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  1. Oscar Betta

    Why Is My Tank Getting So Dirty?

    I got a new betta a few weeks ago, the tank is filtered and heating, I do 25% water changes every week, but my tank has been looking real dirty lately. There has been brown stuff getting on my fake plants, gravel, and some on the side of my tank. Not a whole lot but enough to annoy me. Also, at...
  2. Oscar Betta

    My First Betta(S)

    Great photos and great bettas!
  3. Oscar Betta

    I Need A Favour!

    Here's a cool drawing of a betta-
  4. Oscar Betta

    First Ever Betta

    Wow, great looking betta!
  5. Oscar Betta

    My New Fighter

    Give it a few days, they can be inactive and shy the first few days while adjusting to their new environments.
  6. Oscar Betta

    Keeping A Betta With

    Yes they can but that's excluding the 6 cories and mollie you already have in there.
  7. Oscar Betta

    Post Pics Of Your Beautiful Bettas Here!

    My new betta, Mark. Is he a crowntail? Here's a video of him-
  8. Oscar Betta

    Hello From Scotland

    Hello, welcome to the forum! :hi:
  9. Oscar Betta

    Plastic Or Real Plants?

    What are some good quiet filters for bettas?
  10. Oscar Betta

    Plastic Or Real Plants?

    Here's a video of him- The filter kind of blows him around and his food when I put it in. It also probably won't allow him to make a bubble nest. Should I get a new filter or something? The tank came...
  11. Oscar Betta

    Plastic Or Real Plants?

    Got the betta earlier today, but the pet store did not have live plants in stock for sell, so tomorrow i'm going to run over to another pet store in town and get some live plants. For now I'm using some of my old fake plants. He is not doing much right now, just kind of resting at the bottom, is...
  12. Oscar Betta

    Plastic Or Real Plants?

    Alright, so can you just stick them in gravel too? You don't have to use sand?
  13. Oscar Betta

    Plastic Or Real Plants?

    Thanks for the replies. So do you just stick the plant in there, nothing else?
  14. Oscar Betta

    Plastic Or Real Plants?

    Tomorrow I'm going to be getting a new betta and I would like to know whether I should get live or plastic plants? The last few times I have gotten real plants, my tanks have gotten infested with snails so that's why I'm leaning more towards plastic plants. If I do get real plants which types...
  15. Oscar Betta

    Betta Bowl

    They can but they should be in a filtered and heated tank.
  16. Oscar Betta

    What's A Good Setup?

    Those frogs lived with my old betta and sadly passed away a few months back. :(
  17. Oscar Betta

    What's A Good Setup?

    Okay I'm probably going to go with the 5 gallon since I don't have room for anything more. Anyone got any thinks to some cool betta tanks?
  18. Oscar Betta

    What's A Good Setup?

    Ok, I may get a new tank as well, what would you consider a good tank size?
  19. Oscar Betta

    The Rainbow Bridge

    My rat, Lewis, had to be put to sleep yesterday. Vet thinks he had a tumor. R.I.P. Lewis February 6, 2010- February 18, 2012.
  20. Oscar Betta

    What's A Good Setup?

    I've only ever had one betta and he died last fall (3 years old). Recently I have been thinking about getting a new one but was wondering how I can make his tank the best. I still have a 2.5 G tank that held my old betta. It had a filter, a few decorations, and some plastic plants. I know I...
  21. Oscar Betta

    My First Ever Betta!

    Good name choice. :good:
  22. Oscar Betta

    What Other Fish Could I Add To My 20 G Tank?

    Any other suggestions that the gourmi's would not fight with?
  23. Oscar Betta

    What Other Fish Could I Add To My 20 G Tank?

    I think they may be males, I forgot what they told me back when I got them.
  24. Oscar Betta

    What Other Fish Could I Add To My 20 G Tank?

    Ok thanks for the suggestions. Would it be fine to get other types of cories because I'm not sure if the pet store still has albino cories in stock?
  25. Oscar Betta

    What Other Fish Could I Add To My 20 G Tank?

    I have a 20 gallon tank and currently have 2 albino corys, 3 dwarf gourami, and 2 platys. I would like to add some other fish (without overstocking) that will get along fine with the fish I have in there already. Any suggestions?
  26. Oscar Betta

    Panda Corys

    Ha I noticed that too.
  27. Oscar Betta

    Can I Add My Adf To This Tank?

    I did have another frog but he died recently. :( Will think about getting another one though. And I'm pretty sure it's 20 gallon long. It's like this one-
  28. Oscar Betta

    Do You Play?

    Been playing drums for while, drum set,snare, and everything.
  29. Oscar Betta

    Panda Corys

    Saw some at the pet store and they were smaller then any other type of cory I'd ever seen, was it just because those certain ones were young or are they all like that?
  30. Oscar Betta

    Do Your Fish Greet You?

    My platys and gouramis always come to the top when I open the lid.
  31. Oscar Betta

    Can I Add My Adf To This Tank?

    I have one ADF that I would like to add to my 20 gallon tank with 3 albino corys, 3 dwarf gouramis and 3 platys. Would I be able to without the fish bothering him? Plus he is also a picky eater, but in a few days my aqua glove should arrive so I can hand feed him with tweezers.
  32. Oscar Betta

    My Discus Journal

    Cool, I've always wanted some discus so this will be a thread I will be checking back on.
  33. Oscar Betta

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Gives us a nice break too, lol.
  34. Oscar Betta

    My Adf Won't Eat!

    Good news, he ate a little this morning. I'm going to try to feed him some more later today.
  35. Oscar Betta

    I Need Loaches

    Read the thread, but I'm in the U.S.
  36. Oscar Betta

    I Need Loaches

    I had a HUGE snail problem too about a month ago. I had to clean out my whole tank because there were so many. It was because of the live plants that I bought for it. But now that I removed them and I just have fake plants I don't know how they could of possibly returned, but they did. :/
  37. Oscar Betta

    Help Stocking A 55 Gallon

    You could do a discus tank, but it's for more advanced fish keepers, IDK how advanced they are.
  38. Oscar Betta

    I Need Loaches

    Ok thanks, I've heard of that way before just never knew exactly how to do it. Will try it when I start to see more.
  39. Oscar Betta

    I Need Loaches

    Anything else besides that? Not sure if they have those at my pet store.