Search results

  1. George Farmer

    Midday Burst

    Well I have no scientific proof that it works better. I know a lot of high light users run this method with success though, including Amano, Senske, most of the CAU etc. It seems logical that only having a short high light burst is helpful to minimise algae, whilst still providing demanding...
  2. George Farmer

    George's Algae Disaster

    I doubled the lighting, as mentioned in the blog... ;) Just shows how poor CO2 and sudden environmental changes = algae and melted crypts. You'll have to wait until the Jan issue to see Jeremy's tank now. Sorry. Cube is on hold now too. I'll get around to it eventually. Busy aint the word.
  3. George Farmer

    George's Algae Disaster

    Please feel free to comment on the blog... I'm getting some new Tropica plants and loads of JBL stuff this week, so I'm quite excited about a complete re-do. I'll be running a journal through the blog and if I get time, on here too.
  4. George Farmer

    What Lighting Levels Are Suitable For Tropica Pn+?

    I've had great results using exclusively Tropica Plant Nutrition+ with 1.1wpg and good CO2 in my 125 litre. I added 2ml per day, changing 1/3 water weekly. I'd say a similar regime would work for you with 1.5-2wpg. Adding more NP isn't necessary IME, unless you want super-growth. It's worth...
  5. George Farmer

    40cm Scape

    Welcome to TFF, Tom! Nice tank... :D
  6. George Farmer

    120cm Nature Aquarium

    Arcadia T5 are nice. Good growth and colour, if you don't mind a little bit of purple hue. I don't mind it at all. I'll be trying out the new JBL T5s soon 4000K and 9000K. Giesemann Midday 6000K are supposed to be great too. The lily pipe is the outlet. The 'suction' effect is caused by a...
  7. George Farmer

    120cm Nature Aquarium

    lol. Yep.
  8. George Farmer

    120cm Nature Aquarium

    Thanks for the critiques! :D
  9. George Farmer

    More Photos From The Festival

    Ah well. Occupational hazard I guess... :D Give me a bell soon you loser!
  10. George Farmer

    120cm Nature Aquarium

    My latest effort. I'm all inspired from the recent festival... It's got potential I think. I'll be getting some narrow fern, bolbitis and Rotala 'green' from Tropica. There's some L. aromatica and E. stellata stems to fill in background (thanks, Clive). I also managed to rescue some C...
  11. George Farmer

    More Photos From The Festival

    Sorry I’m a bit late at posting this but I’ve just got back from a week away… Anyway, you may well know that the UK Aquatic Plant Society had their debut public outing at the Festival of Fishkeeping recently. I’d like to think it was a successful event and we achieved our primary goal...
  12. George Farmer

    Ukaps & The Festival Of Fishkeeping Pictures (sunday)

    I can't post much as I'm on holiday and this is from my phone... A massive personal thanks to EVERYONE involved for making the UKAPS presence the apparent success it was. I'll get some more photos and words up next week sometime. Be good.
  13. George Farmer


    I'm at the Festival of Fishkeeping this weekend, then on holiday for week. No Internet, so be good. :) TTFN
  14. George Farmer

    The Behemoth Tank

    Looks good. I want to see it in person. It would make a neat feature for PFK...
  15. George Farmer

    Ashy Range - Ada 07

    Hearty congrats, Dave, on the ADA win. Thanks for sharing your photography and aquascapes with us. Inspiration indeed!
  16. George Farmer

    Upper Leaves Curling On Hygrophilia Polysperma

    Very likely a nutrient deficiency. Polysperma is an excellent indicator plant and will display symptoms earlier than most. What light, CO2, ferts, substrate etc. are you using?
  17. George Farmer

    What Species Are Captively Bred?

    lol. Ironically both species are relatively simple to breed and raise in captivity.
  18. George Farmer

    Festival Of Fish Keeping

    I heard that the sponsors were footing the 'bill', but I may be wrong. I'll be speaking with the organiser later so will confrim one way or the other.
  19. George Farmer

    Festivasl Of Fish Keeping 07

    I'll be there. It would be great to meet TFF members. I'll be on the UKAPS and PFK stand. They're next to one another. You won't miss us...
  20. George Farmer

    Festival Of Fishkeeping

    They're sorted already... :D
  21. George Farmer

    Festival Of Fish Keeping

    Yes, it's this weekend. Opens at 9 or 10am on Sat morning to the public. Finishes Sun afternoon. Free entry. I hope to see as many of you all as possible! :)
  22. George Farmer

    Nice Rocks In The Uk

    Go for it. I was hoping for a comment on that observation...
  23. George Farmer

    Nice Rocks In The Uk

    As well as the very popular mini landscape rocks and dragon stone that Aqua Essentials supply, you may be interested in seeing these... Light Pagoda Leopard Stone I'll be using these, and some nice brachy wood, to aquascape two 350 litre Fluval Venezia corner tanks at the Festival of...
  24. George Farmer

    Chemical Questions

  25. George Farmer

    Co2 Systems From Aquarianerversand

    Looks good to me. JBL cylinders should fit but I've heard some thread are slightly different and need adjusting.
  26. George Farmer

    I'm A Lucky So And So...

    Jeremy Gay (PFK deputy editor) is lending me, for 6 months, his 120x40x45cm braceless, rimless tank with 4x54w T5 overtank luminaire + Ecocomplete substrate, pressurized CO2 etc. JamesC is kindly supplying me some of his PMDD+PO4 dry ferts for dosing. Trace will be Tropica. I have 2x...
  27. George Farmer

    My Planted Tank

    Nice. Consider some hardscape between the hairgrass and background.
  28. George Farmer

    Suggested Co2 Bubble Rate

    Start with 1 bubble every 2 secs or so. You can get a rough idea of CO2 by testing for pH and KH. Keep an eye on fish and ensure there's plenty of surface movement.
  29. George Farmer

    I'm Such A Pleb.

    You may be surprised. I've only been in the hobby for 4 years. Seriously into plants for three.
  30. George Farmer

    I'm Such A Pleb.

    I leave the CO2 tube permanently connected to the glass diffuser. I use a simple 6mm connector to connect and disconnect the diffuser for cleaning purposes.
  31. George Farmer


    That big rock worked really well. Enough to feature in the latest PFK, anyway! ;)
  32. George Farmer

    International Recognition

    Well done, James.
  33. George Farmer

    A D A Contest Top 27
  34. George Farmer

    Pfk Competition
  35. George Farmer

    Tropica Plants

    That's interesting news. It's always nice to see a potential stockist of quality plants. Unless you have appropriate holding facilites I would recommend simply ordering plants for customers in as necessary. Trouble is, I'm not sure on the viability, as many orders will be for just a few...
  36. George Farmer

    Amano`s Altums

    Jeremy Gay wants to set something similar up to this. Guess who'll be lending a hand.... :D
  37. George Farmer

    Pfk Competition

    Shops get it a few days later. 3rd Oct I think. Yes, congrats to the winners.To re-iterate what James says, please don't post the winners until 3rd Oct.
  38. George Farmer

    120cm Iwagumi - Jeremy Gay's Tank

    One out of two, Dave. :D
  39. George Farmer

    International Aquatic Plants Layout 2007.

    Interesting comments. I find reefs spectacular but their alien appearance does not appeal to me on the same level as a Nature Aquarium. And I'm a keen sub-aqua diver. Of course, it's a matter of taste. Some folk are happy with fluorescent gravel and skulls underwater.