the summer, has my tank hit 30 degrees and i struggled to get it down - i ended up putting large airstones in to help oxygenate the water, has the corys kept shooting to the top of the tank to get air....