Search results

  1. AlitaConejita

    Fin Damage! What Do I Do?!

    just as an FYI, I found a 10 gal at Walmart for $13.97 - I didn't find this online, but I happened to be in the store and saw it.
  2. AlitaConejita

    White Spot - Oh No!

    Thanks WB, will definitely be keeping a close eye on Jack - I just went in to look at him again. He was supposed to be in his jar (with old water) acclimating to the new water (jar in the his tank with half the new water in) BUT he was swimming around, which means he jumped again.   He has...
  3. AlitaConejita

    White Spot - Oh No!

    Jack has a white spot on his head all of a sudden. When I/my son fed him earlier today, I didn't notice it. When I took some pics today and posted one in the photographs/journal section, I didn't notice it. Now I went to do his nightly water change and I saw a white spot on his head. What is it...
  4. AlitaConejita

    Jack - The Great White

    Jack apparently saw shark week. Today when my son fed him (under my supervision), jack jumped up and out of the water - successfully catching one of the pellets during the jump. It was surprising and pretty cool - but makes me very glad his little critter keeper tank has a lid!
  5. AlitaConejita

    Jack Frost

    I don't know how long it takes to grow back fin tissue, but I think the tail is slowly growing back (the little bit of white/grey fin is growth, not fin rot, right?)
  6. AlitaConejita

    Got A 10 Gal, Yay! ... Now What?

    No I haven't gotten ammonia yet ... I also need to get nitrite? Or is that part of the cycle? (I have read the pinned post on cycling a tank (twice), I just have a terrible memory.
  7. AlitaConejita

    Got A 10 Gal, Yay! ... Now What?

    Hi All,   I didn't think I'd get a 10 gal till Nov or so, but I was doing my back to school shopping at Walmart and right across from the 17 cent 1 subject notebooks was the pet aisle - and right in my line of vision was a 10 gal for $13.97 - woohoo!   Currently [in case you haven't seen my...
  8. AlitaConejita

    Say Cheese!

    Great pics! :)
  9. AlitaConejita


    Wow! That's a neat looking fish :)
  10. AlitaConejita

    My Betta Sorority

    Very nice! Beginner's question: are the girls often all together like they are in that picture? I didn't think that bettas would swim around together like you have your 7 doing.
  11. AlitaConejita

    Active Betta

    if this were facebook, I'd click "like" :)
  12. AlitaConejita

    Jack Frost

    I love looking at pictures of different animals - and especially bettas as I can't think of a single one that isn't beautiful.   I figure I can't be the only one that likes looking at pictures just because, so I am sharing the pics I've taken of Jack. My children named him Jack Frost because of...
  13. AlitaConejita

    My Betta Sorority

    Lovely tank :) can't wait to see all the girls in there. Isaid this already in another post, but your male is stunning!
  14. AlitaConejita

    Imported Halfmoon Yellow Pair Breeding

    Beautiful! I hope you create a journal like the others have recommended. I'd like to see their offspring :)
  15. AlitaConejita

    I Swear I Didn't Mean To Buy Him! He Fell In My Tank!

    :( I hope he makes it.
  16. AlitaConejita

    Fin Damage! What Do I Do?!

    Really? I looked at Walmart (cause I found a 5 gal way cheaper there than amazon) an I couldn't find a 10 gal that cheap). Best I found was one on amazon for $38. I think a heater is a higher priority though right now and the hydro 25 watt I want (I have it in my other tank and like it) is about...
  17. AlitaConejita

    Fin Damage! What Do I Do?!

    were can I find indian almond leaves?   A 10 gallon tank is on my amazon wish list, we'll see when I can get it.   Jack is a crown tail. When we got him, we also got an ADF as a tank mate. Jack ate all of the ADF's food and nipped at him a few times in the 4 days that I kept them together. I am...
  18. AlitaConejita

    Fin Damage! What Do I Do?!

    I don't have a filter yet - so I guess continue with the full water changes. I have been putting 1/8 tsp of aquarium salt per gallon as a preventative measure(it's a 2 gallon tank which I do need to upgrade but can't at the moment). I guess I should stop putting the salt in? When I first got a...
  19. AlitaConejita

    Fin Damage! What Do I Do?!

    For a full water change, aren't you supposed to actually wash out (with warm water) the whole aquarium? I've been doing this weekly. I do use the net to coax him into a clear glass jar but he is quick and sometimes I get him in a corner with the net while trying to get him in his jar.
  20. AlitaConejita

    Fin Damage! What Do I Do?!

    Thanks for the quick reply! I use a fish net to get him out of his aquarium for water changes. Will doing this daily hurt his fins also?
  21. AlitaConejita

    Fin Damage! What Do I Do?!

    My 4 yr old stuck his hand in Jack's aquarium and swished around the water. I chastised him and made him clean his hands while I cleaned up the water spilled everywhere (because ironically my son is allergic to fish). Once everything settled down, I took a look at Jack and realized he is missing...
  22. AlitaConejita

    Betta Cottage

  23. AlitaConejita

    The Old Tank Is Out, Now Time For A Betta!

    I had a VT that was quite beautiful (but really, all bettas are). I now have a CT and he is way way way more active. Obviously not enough data to make an inference, but I would agree with RCA about the activity levels.
  24. AlitaConejita

    Finally Set Up My 7Gallon Nano For A Betta!

    The tank looks great :)   I can't wait to see the betta you end up getting - the examples you posted are all beautiful.
  25. AlitaConejita

    Best Filter For Bettas?

    okay - thanks :)
  26. AlitaConejita

    Intro-Slow Starter

    hmm - so my temps are a little low. I guess I need to a get a heater sooner than I hoped.   I am really excited about starting a new tank - I had a lot of fun with my "big" 29 gal tank many years ago but I have to go slow (bummer!) My local pet store has a machine to collect glass and plastic...
  27. AlitaConejita

    Fed Mosquito Larvae To My Betta

    Coming from South Florida which has mosquito swarms - I can't stand mosquitos! I fed my beta [thawed] frozen blood worms yesterday and my husband still worries that somehow they could re-animate, escape the betta, and become mosquitos that would plague the house   In South Florida, they fly...
  28. AlitaConejita

    Best Filter For Bettas?

    how does this all work? I read this string, went onto google and started looking at sponge filters. I picked one ( and read that "This filter should use with air pump, air pump is not included...
  29. AlitaConejita

    Intro-Slow Starter

    I am checking ammonia levels and doing regular water changes. His temperature stays around 76-78 degrees. I think it has been as high as 80 and as low as 74 but I have a terrible memory, so I should probably start logging his temps :P I know it is always in the green range of the thermometer...
  30. AlitaConejita

    Intro-Slow Starter

    Fake SILK plants :) Thanks for the complement - I do think he is quite beautiful (my son picked him out)
  31. AlitaConejita

    Meet My New Boy!

    beautiful! Great name too :)
  32. AlitaConejita

    Rip Silhouette

    sorry :(
  33. AlitaConejita

    Intro-Slow Starter

    OK - watched the tutorial on posting pictures - not thrilled I have to upload my pics to yet another site (photobucket in this case) prior to posting them here, but oh well. Jack's Aquarium (till I get a bigger one): Blurry close up of Jack (best I could do):   His blue is closer to that of...
  34. AlitaConejita

    Intro-Slow Starter

    I don't have any pictures of Jules [Verne] (the betta I had for 3 years) because I had him at work and it would look a little weird to be taking pictures in my cube :P He was a beatufily dark blue with a pinky/red that reminded me of jewels. I've read plenty on betta genetics ... colors and such...
  35. AlitaConejita

    Intro-Slow Starter

    Hi all, I used to have a 29 gal tank with tetras almost a decade ago. Since then I've only had a betta for 3 yrs and now my 4yr old (therefore me) got a betta this month and I just got another tank with two African dwarf frogs. I'm planning to improve my current aquatic friends' environment and...
  36. AlitaConejita

    Is It Possible To Cycle A Small Tank Without A Filter?

    Thanks! That's kinda how I got the first ADF. My daughter was worried the betta would be lonely and the pet shop guy said it was fine to keep them together in the 2 gal tank I have the betta in. It didn't take long to realize that the betta was eating ALL the food and both would be sick soon...