Betta In A Mess


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2012
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lately my male betta has not been looking to good, he has gone skinny, lost colour and has some weird marks on him, his tail is also getting shorter.
I have some pictures but he doesn't stay still long enough to focus right in on the marks.
Is there something I can use to treat him?

Your boy looks really stressed with his clamped fins.  
What is the temperature of the tank?
What is the ammonia,nitrIte, and nitrAte readings on the tank?
How much and how often do you do water changes?
Is this tank cycled?
What do you feed him?
Have you seen him poop?  Was it white or stringy?
I wouldn't treat him with anything but clean warm water until we have more of an idea of what might be going on.
What is the temperature of the tank? 25-26
What is the ammonia,nitrIte, and nitrAte readings on the tank?0,0,20
How much and how often do you do water changes?10L, once a week
Is this tank cycled? yes, since feb this year
What do you feed him? Hikari Betta Pellets, 5 a day
Have you seen him poop?  Was it white or stringy? yes, it wasn't white, but was a little stringy
It is possible from the info provided that he might have internal parasites.  Your tank temp, water parameters, and water change schedule all look good.  With how much you are feeding him, I am surprised by him being skinny which is another reason I believe it is parasites.  I suggest a round of parasite medication designed to treat internal parasites.  I do not know what might be available in your area since I am not sure where you are.  I am guessing that it is not the US since you are using metric (which most of us are not good with over here :p )  I also suggest dipping his pellets in garlic juice which helps with internal parasites and is another good thing to do since he is still eating.  
im in the uk, ok thanks I will go to the pet shop and try and find something!
I find the best for Internal Parasites in the UK is Waterlife Octozin or Sterazin

Octozin is more for the parasites that create Hole In The Head disease and Sterazin is for other Internal Parasites and Gill/Skin Flukes

Two quotes from the Waterlife website for each one.
OCTOZIN is a treatment for internal parasites such as those which cause Sleeping Sickness, Hole - In - The - Head, Seawater Angelfish and Clownfish Disease, Malawi Bloat Disease and also early stages of Dropsy. OCTOZIN may also be used to treat Whitespot in seawater aquaria where CUPRAZIN cannot be used. OCTOZIN is harmless to invertebrates and algae when used as directed. You will require three separate days of treatment to complete the course. OCTOZIN is active for up to 3 days after the last day of use. Although internal parasites are destroyed instantly, external signs of improvement to the fish may take up to 7 days.
STERAZIN is used or the control of gill and body parasites which cause fish to flick when no symptoms are visible to the unaided eye. STERAZIN will also aid the control of internal parasites such as Round Worm, Thread Worm, and Intestinal Worm. In order to destroy the parasites in all stages of their life cycle you will need to use the product on days 1, 3, 6, 8 and 10. STERAZIN may also be used to aid the sterilisation of aquatic plants and is highly biodegradable.
Just been to look in on him and his stomach has gone huge and round :( I can't get to the per shop until Thursday, I don't think he will make it that far :(
msasa19 said:
Just been to look in on him and his stomach has gone huge and round
I can't get to the per shop until Thursday, I don't think he will make it that far
Ah :/ Try a boiled, de-shelled pea. He could be bloated.
I would try frozen daphnia if you can get a hold of it.  It works better than peas for constipation/bloat and the bettas are usually more likely to eat them than a pea.  Can you get a current pic so we can see how he is bloated?  It will help with deciding the best treatment at this point.
have not been on for a while! so I think my betta had helped himself to the snails algae tablet! he was fine the morning after, I have been so busy at work I have been unable to get to the pet shop still!! I am going tomorrow on my day off to find some meds for him. I have kept up his water changes, he hasn't got any worse and is still eating and swimming about. 
I will let you know if I find any meds!
Unfortunately buddy died a few days ago, I treated him on 3 different times and he never improved, I'm not sure what was wrong with him :(
So sorry to hear this.  :(   SIP Buddy    

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