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  1. N0body Of The Goat

    Stocking Ideas For 55 Gallon

    Just like Swordtails, I believe Bosemani Rainbowfish need hard alakline water. 
  2. N0body Of The Goat

    Loach, Skinny Disease?

    It could well be the new loaches have infected the old ones, this is why we should all be quarantining new fish for a few weeks, to be more confident they are disease free and give them their first regular good sized meals in weeks or worse (fish passed through the supply chain get little food...
  3. N0body Of The Goat

    Fish Continue To Die - Established Tank - Need Advice

    I'm struggling to mentally picture a completely transparent cichlid, the only transparent fish I know of are glassfish; the "glass catfish" species complex including B. minor and a recently described type; "Debauwi catfish"; a recent strain of X-ray Tetras. Not to say there are not more, they...
  4. N0body Of The Goat

    What Temperature And Size Tank Do 2 Dwarf Gouramis Need?

    I'd say a tank with at least a 75x30cm footprint, heavily planted, with the heater set at 22C (if the water gets warmer to ~27C because of sunlight/ ambient temp during the summer, they will be fine).
  5. N0body Of The Goat

    Fish Continue To Die - Established Tank - Need Advice

    Besides the Ich issue (as in how did you treat this), the biggest concerns are...   You should really be doing ~50% water changes weekly rather than monthly, providing water stats are perfect (0 ammonia or nitrite). Why the 80F temperature? Unless you have a specific fish that needs this (eg...
  6. N0body Of The Goat

    Kebensis Has Eye Problem Please Help

    Looks like it could be a case of infected single eye popeye (normal popeye shows white tissue popping out). Being a single eye, the cause is more likely to be an injury from hitting something sharp in the tank, or being attacked by a tankmate.   If it is popeye, one option is to isolate the the...
  7. N0body Of The Goat

    Lost 3 Fish In 8 Hours.

    Up the top, gasping for air is a classic symptom for nitrite poisoning or low oxygen levels. I would do another ~95% water change ASAP (even though I see you have done a ~50% since this broke out).   Were you using test strips or liquid test kits for your results? Test strips are infamous for...
  8. N0body Of The Goat

    Fish I'd

    I used to have some, but I fear they may have died because of not being tolerant to hard water (gH 13/14) long term. Each one needs at least 30x30cm of territory, buy one or 3+, in a duo one will be bullied. They love water changes, in that they will climb the glass above the tank water level to...
  9. N0body Of The Goat

    What Is This Fish

    One of the Lake Tanganyika shell dwelling cichlid species, Lamprologus ocellatus "gold", perhaps?
  10. N0body Of The Goat

    Fish I'd

    Garra flavatra, Panda Garra... I think.   They love current, would thrive in a "hillstream loach" riverine environment, they have a specialized sucker on their underslung mouth.
  11. N0body Of The Goat

    Krib Aggression

    Staying up the top, often in a corner, is classic behaviour for at least West African dwarf cichlids (Kribs, Blockheads etc.) that are acting submissive and would go further away from the dominant fish it it was possible in a longer tank.   Try pulling them both out, position at least two caves...
  12. N0body Of The Goat

    Dead Glofish After Partial Water Change

    Sounds very much like you were "fish in cycling" and not doing enough to keep the water toxin (ammonia, nitrite) free, which will take its toll on the fishes' health. Speaking very generally, you should have been doing 50-95% water changes every 2-3 days depending upon daily water tests. Even if...
  13. N0body Of The Goat

    227 Litre- Fish From Different Continents

    No question, even bigger species than Neon tetras will be live lunch to the bushfish! My four bushfish have grown from ~2cm to ~11cm over nearly three years and I could easily put my index finger down their extendable mouths.   You have to be very careful what you mix with bushfish, not only...
  14. N0body Of The Goat

    Dead Glofish After Partial Water Change

    How did you cycle the tank, "fishless" or "fish in"? I suspect "fish in" because you would be cyling without fish for ~8 weeks or more.   "Fish in" cycling requires a lot more effort on your part, because above all else, you have to keep the water safe for the fish you have introduced to an...
  15. N0body Of The Goat

    My New Silver-Tipped Sharks

    That is my understanding, but do make sure you do a "qualifying week" where once you appeared to be fully cycled, you then get 7 consecutive days of perfect conversion from your standard daily dose of ammonia to zero ammonia and nitrate.   Neale Monks is where I gathered this info from, amongst...
  16. N0body Of The Goat

    Water Changes

    A new tank is more likely to suffer toxic "spikes" and new fishkeepers are more likely to overfeed (amongst other issues, we have all been there). Some fish need weekly big changes regardless of the standard water stats, for instance many rainbowfish will develop "cotton mouth" if not given at...
  17. N0body Of The Goat

    My New Silver-Tipped Sharks

    Speaking very generally, "fish in cycling" would typically take >13 weeks and involve a lot of hard work on your behalf, because above all else, you must keep that water good with <0.25mg/l nitrite and <1mg/l ammonia (toxicity of ammonia varies with pH and temperature, warm alkaline water is far...
  18. N0body Of The Goat

    Congo Tetra Biotope

    This setup by a guy who frequents PlanetCatfish is a far better example of a Malebo Pool tank than mine, showing a far more diverse range of species than mine, plus I still do not have a video clip of my one setup back in January...
  19. N0body Of The Goat

    Clown Loachs Losing Wieght

    Sounds like they are getting less food than you think, or they have something like internal parasites.   How much are you physically seeing them eat and what type of food?
  20. N0body Of The Goat

    Fluval Fx5 :)

    A new one comes with sponges around the baskets, but nothing in the baskets, I used Eheim Substrat Pro but there are loads of options (some think Seachem Matrix is better, for example).   If this filter is going to run a tank that loves current, get yourself a 22mm plumbing elbow and use it to...
  21. N0body Of The Goat

    Fish Continue To Die

    It does sound as is the tank/filter was not "fishless cycled."   "Fish in cycling" takes far longer, because above all else, you need to keep the water safe for the fish. Typically the water is safe if there is less than 0.25mg/l nitrite, ammonia will vary upon the temperature and pH of the...
  22. N0body Of The Goat

    Congo Tetra Biotope

    Mature Congo Tetras could live with Steatocranus Blockheads, but it would mean a compromise for both species, because the Blockheads come from the rapids around Malebo Pool whereas the tetras come from much more sedate waters (and their caudal fin does not have the clean fork shape). Setting up...
  23. N0body Of The Goat

    Congo Tetra Biotope

    A single male Krib, perhaps?
  24. N0body Of The Goat

    Lethargic Guppy And Platy

    For now I would start with a ~90% water change, which ought to drop your nitrates very close to how the tap water comes out of the tap, you may have considerably more than your test kit results suggest. I tend to periodically do a large ~75% water change (~every 6 weeks) to "freshen" up the tank...
  25. N0body Of The Goat

    Featherfin Catfish (Growth Spurt)

    Could be the bigger one is the dominant of the two, getting first dibs at food offered at night, plus submissive fish can sometimes slow their growth rate right down (as if trying to "keep a low profile").
  26. N0body Of The Goat

    Oddball Suggestions

      Indeed they are, originating from around Malebo Pool. The major issue though is these catfish get decently sized (about the size of my not quite fully grown Synodontis notata) and they are predatory with a gaping mouth, I could already possibly squeeze my middle finger into its mouth at ~7cm...
  27. N0body Of The Goat

    Oddball Suggestions

    Pantodon buchholzi do not need live food, I've had "Mrs Butterfly" for nearly three years and she will eat any floating dried prepared food that I offer her (Tetra Prima; Hikari Cichlid Gold; Doromin; Cichlid XL; New Era Tropical Flake etc.). During this time she has grown from ~5cm SL (body...
  28. N0body Of The Goat

    Sick Rainbowfish! Please Help

    This is a female Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish, male have red fins, females yellow. ;)   From the photo, there are grey edges to most/all fins, to me this suggest fin rot. It can be treated with general anti-bacterial meds like Myxazin or Esha2000 and daily 10-20% water changes.   Unless I have...
  29. N0body Of The Goat

    Sick Krib?

    Sorry to say the answer is in your first sentence after your question...   If the Kribs are a mixed sex group, one will become the third wheel they pick on. The bullied fish will typically show submissive gestures by hanging in a  top corner of the tank, which sometimes resolves things, but it...
  30. N0body Of The Goat

    Congo Tetra Biotope

    The classic "African oddball" setup includes Congo Tetra, the key is to give the non-predatory fish a good head start to ensure they are too big when the predators are added. Depending upon the tank size, fish include... 1/3+ African Butterfly Fish 1/3+ Leopard Bushfish 8+ Synodontis nigrivetris...
  31. N0body Of The Goat

    Emergency, Please Help

    Cichlids in top corners of tanks is a classic submissive gesture, your smaller fish wants to give the bigger Convict as much of the tank as it can while still in the water.   Separation or probable death.
  32. N0body Of The Goat

    Water Flow

    Alternatively, if you are pretty sure the Angelfish are stressed, add more of the 3 supplies spraybar modules and place this longer output on the back wall.   However,  be aware that this will will reduce the turnover of the somewhat! Without any spraybar modules, the 2000EF does well to do...
  33. N0body Of The Goat

    Gold Barb

    Gold Barbs, also known as Chinese Barbs, as in Puntius semifasciolatus?   In many homes these can be kept in heaterless tanks that change temperature through the seasons, providing the temp does not dip below 18C too often and on average the temp is less than ~22C (with a "summer season" of upto...
  34. N0body Of The Goat

    Conga Tetra's Aggressive?

    Congo Tetras are not aggressive fish in the grand scheme of fishkeeping, but a "golden rule" is never combine fish in a tank where one can be swallowed whole by another, the odds are that at some point the worst will happen!   The other thing to bare in mind is like a lot of social species, when...
  35. N0body Of The Goat

    Hardy Fish For Beginners

    Likewise with your opinion. My Pearl Danio group could swim against 1000lph filter current in my Rio240 and still be at the filter end within 1 second at will. The end.
  36. N0body Of The Goat

    Stocking Ideas?

    So what fish have you already got (species, numbers) that will be going in this 140l? What dimensions does this 140l have?   Permanent 24/25C (mainstream tropical) is not suitable for sub-tropical or temperate fish, the latter will do far better in a heaterless tank in many homes, providing the...
  37. N0body Of The Goat

    Hardy Fish For Beginners

    The danio family covers a wide range of fish, but while hardy, I would not put them in any tanks talked about in this thread (upto 20g long). Personally, I consider Leopard/Zebra/Pearl Danios as one of the oddities of the hobby, in that ~5cm fish are so hyperactive that they deserve and will...
  38. N0body Of The Goat

    Okay... Time To Fess Up... :)

    Added 3-month old raised Pearl Danios to a tank containing Barilius and Humphead Glassfish, lost half the group in <24 hours.   Adding new Synodontis nigriventris additions to an existing group and moved Steatocranus "dad" to same tank, rapid case of Ich wiped out my Synodontis decora youngster...
  39. N0body Of The Goat


    40mg/l nitrate is common out of the tap on the UK south coast, nothing to panick about for many fish until it approaches ~300mg/l (but we are all hopefully changing enough water and not overfeeding by so much that we ever get close to this upper value).   However, liquid nitrate test kit...
  40. N0body Of The Goat

    Hardy Fish For Beginners

    Corydoras spp. are great social fish, but I would not put them in the same "hardy league" as Hoplo Catfish (Megalechis thoracata, although a number of long tubular catfish often with brown bodies are often assigned this common name). Putting them in newly cycled tanks/filters is quite a risk...