Well I finally settled on setting up a discus tank again. I started then stopped and have started again. I thought I would do a journal as I enjoy looking back on them
My tank is a 150gallon its 60 inch x 30 inch wide and 24 inch high
I started by painting the tanks back and sides royal blue that I had used on my marine tank and I love the results.
I put some pale sand in that cost a few quid as it happens, theres a couple of plastic plants and initially I paid a fair few quid on live plants but I bought uarus and they eat them all. They've now been sold so I can start again on plants and have bought some vallis and amazon swords
The rubber eel has remained in their and you can see the sand in this pic
Anyway the tank contents are now 4 clown loach which I have had a while and I;m not sure whether to keep. I think they are great fish but not sure if they are a good thing for the discus
the rubber eel
6 corydoras sterbai I want another 6
i baby bristlenose
4 altum angels
4 discus I want 2-4 more
5 neons - testers to see if they are safe with the rubber eel so far so good
and 40 cardinals ordered to arrive next week!!
oh and I forgot 3 glass catfish that I've had a while but never see
pics will follow
My tank is a 150gallon its 60 inch x 30 inch wide and 24 inch high
I started by painting the tanks back and sides royal blue that I had used on my marine tank and I love the results.
I put some pale sand in that cost a few quid as it happens, theres a couple of plastic plants and initially I paid a fair few quid on live plants but I bought uarus and they eat them all. They've now been sold so I can start again on plants and have bought some vallis and amazon swords
The rubber eel has remained in their and you can see the sand in this pic
Anyway the tank contents are now 4 clown loach which I have had a while and I;m not sure whether to keep. I think they are great fish but not sure if they are a good thing for the discus
the rubber eel
6 corydoras sterbai I want another 6
i baby bristlenose
4 altum angels
4 discus I want 2-4 more
5 neons - testers to see if they are safe with the rubber eel so far so good
and 40 cardinals ordered to arrive next week!!
oh and I forgot 3 glass catfish that I've had a while but never see
pics will follow