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  1. mattlee

    New Fh Coming At Th End Of The Month

    i would have thought that if it was the food then it would happen to every fish fed on it like kids with e numbers..... tbh i dont believe it as it never had any influences on any of my fish but each to his own i guess... if it worked for them then maybe it did effect their fish but until it...
  2. mattlee

    New Fh Coming At Th End Of The Month

    most foods use colour enhancing products tbh. maybe set up an experiment topic about it then.... are your fish aggressive then?
  3. mattlee

    Czech Republic?

    i think thats just eastern europeans for you though..... :crazy: just kidding if there are any eastern europeans on here, i love your sense of humour ;)
  4. mattlee

    Growth Rate

    for healthier fish i would change 30% every week not every month........ also once a day feeding will keep the fish alive and kicking but to get best growth from fish they need more frequent feeding of a varied and healthy diet, maybe 3 times per day using small amounts each time instead of one...
  5. mattlee

    New Fh Coming At Th End Of The Month

    im not sure what people say it is but if it does make fish aggressive then i guess it must be an ingredient...... :unsure: like i said ive fed all my fish using hikari products from small tetra to huge cichlids and never had a fish turn nasty from eating it. there are numerous reasons that...
  6. mattlee

    New Fh Coming At Th End Of The Month

    my old GT was also fed on hikari gold before and after i had him and he was a wuss..... my only cichlid that got aggressive was Keith my old oscar but he was fed allsorts including hikari gold. he only became aggressive once he was a lone fish but he would accept fish below 4 inches :blink...
  7. mattlee

    Growth Rate

    ive seen perches at about 5-6 inch and quite deep bodied that were pretty old fish that were kept in a decent sized tank. growth rate depends on a few things like water quality and feeding, not just what you feed but how often. remember the more food you feed the water quality can/will suffer so...
  8. mattlee

    Czech Republic?

    i wouldnt say that they are full of parasites :blink: there are however other countries that produce higher quality fish such as Germany, Thailand etc. from what ive been told by shops that have import lists from eastern europe they are a cheaper product (fish) but the quality some times isnt...
  9. mattlee

    New Fh Coming At Th End Of The Month

    this is what hes currently eating... ive never had the issues with aggressive fish using Hikari products and ive used it for years. personaly i think its a bit of a myth and the fish seem to love it.
  10. mattlee

    Sold Or On Ebay!

    Hi Rorie. what kind of price are you looking at for the siporax media mate? i would need it posted as well if taken :good: Matt.
  11. mattlee

    Tank Size And Brand

    just had a quick look at the pics and the tank looks very much like an aquastart tank by aqua-one. these are very desirable tanks and depending on its size and condition can fetch secondhand between £25-50 as a rough guide. is there any markings on the tank? like a name or number etc? i see it...
  12. mattlee


    as moby stated unless the sponges are falling apart then they are fine. they may look horrible and discoloured but they still contain your key to the stability of the tank. when you notice the flow rate of the filters dropping then its usualy time for a clean but dont clean them to look new just...
  13. mattlee

    New Fh Coming At Th End Of The Month

    :lol: mine seems to be quite a gentle giant so far with no aggression towards the Gibbi and quite interactive with me. i may be lucky and have a nice friendly flowerhorn if thats possible :unsure: most keepers feed them 3x per day with just small amounts using a high protein food source so...
  14. mattlee

    New Fh Coming At Th End Of The Month

    so far so good. the FH seems to not be bothered by it at all... yet...........!
  15. mattlee

    New Fh Coming At Th End Of The Month

    wow what a little cutey. keep us all informed of his/hers progress, maybe set up a journal for his growth etc :good:
  16. mattlee

    Group Of Rosy Tetra For Sale

    Livestock: rosy tetra Age and condition: excellent healthy adult fish Quantity for sale: 13 Reason for Sale: changing for other fish Delivery or Collection: collection or local delivery Sales price: £20 Postage & Packaging: n/a Location: leicestershire Photograph: see below i have for sale a...
  17. mattlee

    New Fh Coming At Th End Of The Month

    get some pics up i would love to see its progress :good: thought you would like him.... :lol: well worth the wait and money i think :good:
  18. mattlee

    Deep Clean Question

    i would concentrate on getting the fish use to your current tap conditions first before doing a new scape. it will keep the fish more settled while the changes are being done. once the water is back to normal and the tank is clean then lower the water to a nets depth and catch them much easier...
  19. mattlee

    Deep Clean Question

    don't forget he's in Derbyshire not California..... :lol: If you are doing a deep clean then surely you will be cleaning the filter and pipework too so it will need removing anyway.....
  20. mattlee

    New Fh Coming At Th End Of The Month

    these pics show the colour a bit better
  21. mattlee

    New Fh Coming At Th End Of The Month

    see if this link works
  22. mattlee

    New Fh Coming At Th End Of The Month

    more pics but this time im not in them...... :grr: its a real shame the pics dont show it but the parts of him that almost look silver on the pics is actually neon blue/green. i guess you will have to take my word :lol: ive took a video so once i remember how to put it on here i will
  23. mattlee

    New Fh Coming At Th End Of The Month

    :grr: :lol: thats my better side as well...... :sad: yes believe it or not there is a specialist food product by a company called oceanfree XO that is directed at the growth of the fishes kok, called humpyhead.... its mainly down to genetics but it can help a bit. they also do starry food for...
  24. mattlee

    New Fh Coming At Th End Of The Month

    ill see how he goes with the gibbi for a few days but i have been thinking about a few jewel cichlids :hey:
  25. mattlee

    Jewel Cichlids Tank 240L 5Ft

    jewel cichlids are a stunning fish but are quite nasty fish especially if they start to breed/pair up. when choosing tank mates go for fish that can take a bit of rough and tumble and are able to give a bit back too. ive never kept jewel cichlids so i cant comment on what works and what...
  26. mattlee

    New Fh Coming At Th End Of The Month

    yea take the time to go and visit some of the shops that are about selling them im sure you will love it. you dont fancy bringing some back with you do you? :hey: well here are a few glary shots of him now he seems settled and the tank lights are on. ill get some more once its dark outside
  27. mattlee

    Moving House Worrys

    its not the water thats mature its your filters media. as long as this stays wet and doesnt dry out then you should be fine. you can stick the filter into a large tub and put as many of the fish in too to keep it healthy and to help the fish out a bit. any other fish can go in another tub...
  28. mattlee

    New Fh Coming At Th End Of The Month

    ive ordered him some oceanfree XO humpyhead, starry and super red food from Thailand but hes taken hikari gold tonight. hes been fed a mixture of foods so he isnt stuck on one type which is very handy as it means he will pretty much eat anything. he is a very messy eater though and i thought...
  29. mattlee

    New Fh Coming At Th End Of The Month

    wll the Flowerhorn is in my tank and seems to have taken to it very well and hes not even bothered the gibbi yet :hyper: here are a few pics from when he was being acclimatised and still in the bag, i promise to put more on later once my phones charged again..... he is even better in the...
  30. mattlee

    Ebjd - Fish Journal

    welcome back james good to see you on here again mate :good:
  31. mattlee

    New Fh Coming At Th End Of The Month

    :lol: i actually love plecs they are one of my top fish but i do hate their poop :sick: due to the fact that the flowerhorn can be a real beast im not risking the chance of any other fish, (i dont think anyway..... :hey: )i thought the best thing to try is a largeish robust pleco. ive looked...
  32. mattlee

    Best Way To Deep Clean A Filthy Tank ?

    doing a deep clean can do more harm than good. if the water hasnt been changed for a while then the fish will have adapted to these conditions and a deep clean will or may give them too much shock. i would start by cleaning the glass and doing a water change of about 20% then the next week up...
  33. mattlee

    Hê! Hê!.... Is This Cheating?

    :lol: well that is a good deal Lud well done. the moving of the fish must have urged the female on to drop her fry or were the fry in the shop tank already?
  34. mattlee

    New Fh Coming At Th End Of The Month

    fit for a flowerhorn.....
  35. mattlee

    Guppy With Spiky Scales

    it sounds very much like dropsy if the scales are sticking out im affraid....
  36. mattlee

    New Fh Coming At Th End Of The Month

    the bump aka KOK appears on most male cichlids with some getting much more development than others. on other cichlids its reffered to as the nuchal hump rather than KOK. so it is quite a natural thing for male fish (cichlids)to develop the humpy head even angelfish develop it with age. with...
  37. mattlee

    New Fh Coming At Th End Of The Month

    :lol: less than that its an 11am collection, so more like 17.5 hours :hyper:
  38. mattlee

    Ebjd - Fish Journal

    i hope yours grows into a beauty as it would be nice to have one on the forum again :good:
  39. mattlee

    Ebjd - Fish Journal

    or a very short one if theres nothing to report.....