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  1. JDs4me

    Food For An Artistic Calico Plec

    great, thanks...its the main event in the tank when I add his veggies of an evening, with the other fish eager to share - strange that they don't just get in there and rip bits off, but they just wait around for him to drop bits! I will try these suggestions...
  2. JDs4me

    My Next Venture, 5' Tank Acquired

    Now have the final LED lighting set up; added a set of three spots to lift the light level a little... using pond spotlights but not submerging them as the ripple effect is lost. The anubias seem OK; a few stems rotted off at the base but seems to be less leaf-loss now, the java seems happy...
  3. JDs4me

    Food For An Artistic Calico Plec

    So, my calico bristlenose munches away at cucumber (eats the pips...wondering if I might see baby cucumbers hanging from his bristles as I see no seed-shaped poo lying around :S ) and grins all over his face as I chuck in the occasional blanched courgette slice. Tonight he is sculpting a smiley...
  4. JDs4me

    My Next Venture, 5' Tank Acquired

    my thoughts exactly! can't wait to get them in there....and the congo tetras should contrast nicely if they turn out anything like the WOW specimens. I might look elsewhere though as I want to be reasonably sure of the right m/f ratio if getting just 6-8. The powerhead works nicely in the...
  5. JDs4me

    My Next Venture, 5' Tank Acquired

    Tank now ready for fish...I have been looking for an LED low-light set up; one guy told me he could sort a 5' tank for about £700, another showed me a rod of 5050LED's; £140...I like this 3W LED lamp personally; £20. So impressed that I have ordered another for the anubia end of the tank, which...
  6. JDs4me

    My Next Venture, 5' Tank Acquired

    :lol: yes, I recall having to drag it the last 20M or so! Hey HMDD dude, get that wallet out! What do you have planned? The beast is nearly cycled; NH3 gone in 12hrs, NO2 in <24hrs...going to get the lighting off ebay (german twin T5 unit), already got LED's to stick on for moonlight; and a...
  7. JDs4me

    Order Of Stocking

    NOTG... PM'd you re. WOW; and please, no worries re. petrol money! Quite like the idea of the CT's now; will be no more than 6, and yes the males do look lovely! Thanks thereverendturtle dude, the reeds are a defo then! I am going to try to rig up some kind of blockage between the rear of the...
  8. JDs4me

    Order Of Stocking

    Thanks NOTG...hesitant with the congo tetra only because I don't want to overstock; would a small group of say 4-5 be good? Will look for the syno group first then; in no hurry to stock so a group of ten or so to start; I would let them grow out before adding the ABF's and bushfish which I would...
  9. JDs4me

    Order Of Stocking

    Glad I asked! Thanks :good:
  10. JDs4me

    Order Of Stocking

    My 5' nears cycled; so what order to add fish? My thoughts are to start with 2 bichir, 3 reedfish, 10 upside-down cats; then 6 leopard and 6 congo bushfish and lastly the 5 african butterflies... I realise I need to be aware that small will be eaten by large if I'm not careful; do any of...
  11. JDs4me

    120 Litre Planted

    Great looking set-up...worth the wait! I have salvinia natans in my 4' which has gone mental, gone from a couple of plants on ebay to half covering the tank in just a month or so; and thats ultra low-tech...bit ignorant where the CO2 is concerned, but if that stuff promotes growth then you are...
  12. JDs4me

    How Many Thorichthys Aureus?

    Wildwoods had some (buy online)...however I decided not to go for them in the end, prefering a group of Lake Kubutu Rainbow fish instead! Trouble is there are so many fish I want I keep changing my mind :lol: I have excellent experience with Wildwoods postal delivery of my fish and can...
  13. JDs4me

    A Shot At Underwater Video

    thanks for that!
  14. JDs4me

    Seachem Prime During Fishless Cycle

    Thanks people...brain has since engaged and now firing on all cylinders! I even went down to the LFS, stamped my feet and insisted on them giving me dechlorinator that doesn't neutralise ammonia....and then suddenly the penny dropped :lol:
  15. JDs4me

    Seachem Prime During Fishless Cycle

    Like an idiot used seachem prime to dechlorinate; then realised that it neutralises the ammonia. So how long is the seachem prime active before I can add ammonia without it being neutralised? Or do I have to water change and restart (no big deal really as only started yesterday but it would be...
  16. JDs4me

    A Shot At Underwater Video

    Wanted to try underwater video...need to get further away from the subjects but difficult due to their interest in the colourful box that entered the tank rather than the expected bloodworm... Comes out too dark through photobucket...anyone know of any free editing software that can be used to...
  17. JDs4me

    Black Sand Substrate

    I have just put 60KG of JBL black Sansibar sand into my 5'...its looks beautiful, better than the Unipac which actually looks a dark brown which I have in my 4' my mind better than the Caribsea Tahitian Moon, but certainly not as black as that one. Took an underwater shot of the sand as...
  18. JDs4me

    My Next Venture, 5' Tank Acquired

    Added JBL sansibar black sand to the tank yesterday; lovely texture with very fine, rounded grains (volcanic)...the bag says rinse briefly; well thats OK if you want seriously cloudy water. Each 2kg wash needed about 60litres of water to clear the sand so the 60kg I bought gave me about 3 hours...
  19. JDs4me

    Inexperience Is An Asset. A Planted Journal.

    good to see some life in there; hope your Rummys make it through...
  20. JDs4me

    Bacterial Pop-Eye?

    Tank size: 55G (UK) pH:7.8 ammonia:0 nitrite:0 nitrate:40 kH: - gH: 20 tank temp: 24C Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): looks like internal bacterial pop-eye; white-rimmed protruding eyes; fish eating normally and behaving...
  21. JDs4me

    Meldrew Gets Hair!

    :crazy: :lol:
  22. JDs4me

    Meldrew Gets Hair!

    He's got a serious sulk on tonight; threw down his spade and refused to dig a new plot...might have to try to get the wig back on there or he may just leave the cemetary for good. He has only just forgiven me for knocking his head off...twice...I did tell him he is at least unique in the...
  23. JDs4me

    Carib Sea Black Sand

    Well done putting those pics on Alm0stAwesome, that sand looks great...and just found a really good price for the stuff so am ordering 10 bags tomorrow!
  24. JDs4me

    Meldrew Gets Hair!

    What a cruel lot you are!! :lol: He's got feelings you know...he's a bit depressed today as one of the armoured catfish decided to clean his face, disappeared into the hairline and the whole lot floated off (you are obviously programming my catfish NOTG; grade zero it is)! So its now wedged...
  25. JDs4me

    Meldrew Gets Hair!

    My survivor feeds at the surface happily; must have been the only one doing it though...competition is fierce at feeding time so good to see him(?) thriving!
  26. JDs4me

    Carib Sea Black Sand

    Can't comment on the Caribsea as I use Unipac black sand...actually looks more a very dark brown rather than black, at £25 per 25kg bag from my LFS, so, much cheaper... The Caribsea is out of my price range as I need some 75kg of black sand for my 5', so will go for the Unipac once more. I am...
  27. JDs4me

    Meldrew Gets Hair!

    its obviously happy in there then! Hope Tzuppy is OK...I lost three of my hoplo's who I realised too late weren't eating as they were perhaps a little too small and being pushed out by the greedy tankmates, but my last hoplo is growing fast! He/she is growing very quickly and is the biggest of...
  28. JDs4me

    My Next Venture, 5' Tank Acquired

    Thanks...I use mopani wood or bogwood as supplied from your LFS; I think some wood is too light and will just break up, depends on the sort of driftwood you have - I was lucky with this second tank as I bought from a guy who was switching from tropical to marine so the wood was already soaked...
  29. JDs4me

    Meldrew Gets Hair!

    he badly needs a hairdresser...the Ilyodons and cats attack it but I don't think they are qualified!
  30. JDs4me

    General Meds

    excellent indeed...and glad u like the tank!
  31. JDs4me

    General Meds

    perfect, thank you
  32. JDs4me

    General Meds

    I have an Ilyodon xantuses with a damaged eye, possibly as a result of the rather exuberant feeding time in my tank, where the Ilyodons in particular will try to compete with the catfish for the algae wafers - so is there a general medication that can be used to reduce the likelyhood of the...
  33. JDs4me

    My Next Venture, 5' Tank Acquired

    Excellent compliment thanks!!! I'm happy with the look and the plants will mature well hopefully - the grasses are outdoor though, so hope they grow...maybe not Kenyan plants but whatever!
  34. JDs4me

    Breeding Jack Dempseys

    Well done, success for you at last. They look great; if only I were closer...good luck selling them on!
  35. JDs4me

    My Next Venture, 5' Tank Acquired

    :lol: smoked it...luckier therefore than the poor Isle of Wight festival-goers who will struggle to light it, let alone smoke it! Thankfully didn't buy tickets for this one...gale force winds and rain here tonight on the other side of the Solent...good luck to a few tents uprooted...
  36. JDs4me

    My Next Venture, 5' Tank Acquired

    no, fishless cycle, but not starting until august as I am away here and there until then...small?? scares the c##p out of me every time I look at it, wondering how far the water would spread if the silicone failed!! Its 5' honest; tape measure pic to prove it? :lol: Anyhow, the outside is...
  37. JDs4me

    My Next Venture, 5' Tank Acquired

    To cover the tank and prevent escape of reedfish and ABF etc. have cut up a reed mat...should keep those surface jumpers happy; home from home for the reedfish! At night if still lit in the front room the mat can hang to keep the tank dark. I want the tank poorly lit so the reeds will also...
  38. JDs4me

    Bichir Compatibility

    Thanks NOTG, I will no doubt confirm the order of stocking once cycled in a couple of months!
  39. JDs4me

    Bichir Compatibility

    Reedfish look excellent, thanks for the idea AA; definitely going for a couple of those! Yes, thanks NOTG, I am planning a fitted mesh top for the ABF's and now the reedfish. Stock sorted then...not cycling the tank yet as I have a festival at the end of july and won't risk leaving the tank at a...
  40. JDs4me

    Bichir Compatibility

    I want to have a bichir in my 470 litre 1500x600x500 tank; thinking of a smaller variety i.e. P.delhezi,palmas sp. or retropinnis; question is am I going to be OK stocking with African Butterfly Fish, Bushfish (planning Leopards and/or Congo) and S.nigriventris? Or will any/all of these be...