Just did a test this morning. Not sure why the Nitrites have yet to go back down to 0. It went up instead. I forgot to add those floating things are back as well.
Ammonia 2.0
Nitrite 0.50
Natrate 0
PH 7.6
My nitrite is at 0.25 finally dropped lol. Gonna add a drop of Ammonia tomorrow.
Sorry I meant, I'm gonna test tomorrow if it's dropped to 0 then add the ammonia.
I'm not sure why the option to edit posts isn't available on mobile version of the forums so I have to make another reply.
I added ammonia and removed those floating things as much as I can. I'll give it another 24hrs and test again.
Today the results are showing...
And the surface of the water has these weird things floating all around idk what they are maybe algae? they seem to be brown tinted.
aqua plus
i'm not sure what my KH is.
nothing was added to the tank other than cribsea substrate.
does the carbon filter have anything to do with it? it's been in the filter since start.
no i added 5 drops after the water change.
edit: okay i read what you said wrong. I started over...
80% water change
1 drop ammonia
will report shortly on the results of this test.
So I do 80% water change, add one drop every 30min(max 5), till it reads at least 2ppm?
edit: just did the water change will report in a few hours on the ammonia.