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  1. jayjay

    Nitrate Removal?

    Bignose I don't suppose you could name a plant that sends shoots above you water could you please?
  2. jayjay

    What The Heck Is My Syno?

    Yes, as they don't know what species it is, or if is a hybrid, or if it is unidentified.
  3. jayjay

    What The Heck Is My Syno?

    Synodontis sp. isn't exactly giving a species though... that's just saying what genus it's in. Also I believe most hybrids now-a-days come out of Czechoslovakia?
  4. jayjay

    Please Identify This Fish!

    Have a look at synirr's waspfish clicky.
  5. jayjay

    Looking For Mature Media

    Where abouts in South Wales are you?
  6. jayjay

    Disgusting Tiny White Worms In Tank!

    Most likely planaria and they are harmless normally, fish will occasionally eat them.
  7. jayjay

    Please Identify This Fish!

  8. jayjay

    Fish Id Quiz

    But that scientific name isn't valid... Chaetobranchopsis orbicularis is the valid name it would seem.
  9. jayjay

    Does Co2 Affect O2 Levels?

    The air is neither adding pure O2 or making that much difference, whereas if you have little surface agitation the pure CO2 will make quite a lot of difference. I'd either use the CO2 and not the air pump or not bother. What fish are in the tank?
  10. jayjay

    Overstocked I Think

    The guy seems to move the fish around a lot to bigger tanks, even though I don't believe it to be a real pic, it could well be he's put them in there for a short space of time or something.
  11. jayjay

    Overstocked I Think

    The person who's fish they are does have some huge tanks, I saw them on youtube once. But the pic still doesn't look real, it that was a fishes tail then it wouldn't be so bright as it would be in shadow? Also have a peeksie at this
  12. jayjay

    Overstocked I Think

    Hmmm could someone explain the bright patch of colour under the mother of snails catfish (the one over the stones)?
  13. jayjay

    Overstocked I Think

    Has been edited....
  14. jayjay

    Does Co2 Affect O2 Levels?

    CO2 and O2 are independent of each other. But it's tricky to keep CO2 in the water whilst getting a good level of O2, as you need surface agitation for this and with this you normally "loose" some of the CO2. CO2 is better avoid is you are keeping large fish or fish from high oxygen level...
  15. jayjay

    Shell Dweller Journal

    Glad to have helped :D
  16. jayjay

    Should I Bother

    Potamotrygon scobina are the only rays for the tank size, teacup rays are too big.
  17. jayjay

    Fish Id Quiz

    Hmmm I can't think of the exact name myself come to think of it... Chaetobranchopsis orbicularis, sorry all. Next person to post can have a go :)
  18. jayjay

    What The Heck Is My Syno?

    Search through the profiles of syno.'s on planetcatfish, Syno.s are a pain at the best of times for a true ID. Link to Syno.s. It may of course be a hybrid from a fishfarm in which case, you will never get a true ID.
  19. jayjay

    Fish Id Quiz

    It indeed is a cichlid.
  20. jayjay

    Fish Id Quiz

  21. jayjay

    Fish Id Quiz

    Axelrodia stigmatias. Orrrrrr Brittanichthys axelrodi.
  22. jayjay

    Feeder Fish Mini-faq: The Pros And Cons

    Ctepnoma spp. are different from leaf fish (Monocirrhus polyacanthus), they aren't the same thing.
  23. jayjay

    Shell Dweller Journal

    I'd try feed them up for a few days first, also think about cleaning the tank out a little, taking any of the algae you can out and doing a water change.
  24. jayjay

    Shell Dweller Journal

    There are other ways, i.e. dosing medications, the blackout will just get rid of it, it would be better to get rid of the cause, I just cut back my light and added some floating plants. Search around the planted section for more information on the subject.
  25. jayjay

    Shell Dweller Journal

    3 day blackout, cover the tank in newspaper or something so no light can get in and don't turn the lights on. Reveal 3 days later to find a pristine tank, or at least I did. I'm not sure I'd do that with fry in the tank though, as they won't get food :/
  26. jayjay

    Shell Dweller Journal

    How much lighting do you have over the tank? Any direct sunlight? Any plants in the tank? How long are the lights on?
  27. jayjay

    Boulders Or Ocean Rock

    I prefer the look of boulders over ocean rock, but the holes in ocean rock would help fry survive if you wanted them.
  28. jayjay

    Shell Dweller Journal

    Welcome back. The algae issue was something I suffered when I had my shell dwellers, mine was a case of BGA (blue green algae) which isn't an algae at all. Congrats on the fry, how big are they now?
  29. jayjay

    Would This Work?

    By bumble bee catfish you mean what? Give me a scientific name...
  30. jayjay

    Bogwood Leaching Tannins

    I have a huge pot thingymabob to boil wood in (I've boiled 2' pieces) :D I just wanted to boast. You could always put carbon in your filter, though I'd never do it.
  31. jayjay

    Clown Loaches

    I'd be interested but I couldn't make it all the way to London. They could go with my other 10 if we could meet somewhere or something?
  32. jayjay

    Africans For A 38g?

    You could try and get hold of some of these Altolamprologus sp. "Compressiceps Shell" if you like the general calvus look. Are you aiming for breeding any of the fish in the tank? I'd go for something like this: 2 Neolamprologus leleupi (Yellow) 3 'Lamprologus' ocellatus 1 Julidochromis spp...
  33. jayjay

    Would This Work?

    I see no reason why not, as long as none of the fish can eat each other.
  34. jayjay

    89l Convict Tank

    What are you going to do with the fry once they are a few weeks old and the adults want to breed again?
  35. jayjay

    My Brackish 75g And New Dat

    How big is the dat? Lovely tank, I like the layout.
  36. jayjay

    89l Convict Tank

    30"x12"x12" isn't 29g, it's more like 20g. 19 US gallons, I think? About 72 litres.
  37. jayjay

    High Finned Spotted Pleco

    I'm going for a gibby.
  38. jayjay

    List Of Members External Cannisters

    *Eheim ecco 2234: 6 (I bought it off wolf)
  39. jayjay

    My Stingrays Are Coming In On Thursday!

    Can you post a picture of the end of the tank? So looking the length of it; as I still can't see how it's 2' high and 2' wide at the ends... Also what will you do with the rays when they outgrow the tank?
  40. jayjay

    Possibly Upgrading From Guppies

    Breeding something with only two ten gallons isn't going to bet that easy. A bigger grow out tank would be a good idea.