Jewel Cichlids Tank 240L 5Ft


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Jul 14, 2012
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I have just set up my new 5ft tank sand gravel rock work and Java ferm and anubis. Its going to fishless cycle and im planning on getting pink jewel cichlids i seen at lfs. How many should i aim for and suitable friends for them.
jewel cichlids are a stunning fish but are quite nasty fish especially if they start to breed/pair up. when choosing tank mates go for fish that can take a bit of rough and tumble and are able to give a bit back too.

ive never kept jewel cichlids so i cant comment on what works and what doesnt. maybe just have a nice group of them alone as they are very attractive fish when coloured up and by having a large group of them will spread any aggression out so individual fish dont get picked on so much.

ill move this over to the African cichlid section as you may get more info there :good:
I have got one jewel in my tank. I am not really sure what sex it is as I have not heard of a definitive way to sex them. It got it about 18 months ago when it was under an inch in length and it is now around 4.5 to 5 inches and quite chunky. Lovely colouration and lots of personality. Mine is not a picky eater at all lol. I have never seen it start trouble with anything and quite often snuggles up to my JD. I have heard that they can be absolute buggers though in a species tank when they get breeding...
I wouldn't stock more than two pairs, although I would be tempted to go for a pair plus some Congo tetras. I am sure that some catfish may be suitable aswell, but can not think of any off the top of my head. Problem with nosey bottom dwellers is that they may interfere and get themselves into trouble when the jewels are breeding.

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