What Other Fish Could I Add To My 20 G Tank?

Oscar Betta

Jul 29, 2009
Reaction score
Colorado, USA
I have a 20 gallon tank and currently have 2 albino corys, 3 dwarf gourami, and 2 platys. I would like to add some other fish (without overstocking) that will get along fine with the fish I have in there already. Any suggestions?
Ok thanks for the suggestions. Would it be fine to get other types of cories because I'm not sure if the pet store still has albino cories in stock?
If they are colorful then their males, they are most likely to fight.
a BN might be a bit too much on the bioload as they have the potential to reach 5 inches, and remember that they are plecos, and plecos have an extremely large bio load for there size. i would reccomend a fish along the lines of guppies or variatus platies
We really disagree today eh Fishy Friend? I'd say a BN is comfortable in anything above a 60L tank provide it is well kept... but regardless the variatus platies I agree, they add more color if you're looking for that and are pleasant to keep and a few more cories is essential, they prefer larger groups :)
I wouldn't keep s bn in anything under 20 gallons preferably 25 or 30 (80 liters to 100-120 liters about)
:lol: well its good to meet you too :lol: Im still sticking with the BN as not being the best choice as it gets fairly large, has a large bioload, males have been known to threaten other fish during breeding season, might compete for food against the cories, and has a large bio load..... whoops. did i say that twice?..... :lol:

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