My New Flash Pleco - L204 Aka Sam Jones

Ch4rlie said:
Thats a really nice pleco. I am not jealous at all..............:drool:
Flash Gordon with the unforgettable Brian Blessed, pretty much a crap movie but a classic to all those above a certain age!! LOL
Flash Gordon, Quarterback, New York Jets!
Tehe, yeah it was a bit crap but at the same time total genius! I remember quite well having a massive crush on Ming's daughter! She was awesome!

Need to try to get more pics when he comes out of hiding.
Paradise3 said:
How much was the delivery?! If you paid £45..... I can get one for £9.50 :/
Uh, where? Now I feel like I should have asked here before I jumped in...duh
Barnsley, South Yorkshire. There's a shop called Aqua Inn. They have Flash Pleco's(gorgeous ones too!) for £9.50 each. I was tempted to get one before I got my Rubber Lip from my boyfriends shop but I fell in love with the Rubber Lip before I got the Flash. I don't think they'd mix well in my 20 gallon so I'm just keeping the one.

Well that is quite a price for them... I should have asked around first, oh well!

I sure don't regret getting him, though, I don't give a monkeys about the money, hehe!
Yeah, I was just a bit shocked when you said the price you paid and your LFS's price XD When I get another tank big enough I might get one of the Flash Pleco's, I've wanted one for a long time but fell in love with my Rubberlipped before I got my Flash lol.
Thanks for letting me know about that, it'll teach me to get your opinion first!

How are you getting on with your group of rams, did you get them yet?
fm1978 said:
Thanks for letting me know about that, it'll teach me to get your opinion first!

How are you getting on with your group of rams, did you get them yet?
Lol, don't ask my opinion on everything XD Sometimes the fish are more expensive in South Yorkshire. I didn't get the rams yet because I don't think the ram died because it was a ram. I was home looking after them yesterday(not been at home but my mum has been keeping me updated and looking after them) and while I was home I got to check all the fish over thourougly. My female guppies are no longer 3, they are 2 and the last 2 are looking very ropey and aren't eating at all. The males are no longer 3 and are 2 as well and are looking ropey and not eating. The female gold ram is skinny and not eating either... I think it may actually be internal parasites so I got some internal parasite medication just in case... The thing is, my Shadow Catfish, Sparkling Gourami's and Rubber Lipped Pleco are all fine and eating and not bothered so I don't understand it... I'm just confused.I'll be getting my Bolivians when I know I have nothing wrong with my tank as I don't want them dying straight away.
Oh dear, that is quite a puzzle. Seems like you can narrow the problem a little and a parasite does make sense. What are the drawbacks if you treat for that and the stronger fish don't have it?
fm1978 said:
Oh dear, that is quite a puzzle. Seems like you can narrow the problem a little and a parasite does make sense. What are the drawbacks if you treat for that and the stronger fish don't have it?
I don't know :/ I'm hoping they'll be fine but my platy is horribly thin too(I keep forgetting to mention him as it sounds horrible but I feel like he's already died) and he's turned into a mudskipper... He slides across the gravel. He won't come any further than 2in away fro the gravel and he just sits on the gravel all day and rests...
Nice fish FM :) I have a real urge for a group of one of the smaller plec species :)
Paradise - get dosing your tank it does not sound good. I had a similar thing in my tank last year and lost loads of fish through waiting to work out what to do. It def sounds like an aggressive internal bacterial disease. I always use the Waterlife meds but cant remember which one it was I used for this... Ill check for you when I get home. The disease I had wiped out some big strong fish and the meds prevented anything worse happening to the tank.
Wills said:
Nice fish FM
I have a real urge for a group of one of the smaller plec species

Paradise - get dosing your tank it does not sound good. I had a similar thing in my tank last year and lost loads of fish through waiting to work out what to do. It def sounds like an aggressive internal bacterial disease. I always use the Waterlife meds but cant remember which one it was I used for this... Ill check for you when I get home. The disease I had wiped out some big strong fish and the meds prevented anything worse happening to the tank.
I dosed while at home and my mum knows what to do now and will do a waterchange when the dosing has finished. Apparently, the medication hasn't had an effect yet though but I'll see how they go... I'm using Waterlife Octozin which is the Internal Parasites one - The tablets.
I've been trying all I can at the minute. I tried Melafix first because they were showing inflamed gills and that has now disappeared but I'm still losing fish. Up until now none of the fish have shown symptoms but now the fish are showing internal parasite symptoms and that worries me because if this Octozin doesn't work then I could lose my remaining two Shadow Catfish(which I love and cannot find for sale anywhere!), my Sparkling Gourami's who are finally showing breeding signs and my Rubber Lipped Pleco who I only recently got eating again(I bought him, he ate for 2 weeks and then stopped and just grazed when he was starving and now he's finally taking algae wafers and veg again) so I don't want to lose those
FM - hows your new pleco getting on?

Updates and pics? 
Got some nice pics of Flash/Sam tonight...s/he normally stays in hiding!

One of my other boys was very intrigued about the camera...

This one's a bit light bloomy but it shows the stripes very nicely...

Very nice!

Looking real healthy and a good addition to your tank!

Could you show a pic of whole tank set up? Looks a good natural setup.
Also am just plain nosey! :)
Of course you can, I always do requests!

This is just after being set up...

...then the cories redecorated and the banana plants took over.

Ooh, those banana plants look really cool!
S/he is looking really good and looks like s/he is really comfy in your tank!
Blondielovesfish said:
Ooh, those banana plants look really cool!
S/he is looking really good and looks like s/he is really comfy in your tank!
They're my favourite plants so far, I love the bright green tone. When I look at the floaty dish-shaped leaves I always think a betta would find them perfect to rest in.

It's been a few weeks now and that's him only starting to venture out of his bogwood home. Hopefully he is nice and happy and settled.
I'm getting a 1-2-Grow Banana Plant(Nymphoides) for my tank when I have it sorted :lol:
How have you found it for care and growth? I've been researching and from what I can gather it grows quickly and easily if under enough light? :)

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