Stocking Ideas For 55 Gallon

Just like Swordtails, I believe Bosemani Rainbowfish need hard alakline water. 
You are correct that they prefer alkaline water, but not quite as hard as swords - missed that one.  ;)  That's why I love the folks on this forum, everybody brings a little extra to the table.
From seriouslyfish:

Has a very limited natural range, being known only from an area of three lakes known as Ajamaru, in the remote Vogelkop Peninsula of Irian Jaya, and from nearby Lakes Hain and Aitinjo. The rainbows tend to congregate in the clear shallows of the lakes, where aquatic vegetation grows very densely. The lakes are characterised by hard, alkaline water (pH 8.0-9.0), although the fish are also found in some surrounding tributaries with wildly different water chemistry (pH 6.0-6.5).
The latter part makes me less concerned about the alkalinity.
The fish store that I am buying from does not adjust it's PH values, and has a display tank full of those fish. I'm confident my water is fine (still don't have a PH test yet though)

Also current me if I'm wrong but I'm basically waiting for my tank to do be able to process 4 PPM Amonia within a 24 hour window correct? And then I move onto nitrates, nitrites can only be removed by water change (or if you have plants)
Close... Nitrites are converted to nitrates, and nitrates can only be removed by water changes.
I was able to do 4 PPM Ammonia in about 36 hrs~ however I ran low on ammonia so I ordered more now I'm just trying to keep Ammonia high enough to keep bacteria alive. I ordered 2 extra bottles (1 bottle ran out pretty quick)
What about this stocking?
3 Honey Gourami
10 Boesemani Rainbow
8 Panda Cory
10 Cardinal Tetra (my website only sells them in groups of 10)




I know slightly overstocked but I got VERY good filter system (600 GPH)
I wouldn't get all those fish, I'd only do 15 cardinals. But if you're sure your filtration is good enough than I guess it will be ok.
Did you use any mature filter media? It seems as though you have enough N-bacs to process all the nitrite that the A-bacs are producing, and that is unlikely if you haven't used mature media.
Erm, that's a funny question. Some of the gravel is from a previous tank. 2 of my 4 filters are from a previous tank. However the gravel and the fitlers where not in use for quite some time.I've heard that somethings bacetria can live for months in dry conditions, but I doubt it. I've never seen a nitrite spike in this tank though so I think my cycle hasn't gotten to that stage yet.
Why's it funny?
The ammonia is dropping, so either the ammonia is being converted into nitrite by your bacteria, or you have David Blaine living next door. However, you aren't seeing a nitrite measurement, so where is the nitrite going? Again, it's either Mr Blaine, or it's also being converted into nitrate by your bacteria. And, you are seeing a large nitrate figure. So I don't think it's the magic bloke.
Recent research indicates that the A-bacs become dormant, rather than dying, but I've not read anything that says the same about N-bacs, but your situation appears to say that they also become dormant.
Happy days!
Keep doing the dosing thing for a week, and see if you get the same results.
Really? So there is a chance my tank maybe full cycled? That'd be really cool. 11 days has to be a record...I will test for another week. My tank is easily processing 4 PPM Ammonia in 24 hrs I will watch for nitrites.
I bought the tank (with filter) in October, it was unfilled with water until March.
No- the record is still an instant cycle.
You had a lot of viable bacteria to start. I know from personal experience using bottled bacteria one can cycle a tank in 5 -7 days. No reason having bacteria in filter media, decor, gravel etc. can not do the same.
Aquarium test kits can be unreliable, watch here. and see the difference between the few dollar aquarium kits and a lab grade one.

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