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  1. Paradise3

    Fish Identification Game V4

    It was on another thread. Or one similar was done anyway lol.   Here's mine - Scientific name please :)  
  2. Paradise3


      Well everyone else is on about Axolotls and all I get when I search "Waterdog fish" is Mudpuppies.  
  3. Paradise3

    Fish Identification Game V4

      Pseudacanthicus sp. L024 - Red Fin Cactus Pleco. I'm pretty sure it's been done before.   Edit: Spelling of Pseudacanthicus XD
  4. Paradise3


    Is the OP on about Axolotl's or Mudpuppies?   I've heard Axies by the name Mexican Walking Fish, Axolotl and Mexican Axolotl but not Water dog.... Whereas Mudpuppies.... Well, the name gives it away lol.
  5. Paradise3

    Who's Says Shrimps Don't Attack?

      That's a Wood Catfish, a very unhealthy and emaciated one which is why it allowed the shrimp to drag it about in the water. It wasn't a healthy fish, hence why the shrimp attacked it. Amano shrimp will attack dead, dying or ill fish. That fish was obviously ill at least.   Glad I wasn't the...
  6. Paradise3

    Fish Identification Game V4

      You are correct, they are also called Rocket Panchax lol.
  7. Paradise3

    Platy Gives Birth To More Then 50!?!

      There was someone on here(Fish48 I think) that had a female guppy give birth to over 150 babies at one time   I saw the thread lol.   Platies can certainly have more than 20-30 babies at one time but that's generally the usual amount.   Edit: Found the thread and I was off by the numbers lol...
  8. Paradise3

    Who's Says Shrimps Don't Attack?

      That's a Wood Catfish, a very unhealthy and emaciated one which is why it allowed the shrimp to drag it about in the water. It wasn't a healthy fish, hence why the shrimp attacked it. Amano shrimp will attack dead, dying or ill fish. That fish was obviously ill at least.
  9. Paradise3

    Goldfish In Tropical Tank?

      fancies shouldn't be kept with comet's/commons or Shubunkins as they can out compete them for food and bully them with the fancies being slower so they would need a different pond or to be kept inside in a big tank unfortunately.
  10. Paradise3

    Betta In A Mess

      Ah :/ Try a boiled, de-shelled pea. He could be bloated.
  11. Paradise3

    Oscars Or Jaguar Chiclids

  12. Paradise3

    Oscars Or Jaguar Chiclids

      No I really do prefer them for their appearance not their price or rarity... Price has nothing to do with how much you like a fish, or at least - It shouldnt... You should like a fish for it's appearance not it's price...   I much prefer this...
  13. Paradise3

    Goldfish In Tropical Tank?

    Yeah, it's a shame really..
  14. Paradise3

    Goldfish In Tropical Tank?

      Nope if the Goldies are in a tropical tank :/ Goldies are comfortable up to about 22c as far as I'm aware which is the very low scale end of Tropical/high end of sub-tropical... Any higher and their metabolism increases, they poo more and they grow faster and bigger. The tank isn't big enough...
  15. Paradise3

    Betta In A Mess

    I find the best for Internal Parasites in the UK is Waterlife Octozin or Sterazin   Octozin is more for the parasites that create Hole In The Head disease and Sterazin is for other Internal Parasites and Gill/Skin Flukes   Two quotes from the Waterlife website for each one.    
  16. Paradise3

    Goldfish In Tropical Tank?

    Goldfish in Tropical waters is a bad idea as it speeds up their metabolism and with Goldfish technically not having a stomach this means more often feedings and they grow quicker, bigger and poop more if in tropical temperatures. Hence why it is a bad idea.
  17. Paradise3

    The "red Clay Method"

    Just a question - I have the red clay powder and my sand now(was on offer - 12.5kg's for £20 instead of the above price) does anyone thing it would work without the soil? Just wondering as I can't get the soil for a bit now and my tank is in dire need of something...
  18. Paradise3

    Oscars Or Jaguar Chiclids

      I'm not a fan, I prefer the True GT's :lol:
  19. Paradise3

    Fish Identification Game V4

      Correct :) Your go. Their common name is Bucktooth Tetra because they are a predatory tetra that work in groups like mini piranha :)
  20. Paradise3

    Fish Identification Game V4

    I'll go since it was 6am last time someone was online... Here's mine - Scientific name please.
  21. Paradise3

    My Molly Is Pregnant In A 5 Gallon Tank...

    Yes but the breeder box will also immensely stress the mother out and could kill her from stress(experience) so I would say leave her in the tank. There is no point saving them really as she will now continue to give birth for up to 6 months on her own. Up to 100 fry every month. Also, you...
  22. Paradise3

    Please Help! Sick Dwarf Gourami.

      The dark patches, lethargy, emaciation and colour of the fish all point to Iridovirus unfortunately. Which is incurable.
  23. Paradise3

    Internal Parasites?

      Me too. My mum is waiting for that package too and is under strict instruction with what to do with the plants when it arrives :) I had to come back down to Worcester yesterday unfortunately.   Luckily, my mum knows what to do with my fish so I'm happy to leave them in her hands.
  24. Paradise3

    Internal Parasites?

      I've come back down to Worcester unfortunately but my mum rung me this morning after a dose of Melafix - All the fish are eating, healthy and swimming about using all the tank again :/ The Melafix must have worked because even the platy(who I described as a "Mudskipper" because of his actions)...
  25. Paradise3

    Please Help! Sick Dwarf Gourami.

      Iridovirus is a killer, no cure for it so it's just "Unlikely" if my diagnosis is correct - It's inevitable unfortunately :(   It's a shame DG's carry the Iridovirus nowadays as they are nice fish but they die so easily because of the Iridovirus they carry :(
  26. Paradise3

    Please Help! Sick Dwarf Gourami.

    It sounds like the Iridovirus which all Dwarf Gourami's carry these days unfortunately.   It can take as long as a year to slowly kill them but most likely you will only have a DG that carries Iridovirus for 2-6 months.
  27. Paradise3

    Internal Parasites?

    Yeah... In a way I'm hoping it's not Internal Parasites and that the melafix will at least help as I'm treating with that currently. If not, I'm at a loss.
  28. Paradise3

    Internal Parasites?

      Unfortunately not as it has a highly aggressive Bumble Bee Goby that just follows fish around attacking them in it :(
  29. Paradise3

    Internal Parasites?

      Like I say, the only ones suffering are the Female Gold Ram, The 4 Guppies and my Male Platy... This is why I'm confused because my Sparklers, Shadow Cats and Rubber Lipped are al perfectly fine :/ No symptoms at all, eating and actively swimming. The Sparklers are even showing breeding...
  30. Paradise3

    Internal Parasites?

      I've got Melafix and was thinking Octozin(Internal Parasite treatment - Waterlife) but not sure and can't really afford it at the moment :/ I may be able to next week but only barely...
  31. Paradise3

    Internal Parasites?

    Anyone? I kinda need help here :/
  32. Paradise3

    Fish Identification Game V4

    Go on Dreamer, take it You obviously know it No-one has been right in the last 3 guesses   It's Characidium but which one? ;)
  33. Paradise3

    Fish Identification Game V4

    Here's mine :) Scientific name please :)  
  34. Paradise3

    Fish Id Please, Dwarf Ram

      It's stressed. It definitely not a Bolivian.   For comparison - These are two very colourful specimens for both species.   German Blue Ram(Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) - Bolivian Ram(Mikrogeophagus altispinosus)...
  35. Paradise3

    Fish Id Please, Dwarf Ram

    Blue Ram - Mikrogeophagus ramirezi   And it's female.
  36. Paradise3

    Fish Identification Game V4

    Puntius melanamphyx?
  37. Paradise3

    Internal Parasites?

    Tank size: 19UK Gallons(87l - 76x30x38cm) PH: 7 Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate: 5ppm KH: 30mg/l Tank temp: 25c Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): Fish are underweight(apart from the pregnant female guppies), lethargic or staying in...
  38. Paradise3

    My New Flash Pleco - L204 Aka Sam Jones

      I dosed while at home and my mum knows what to do now and will do a waterchange when the dosing has finished. Apparently, the medication hasn't had an effect yet though but I'll see how they go... I'm using Waterlife Octozin which is the Internal Parasites one - The tablets.   I've been trying...
  39. Paradise3

    My New Flash Pleco - L204 Aka Sam Jones

      I don't know :/ I'm hoping they'll be fine but my platy is horribly thin too(I keep forgetting to mention him as it sounds horrible but I feel like he's already died) and he's turned into a mudskipper... He slides across the gravel. He won't come any further than 2in away fro the gravel and he...