Bichir Compatibility


Mar 31, 2012
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Hampshire, UK
I want to have a bichir in my 470 litre 1500x600x500 tank; thinking of a smaller variety i.e. P.delhezi,palmas sp. or retropinnis; question is am I going to be OK stocking with African Butterfly Fish, Bushfish (planning Leopards and/or Congo) and S.nigriventris? Or will any/all of these be considered snacks?

To the best of my knowledge bichirs are not especially aggressive with fish they cant swallow. As long as you dont get a monster & smaller tank mates, in other words match your choosen species regarding size. Get the bichir relatively small so they all have a chance to grow up together. If there are problems it may be with the slow moving african butterfly. Alternatively consider reedfish as a possibility and can be kept in groups.Not to clued up regarding stocking side of things so will leave that to someone else to comment on. Hope this helps.
Good call on the Reedfish suggestion, beautiful social snake-like fish that will use the whole tank providing lighting is not too bright, I so nearly came home with a lovely trio from Cadnam's Southern Aquatics last year!:good:

Just thought of something absolutely vital with the plans of any ABF that I forgot to mention in our chat, JDs4me... The tank top must be covered, even if it is just condensation trays, overwise they will jump (and I think Reedfish have a reputation for trying to escape too, no idea if that is the case for birchirs).
I have a delhezi it's the best fish . They are peaceful but eat anything and try can fit in their mouth. they can fit a lot in their belly.

So don't keep them with small fish. Other then that these fish can live with just about any good size fish. They are slow to get food. Making sure they are getting food is key.

My stock is this
1 Delhezi
2 pictus
1 severum
1 Uaru
1 festivum
4 silver dollars

All get along well.
Reedfish look excellent, thanks for the idea AA; definitely going for a couple of those! Yes, thanks NOTG, I am planning a fitted mesh top for the ABF's and now the reedfish. Stock sorted then...not cycling the tank yet as I have a festival at the end of july and won't risk leaving the tank at a possible critical stage, so be a couple of months to wait!
Gives you some more time than to be certain of your eventual stocking and an order to introduce them (hardy and peacefuls first, more sensitive and territorial last). ;)
Thanks NOTG, I will no doubt confirm the order of stocking once cycled in a couple of months!

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