Thinking Of Starting A Tank Again!

Now we wait, no more ammonia for now.
See what happens and hopefully the cycle will start.
Iam crossing my fingers. shall i add the cycle formula?
No, don't add that nutrafin cyle stuff this time.
Leave it be and keep it simple :)
Just did a test update. it's 3 days.
Nitrite 0
Ammonia 1.0
No movement , hmm.
That is weird, would expect something to happen by now to be entirely honest.
Can you go over exactly what you have done over the last few days starting with the large water change.
Just trying to see if missed anything.
Also a reminder of your pH may be useful.
Something is off somewhere. Just need to find out what, usually something simple but.....
after the water change, i added the ammonia 1 drop. waited and checked, it read 1.0ppm. not done anything else since. ph is 7.6
This is a little odd, but some cycles are more stubborn.  The entire process is 100% dependent on the number of bacteria that you have in your tank at the very beginning.
What dechlorinator are you using?
What is your kH?
What have you added to the tank?
aqua plus
i'm not sure what my KH is.
nothing was added to the tank other than cribsea substrate.
does the carbon filter have anything to do with it? it's been in the filter since start.
No, the carbon in the filter won't impact things.  I'm just wondering if you have enough inorganic carbon available for the bacteria to actually multiply.
Looking back over the entire thread a little while ago, I remember seeing you say that you had a friend that offered you some filter media to squeeze into the tank.
My suggestions are this:
  • Determine your kH - your LFS should be able to test this for you.  Test both the tap water and the tank water for this.
  • Get a squeezing or even a good bit of filter media to place directly into your filter from your friend (this will jump start the cycle with an infusion of a bit of bacteria).
  • Get some plants for your tank.  These also will bring some bacteria helping to kick start things a bit.  The plants will also use the ammonia directly from the water and start to use up your dosage.  And at 1ppm, there's virtually no chance of the ammonia damaging the plants.  (Bettas really enjoy large flat leaves like found on anubias, which won't use a ton of ammonia, but don't require much in the way of light either.  Some floating plants would also be a great benefit, both in helping your betta feel secure as well as using ammonia!)
My KH is 5
My friend is away for 5 months not gonna be able to get anything from their filter.
My KH is 5
My friend is away for 5 months not gonna be able to get anything from their filter.
My filter is sponge, biomax, carbon sac
As mentioned before, pictures of test results can be misleading, but to me it looks like 0.50 ammonia and inbetween 0 to 0.25 nitrite, closer to 0.25ppm imo.
Does look that way to me but you're the one that know how much light is on the vials and to be fair you should check the results under the same light conditions every time so you have consistency in your test readings.
I read my test results every time using the under the kitchen unit lights, and placing the test rack on the bread bin directly under the light so its the same height and the same light conditions every time. Rather than testing by the window where it might be cloudy, overcast, raining, sunny etc all that will have a slight bearing on how you see the colours of these test results.
A useful tip imho

Does look like your cycling is, at last, begining to move.
Lets see what you have in 24 hours time, hopefully ammonia has dropped more and nitrite has risen a bit
Patience...  it seems to be moving....
s     l     o    w    l    y.

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